Subtitles just got added on the PTR

They look something like this, and they auto-translate any foreign language voice lines. They are actually pretty cool honestly, still figuring them out.

For example, Symmetra’s ult voice line in hindi got translated like the one shown in the image.


I assume they can also be disabled?


That’s gonna help everyone


Keep us updated!

They are automatically turned off, you can turn them on yourself


Sweet. Thanks for the update info.

Just added a new picture, looks less buggy now

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Im soo confused… what is this all about??

Wonder what they’re about to put for Hammond

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Whats confusing you can now use subtitles on the ptr

lol this is fun :joy: i wonder why they did it

Took them quite some time considering this system is in place since Uprising 2017


I would like this just for Widow’s ult tbh.

There was a twitter post that showed a hammond voicelines and it basically says

[PLAYER (Hammond)]: (hamster noises) voiceline here

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Omggg soo that means like I can spamm my chineze Mei voiceline with knowing what it means.
But the thing is when ur in menu to choose vpice line it already says what it means…
So it kinda makes no much sense.
Also where all aready know prety wel how to speack english and those people aready play on english. So in that way it doesnt make sense too

So I only think kts relevant for people who like dont speach the leugeuge that overwatch has to offer. But still then will it be able to translate to ur lauguage.

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Transcribing all past and future voicelines is a lot of time consuming work, but also something that’s so simple that it’s not worth outsourcing the work.


Finally. GG boiz, today is a good day.

Imagine when people realize Hammond’s mech actually completely sugarcoats everything hammond says before translating. He has been constantly cussing us all along through those cute innocent sounding squeaks.


Which version of subtitles are you using everything, convos+ gameplay or just gameplay?