[Suggestion] Possible Bastion Rework

here at blizzard a rework = turn their ult into a ablity

That’s a good thing. For Bastion at least.

What about the Hanzo, D.va, and Lucio reworks?

the only ones that didnt do that, but most of them are ult on E

No ult on E:
Total: 5

Ult on E:
Symmetra 3.0
Total: 3

E on Ult:
Symmetra 2.0
Total: 1

You keep digging your heels in and insisting that people need to learn how to play Bastion “properly,” before requesting he get rebalanced, and yet why have I never seen people like yourselves actually try to teach people how to properly play him until now?

I’ve tried, not many people ask. A lot more people ask how to counter him, which we’re also happy to answer

it might turn into 4 - 4 when bastion gets reworked :stuck_out_tongue:

we would, If anyone asked us to,

inestead of, you know, asking for nerfs

Bastion, jsut like brig, is a hero that requires a different approach to fight, Not many people like when they cant jsut run at him and Q him to death

So that’s why most “skillful” ranks picks him once in a nothing (0.07% pickrate in GM, 0.21% in M, 0.20% in D)

I want him to have tachanka treatment - give him frontal shield that covers his face, not flanks or critical butt.

It shuts down after taking somewhere like 600-800 dmg or while he’s stunned.

Revert his spread-headshot change. To compensate - reduce his crit dmg multiplier to x1.5 in Sentry mode.

Reduce reconfig time and increase projectile speed for tank mode

Allow him to heal and shoot simultaneously in Recon mode (mb charge will drain faster if he shoots’n’heals)

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Most people at gm are used to playing other types of heroes,

I think they dont see a reason to pick him, i still think bast is a powerful hero; just watch some sort of streamer play him,

Actually, I forgot Symmetra’s first rework, which was the opposite (E to ult).

Bastion playstyle may be unpopular , bastion ca be effectivly played solo . the only thing that he need is spread reduction and headshots back on his turret to make him viable…