Stylosa's New Mercy Video

They already have, I pointed out 7 ideas that are most likely taken from the Mercy megathreads, the thing is… most of them weren’t applied to Mercy.


Maybe they might implement some more soon? Who knows at this point. At this point 3.0 seems to be coming more and more into vision.

Take what that guy says with a grain of salt

Actually… if my hunches and predictions are correct… if they like Titanium’s pacify idea enough they will adapt in some way for a new hero but given that we had Moira and Brigitte, they might hold off releasing another support.

I mean they could still implement it but if the current motto is ‘don’t revert’ then they have to carry on sailing the ship into the devil’s triangle… meaning they can only work on what they have.

Since the recent changes are on her HPS, then it is unlikely that they will boost her HPS back to 60.

They can superficially make Valkyrie strong and put it back to 60HPS, but that won’t make much difference. Before someone suggest the idea to boost it more than 60HPS, this won’t work because it eats into her other options. Damage boost shouldn’t be underestimated, problem is… there are a lot of Mercy’s who don’t boost…

If her HPS is too high on its own, people won’t even bother to use damage boost at all and because they don’t want Damage Boost to be obsolete, they will have to boost that but if the value is too high, people won’t be able to out damage the HPS (which is already tricky at times) or survive an attack with multiple damage boosted players… therefore… Calkyrie whilst lackluster… will be too powerful and then DPS complaints.

So… only option left to compensate the 50 HPS, remove the restraints on Resurrect Skill, current skill too punishing, so just reduce it to 1.5 second cast time… the idea is you lower it slightly, which will increase her chance of survival.

If it is 1 second it will be near instant, so it would be pointless.

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And make her mandatory again.

I have to ask: What kind of overall state do you want mercy to be in?

How often should she be picked? Overall? Compared to other supports?

When should you use her over other supports? When should other supports be used over Mercy?

“X is wrong with Y! Change X to Z to fix it!

What is your overall goal?

Stylosa dislikes Mercy. Saying that she needs anything resembling a buff sounded painful for him.

That being said, I’m not a fan of the video. She doesn’t need a tweak to her ult, or some other milquetoast response. She needs 60 hps back again so she can do her job.

Also, he’s wrong about the support meta (especially in high ranks). It’s not in the best spot it’s ever been and Moira (much less Mercy) is not in the great spot he’s ascribing to her.

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I know Stylosa is a Mercy hater from MANY of his previous videos. I know he makes money from creating Overwatch related youtube content. I know he shifts his position whenever he can make a click-bait video. Whether he has a good idea or a bad one is irrelevant. I don’t trust Stylosa, I don’t like Stylosa, and I’m not going to subject myself to any of his content, regardless of whether this particular video is good or bad. Stylosa does not deserve my respect, I don’t want to add to his viewer count, and I wish I would never hear about him ever again.

Take it from me, he doesn’t have any good ideas. His solution is to buff her a little bit. :sweat_smile: This person doesn’t understand design and shouldn’t be afforded any attention when it comes to this hero. He’s a celebrity and nothing more. I’m sure he might understand other heroes but listening to them flop about, totally missing the point of the debate was painful. He’s just making a video because she’s “a hot topic”. He has nothing relevant to say.

Probably never, it fouls up play too much for OWL - no one wants the cheerleader overturning games over and over…

I hate Stylosa regardless of what he decides to believe in this week, and even refuse to watch his videos, even if it’s rumored to be pro Mercy for some inexplicable reason. If I never heard about Stylosa again it would be a blessing. I am not going to add to that man’s view counts regardless of whatever opinion he decides to have to boost his viewer score this week. Stylosa creates clickbait videos with little to no value… he is a troll

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Ditto here. [20 char]

No she won’t be mandatory because there are compromises… for example what made 2.0 too powerful was the fact that there was no compromises to her kit.

Her healing was strong, because there was no denying that with 60HPS and good use of Guardian Angel and team health management and (team mates not going on a kamikaze suicide), Mercy was in fact powerful enough to solo heal the entire team.

So much so that, I was actually the person to point out in the Megathread that the other supports will benefit from improvements to their base kits and possibly a nerf to Mercy’s healing because it is too strong. If Mercy is so versatile in the sense she can fit into any Meta and provide reliable and reliant healing… why would you choose anyone else?

Ok… I go Ana, what is the point to her, if the 2 DPS selected were Genji and Tracer and they actively dodged my shots? Or a Winston diving into barriers? What happens then? Ana becomes redundant which was why she lost favour during the dive era unless you was a player on the level of Ryujehang.

