Suggesting a change to hanzo

I think Hanzo should be less like a jack-of-all-trades and starts getting a niche.

Why should an ability be able to kill a ton of players.

It’s an ability, not an ultimate.

What you’re asking for is like giving Junkrat 4 concussion mines on a 10sec cooldown.

He already has 2. That’s already the equivalent of a storm arrow.

Killing one enemy is equivalent to killing 2 enemies?

Grenade+mine, grenade+mine is 2 kills

So we should balance it to compare to two primary shots and the ability?

“Well Hanzo can fire an arrow and then use his ability for maximum profit”

He can fire a normal arrow, use his ability, and then fire a normal arrow.

Gg ez, right

Then we can scale it a bit considering he head a 10sec cooldown instead of a 16sec cooldown.

Which comes out to about 3 arrows that can’t headshot.

To be fair, really, if Hanzo actually kills two people with his primary and storm arrow (with no crits), they probably deserved it. That’s a lot of time that Hanzo can be focused

That’s 475 damage, that can headshot for 950 damage.

If you can’t kill a 200hp target with that much raw firepower, you’re bad at the game.

With no crits it’s 475 damage over something like 3-4 seconds. Even more than that if Hanzo holds onto his arrows for a better shot

Looks like it’s exactly 2.1 seconds, for 1 normal arrow and 5 storm arrows.

And 1 normal arrow + 3 stormarrows would be 1.5 seconds.

Right, something optimal for a non-aggressive target

Optimal for a Winston with a head hitbox the size of the moon, that’s attacking at close range.

Or spamming at a Tracer, where one headshot from any of those 6 arrows will instakill or nearly instakill.

Or taking off 90% of the health of an Orisa barrier as fast as a Roadhog.

That’s one full health tank with a big hitbox. That’s some potential but still, imo, wasted potential. Smaller hitboxes are harder to hit and obviously require some precision, as they are moving/strafing to avoid even primary fire.

Barriers I’m not even remotely worried about. It’s Blizzard’s own fault for nerfing Orisa’s barrier. Hopefully they will revert that mess.

…for making a hero with an instakill be too multipurpose.

Well at least we can agree on something

Per the devs every hero needs a glaring weakness except of course if that hero is Hanzo.

My only question is

Why would we give this to hanzo as well, on top of everything else he can do?

Bad idea.

Barriers are intentionally designed to soak some damage. If Hanzo’s are wasting 10 second cooldowns to shut down barriers, that’s good for you and your team.

Such as?

This change would require more specifics, how fast or slow do you want Hanzo’s projectiles to travel?

Currently they travel 100m/s up from 85m/s or a difference of 15 meters per second.

Originally they traveled 60m/s before they were increased back in 2016.

Several abilities to more damage with shorter cooldowns and less required aim than Storm Arrows.

Because many abilities already do this? Why must Hanzo’s be different?

8 second cooldown, 2 charges, damage range 60-120 with a 3 meter radius, 12 meter knockback.

And then there’s the 80 damage trap that locks movement for 3 seconds has 100 health and eats healthpacks when damaged.

Probably should mention that it’s a lot easier to apply damage with Concussion Mine and it’s knockback effect that it is to apply damage to Storm Arrow (unless it’s a barrier).

This is nothing new to the game, nor is it unique to Hanzo. That’s why barriers exist.