Subtitles just got added on the PTR

You mean besides the increase in accessibility it gives deaf people (partially or otherwise)?


Okey didn’t count in those cases.
Thats ofc something very helpfull.

I don’t always think about the worst case examples.

Like why do you need to be able to drive a car with your hands, okey I didn’t calculate people without legs. My apology.

For deaf people this is great don’t get me wrong :slight_smile:

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Don’t worry. I understand where you’re coming from.

I think for non-deaf people (like myself and obviously yourself) this change isn’t huge. It has some neat applications like being able to understand voice lines you’ve always misheard or hear voicelines for non-ultimate abilities which are a fair bit quieter. But overall it isn’t gamechanging.

But as an accessibility tool, this is a gamechanger and I’m honestly surprised that it wasn’t implemented sooner.

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Oww thanks didnt think about that.
Was just wondering where it would be good wfor to have subtitle.
But yea if jr deaf or have diffecultys this is one of the most inportand things in the game.

do voicelines get subtitles?

Just a level 3 brother helping out


Took only 3 years but I guess better late than never.

Now this is some good update, i wonder what they would put for hammond.

Not all lines seem to have subtitles though.

Some ults like dragonstrike, graviton surge and rocket barrage lines aren’t put in subtitles.
There are more ult lines that share this problem, but those are the only ones i can remember.

thats a big change :smiley: nice!

What is the first line ?

Now an Apex-like communication system would improve ranked games quality so much… especially on non-US servers :slight_smile:

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McCree’s Ult Line “It’s High Noon” hasn’t been done yet. Several of his Emotes are missing captioning. It’s a work in progress, an they even are asking for help with this.

I was literally Just thinking the game needed this not long ago… there’s your 1GB patch, you lose, no Hero 31, no extra fun, good day.

I said, good day sir!

why does LUNA not have a hero?

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sigh, Another full week of waiting in anticipation for Hero 31, fun.

This will be very handy. Hopefully there will be no lag and it will be useful for turning on sombras mid team fight.

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And for the people, who hears only music during the game. :smile:

Let’s hope you can customize what appears in subtitles and what doesn’t.
I don’t need spammed voicelines to clutter my screen like OWL Twitch Chat.

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