Same goes for Moira, if the team keeps stalling at the choke and doesn’t push in and I’m just burning up my resource to heal you… what is the point in that? If I wanted to heal non stop… I would go Mercy.

So, because Resurrect is too strong, they had to compromise that. 1.75 second cool down is a killer, using Resurrect puts us at a higher chance of dying if there is no cover and some of you don’t die sensibly and I actually spend more time complaining to people and explaining to them why I cannot Resurrect them and it is better for me to just heal the team.

In the end, that DPS player and the team have to reluctantly agree. If I went to save his stupid backside and die with a successful or unsuccessful res, the main healer is gone… I’m out of the match for 10 seconds and that is a MASSIVE blow to the team that just lost their Mercy because all of the healing now falls onto the sub healer to carry.

Not to mention with 60HPS, Mercy was strong enough in some cases to actually heal to the point where it was pointless to use Valkyrie or Mass Resurrect, we healed to such an extent that some of you cannot force us to expend our ultimate.

With 50HPS, MERCY SHOULDN’T BE AN ISSUE!!! But you guys keep playing like Dive is still a thing… you still play like Resurrect is an instant cast, but it is no longer a Miracle skill that will succeed 100% of the times with NO PUNISHMENT… Resurrect is too punishing, unless we can take cover (hide) and cast, there is no point to it.

Which is why when I don’t play Mercy I tell the Mercy not to res me and when she dives in to res, even if she succeeds, she bails out limping or ends up dead besides me and then I end up becoming an ult feed and the respawns are all out of synch and Mercy has triggered Trickling.

It is a waste of time to gamble on a reckless Resurrect, because it punishes it user too severely and the success rate it relatively low.

So to ensure that the Mercy can still support the team, you have to lower the restraints on Mercy or it is back to rework and since you cannot Buff Valkyrie without in breaking and they want to keep Resurrect and Resurrect is by far stronger… you would have to admit to the mistakes and go back to Pre 1.0 or 1.0 and rework from there.

Blizzard has dug themselves into a corner… they revert her HPS to 60 and Mercy community will hound them to revert Resurrect because they went against their own words and did a revert

Buff Valkyrie and Mercy will become annoying when she use her ultimate and will start to contest with Zenyatta…

Or you make Resurrect slight, not completely, easier to use.

But by all means, contribute with something relevant rather than shooting down a suggestion with no feedback or reasoning behind it.

Because if Ana doesn’t work, Moira doesn’t work and Mercy doesn’t work… then I’m giving up on her and going D.Va or Widow or something DPS. Screw supporting this community… a lot of us are sick of selfish ‘Don’t play support’ attitudes. It’s not like you guys will even flex to the support in the first place, moment you see the 3rd Tank or DPS, your brains switches into troll mode.

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I love how you quoted all of my questions, and then didn’t answer any of them.

I am to address these in a thread I’m currently writing up called “Mercy Middle-Ground”

People really need to stop with all this ad hominem. :joy:

I remember when he was against false reporting and all of that; however, as the community sentiment started shifting to accepting that behavior, he was emboldened to share his real opinion. So, I more or less agree with your sentiment. Who knows how he actually feels? Either way, it does not matter, having someone high profile discuss the problem of Mercy is highly beneficial regardless.

Wasn’t there a topic about how bad Stylosa is last week? It was active for what, two days at least?

Another great pro-Mercy argument that I have every confidence the Dev team will take to heart.

Because it has been regurgitated across 11 megathreads and I have been hounding at Titanium for a week and I’m pretty p off having to repeat myself for the hundredth time having to explain Mercy’s and you… why she’s not good.

No, this question doesn’t concern us. The PRECISE Question is, what is Blizzard aiming to do?

  1. They want a Meta shift, they want different heroes to be played and for things to change
  2. Undo the damage of the Mercy 2.0 Changes, 2.0 for all intents and purposes, was suppose to BALANCE MERCY, she wasn’t suppose to overshadow and literally dominate all of the other supports.
  3. Change the leading 2 Heroes in the Pick Rates which were Mercy in 1st and D.Va in Second
  4. After half a year of nerfs with changes such as 2.0 (PTR) 2.1 (Live) 2.2 (The aborted PTR patch) 2.3 (2 available res) 2.4/3.0 (Cast Time Res) 3.1(Previous version) and the current 3.2… that is around 7 changes (unless I’m mistaken) made in an effort to reduce her pick rate that increased by 50%, she went from 7~8% pre 2.0 to 14.8% at the height of 2.4/3.0 the efforts of the cast time resurrect knocked her back down to pre 2.0 values but then she started creeping which meant the July patch was yet another attempt to slap her pick rates down again
  5. Mercy has to be relevant and consistent in healing, but cannot dominate Ana or Moira, she should be a viable choice and a reliable one when niche healing isn’t idea.

