Its my first post here, I dont know how these things work or if anything similar has been posted before.
My suggestion is that when a tank selects a shield tank from the hero selection screen (Rein, Sigma, Orisa), then the other tank will not be able to select one of those heroes and will be forced to play off-tank or winston.
With this change the only viable tank comps will be: shield + offtank or 2 offtanks.
I can’t see how that is going be bad for the game or not fun to play or play against.
Also the coding for this shouldn’t be that hard, and its bugging me that this hasn’t been introduced yet, since double shield has been a problem for so long.
If anyone sees a problem with this or has any questions please comment below, I would like to see your feedback.
Thank you.
Edit: Since we there is a big love for rein we can exlude him for the restricted heroes, and the only restricted combo can be Orisa+Sigma.
Also, the reason for this is not only about the shields. Is about making the game more fun, the tank role more fun, less queue times etc.
How often do you actually encounter double shield below masters/GM?
Also it would be super frustrating to queue for tank as a Rein main only to get cucked by someone that wants to yolo on Sigma.
Well we are going to 5v5 soon so DS will be dead then
Do you really think 5v5 is the solution
@JamesG247 It’s not only that. It’s just the meta. If one team plays double shield and the other doesn’t then it’s gg. Also, if double shield doesnt exists then tank role will be more fun to play, less queue times etc.
If Orisa gets stuff in return that make her more fun to play as for most people and better in lower ranks then sure, go for it OP.
Maybe rein can be excluded. But who enjoys playing orisa with sigma?
With all due respect, obscenity no.
Playing tank is already frequently unrewarded to begin with, and because you’re too lazy to break a shield or figure out how to deal with one, you’re going to restrict my choices further?
Nah, that ain’t it.
It ESPECIALLY ain’t it when I have to swap to Winston to dive a troublesome backline but I can’t because the other guy just HAS to play Rein. Take your suggestion and blow it out either of your bilge pumps.
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Nope, double barrier is the only saving grace to combat this dumb hitscan burst meta.
First, I didn’t include winston in the restricted heroes.
Maybe Rein shouldn’t be restricted and just block the orisa sigma combo.
Also, it’s about the gameplay and the gameplay experience. People are forced to play double shield to win games. If double shield doesn’t exist then they are forced to play other heroes to win making the game more fun for everyone, and also more people will be willing to flex and play tank if they are not forced to play double shield in order to win.
We shouldn’t restrict the already most limited role in the game.
Plus no one plays DS anymore, certainly not for a comp no one cares about anymore.
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No worry your prayers will be satisfied in ow 2 where they leave one tank and we will be doomed with a solo hammond rolling 1 v 5
even if everyone told em to don’t remove one tank.
Why do people always make it sound like double shield is some impenetrable obstacle? Hell barriers combined nowadays barely even equal one rein shield from past……
The point of game is to strategize solutions….exploit its weaknesses
Well I agree its not the optimal solution and I wish they would balance their game rather than this…
Going 5v5 just creates more problems than it solves
Is it really a restriction tho if the enemies cannot play double shield aswell?
To me it sounds like giving more options, since the only viable option is double shield.
I’m not a main tank player myself but i dont think playing double shield is fun.
![:raised_hand: :raised_hand:](
I play with friends and double shield can be really fun when you know the person you’re playing with.
Had a few games as a tank duo and we had a blast when played Orisa + Sigma for a few games.
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It’s not only about the shield as i said before. It’s about making the tank role more fun. If people are forced to play double shield in order to win they are not going to queue for tank because it’s so boring.
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I’ve always felt that instead of 5v5 they should have just split tank into 2 roles.
Shield Tanks who are beefy, have a strong shield and have less peel. Then Off Tanks who have no shield (with the exception of Zarya). But they have either mobility or special utility.
This would allow shield tanks to actually be very tanky while denying comps like Double shield or double off tank.
It is literally restricting the tank players choice from 7 to 4 based on random person’s choice of hero.
We need less of that, not more.
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I don’t think you’re forced at all….hell usually when I see double shield my instinct is to play either dive or mobility….eliminate the barriers from the equation so to speak….like I’m probably playing Hammond or Winston there