It isn’t in Blizzards interest to completely remove Mercy from the game or from being selected. The changes had an unexpected impact.

Since she is a Main Healer she should be on comparable terms with Ana and Moira, in the last month, Mercy was doing OK but her Pick rate is dropping rapidly! Which means a QoL change will have to come before the end of the year to prevent further damage.

Literally what I wrote in the bulk about…

Mercy - Reliable consistent healer, original 60HPS was strong enough to deny deaths by healing. 50 HPS her original heal rate means THE TEAM not Mercy… has to play safely as Mercy no longer has MASS RES to save your sorry backsides when you make a mistake. Just like Ana because the team isn’t playing as safely as the early seasons of 3, 4 and 5… it isn’t favourable to play Mercy. Originally the roles were like this… Ana as the Tank Healer would heal the tanks, Mercy would support the DPS… if either go down… they can cover the other but Mercy was usually strong enough with skill to solo support the entire team… so long as reckless over extension doesn’t happen! You have to let Mercy heal you.

Ana - Has Burst Healer and it good for Tank comps that Death Ball or Goats in… She cannot shoot through walls… and she won’t be able to hit you Genji if you keep smashing that bloody space bar. Ideally someone should cover the DPS whilst Ana works on the Tanks and go rushing in, because she can’t heal through barriers. Along with her Nerf and the rise of Dive, you lot kept evading Ana… so like Mercy right now… she lost favour because her healing was unreliable…

Moira - Is inconvenience with lack of resource. She has the highest HPS but it is inconsistent and unreliable. Meaning if you want a raw healer… go Mercy. It is within Moira’s design to be aggressive and to occasionally attack! That is how she regains resource and at times… she can peel a flank better than the DPS can. A lot of Mercy frustrated over the fact that because they are a pure healer, they cannot peel somebody off or assist with a kill and sometimes some DPS aren’t even that good but they will never play support! So Moira is there to allow Support players to be aggressive but still be able to provide strong healing

Brigitte - Is for pure disruption and offense. She can provide healing but she is a sub healer and has to attack to provide healers. She has the occasional burst but she compromises on constant healing but having these particular restraints.

Lucio - Gawd knows what has become of him… besides speed boost to ferry people… and stalling and last minute sound barrier… he is literally yeah…

Zenyatta - compromises on Healing for Damage Dealing and Discord Debuff, he is another sub healer that can assist DPS with quick kills by focusing on discorded targets.

Each support has a strength or weakness, you should choose them in accordance to what composition you have, how your team plays and what your enemy team plays.

This has always been blizzard’s goal…

But here the catch, What do you do when Mercy is nerf to the ground?

I’m now asking you…

How would you fix Mercy? Condition: You cannot Revert

Current Mercy
50HPS < cannot revert to 60HPS
Resurrect Skill < Cannot be nerfed any further, also cannot be replaced because Blizzard stated clearly they will not do that
(1.75 second Cast Time, can kill Mercy in most cases and Slowed movements, to help enemies to kill them but cannot be removed because Mercy will just miss her res and 5 metre range with team mate immobile post res)
Valkyrie < Cannot be buffed without breaking it some way, you cannot increase HPS without increasing Damage Boost as one should not be superior to the other.
Pistol < could up the rate of fire but then she will have a fire rate like D.Va and in Valkyrie the ammo is unlimited fire
Guardian Angel < Her key to survival but no real way to enhance or nerf that…

So clever clogs… fix that dilemma. Right now they have 2 moves:

  1. reduce the punishment on Res to compensate for weaker healing


  1. Beef up Valkyrie and create a moth monster to compensate for weaker healing


  1. Suck it up, admit they were wrong and go back to pre 1.0 and rework from that as a base (Note: Unlikely)

Edit: fyi mercy has lost nearly half of their 1.0 player base as her current pick rates continues to plummet, at least a 1/4 or 1/3 have left and she cannot compete with Ana and Moira and she suppose to be and there are limited ways to fixing her

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You do like words. I TLDRed a lot of that.

Other option is to buff mercy’s gun…

…or increase the power of damage boost (but lets not do that, it’d completely break everything)