Stylosa/Jeff Kaplan Interview Part 2 - Competitive Talk, Role Queue, Game Features, etc

“We want to do this, but it takes time”

“We want to do that, but that takes months and months…”

Good Lord, just filled with excuses and nothing concrete. I hate listening to this guy speak. Just blames the community and doesn’t take responsibility for their poor design decisions.

Thanks for the good info OP, you’re always +++


  • What about creating more arcades for Blizz to test what we want or not want to play? What about if ALL game modes were arcades (even the “offical” mode) and they were all playable all the time?

  • What if creating enforced arcades was the way of segregating the population and let them play what they want/how they want? Eg, 6v6DPS, 2/2/2, GOATS arcade, DIVE arcade, no limits, “official mode” arcade, 10 random characters blocked arcade…

  • Consider implementing multi-queue as in WoW to deal with queues and others.

After reading this thread, I wonder several things:

  • What about enforcing arcade modes?
    Note: I know you can do these things in Custom/LFG, but that doesn’t help anyone at this point, I think, for different reasons, for example --> (people don’t Q in custom, other people never look at it, no lootbox rewards, etc, and LFG doesn’t mean the other team will play the same you will play).

– Would DPS people like a 6 vs 6 DPS only arcade?
– What about a Tanks+Healers arcade? (Yes, the people that like it also can play the game, would you believe…)
– What about enforced 2/2/2 arcade?
– What about “10 random heroes banned for both teams” kind of arcade? (I think this would be fun to watch in OWL, it would be super unexpected and would take the meta off right away.)

The biggest question is, could the OW team make us test compositions in arcade, like ^? Maybe they could use the data to see what works and what not during X months of time, and either remove some modes or make some other competitive, or… dunno. Whatever they see fit.

One of the biggest problems I see for role Q or any other game mode is that not 2 players want to play the game in the same way. So if there was a way to segregate players in what they want to play, it may be better for everyone. Sure queues would go up, but … maybe implementing multi-queue, like in WoW, would help with that?

  • General questions
    If the problem is 90% of people want to play DPS:

– What would take for people to like Tanks and Healers? I ask in all honesty, because they are all I play(ed).

Ok, don’t really answer this one because it would derail the thread lol. But I honestly think this is a game-design flaw, and therefore, why I think maybe the arcade route to check what people want and segregate players may help the community.

– Does that 90% of DPS people really want to play a tank/healer/dps kind of game? At least, all of the time? Or they also just want to go and unwind killing things without much though of payloads and other team things?

Yes, I know death-match exists, and it is probably the closest to this, but I think it’s not quite either what people want. That’s why the arcade-test proposed above seems more relevant as a test.

– Would people that flex across categories (are there that many, though?) be impacted by 2/2/2 role q, if it was made the “official” mode?

– Do we really need an “official” mode?

If we can have different arcades and/or competitive modes, does it make any sense to keep that separation? What about keep all the game modes playable all the time, and let us chose (with a multi-queue system)?

The OWL could use whatever game mode they want to. They could even rotate modes, to make it more fun and unexpected (this week is 2/2/2, this week is team deadmatch, this other week is …)

About transperincy and the roleQ argument:

Until I watched this video I always thought that “increased que times” meant something like “lets wait 5 instead of 1 minute” and therefore I believed “increased que times” was just a cheap excuse to not release a roleQ system

Most of the time its just some small detail that makes a huge diffrence. I never expected any super secret information about whats going on when the Devs are talking about the game, small but detailed information is what Im missing most of the time
“Que times go up to 30mins” explains much, much more than “longer que times”, I actually understand now what the/your problem with a roleQ is

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He’s expressive to me. That means his good side is expressed, and when is irritated it comes out, I loved his attitude when he said “not our precious dive characters”… which points to the core dilemma they face. Those characters probably do need nerfing, but the community is so enthralled with them they don’t get touched much and everyone else suffers for it.

I get pretty good latencies on the ptr, and I’m from Europe.
Sometimes even better than on live.

no talks of third social feature?

no talks of guilds?

I bet sty agreed not to ask about these

I love you Jeff and i love 2/2/2! :heart_eyes::heart_eyes::heart_eyes::astonished::astonished::astonished::hugs::hugs::hugs:

choosing a class before you go into games is such a needed idea, to have less frustration and more good games and teamcomps.

ideas to avoid longer waiting times for qp and ranked machtes:

  • track which class is played less and give those more xp.

  • do daily and weekly rewards for playing all classes in the game.

when all classes get a diffrent SR people will be happier to try out new heroes in ranked! might not need smurf accounts anymore. also dps will try other classes because they get a diffrent SR! So Q times might not be as effected as you might think?

idea on how to learn the game a bit better:

arcade 4v4 should go to 3v3 (1tank,1dps,1support). i’d also suggest to have 3v3 ranked as a gammode constantly. it would be really amazing to learn classes in a competetive enviorment without losing sr in the normal ranked.

I dont see how this is a problem. It basically forces dps 1 tricks to play other roles

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No it doesn’t. DPS 1 tricks will either leave or wait it out. The only people that will [initially] be screwed by this are flex players that are tired of playing tanks and supports. They will eventually leave, my flexy self included, if I had to wait GM/T500 wait times to get into a gold or plat game just because I had the audacity to want to play DPS for once.

Then you would be stuck with DPS 1 tricks you don’t like that didn’t leave, and a lot of people that don’t know how to play DPS and all of you would be screwed.

1 is possibly the most balanced number of all.

All will be Jeff
Jeff will be All
Overwatch will be One with Jeff.

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I watched this interview a few times now! Love Sty and of course love Jeff! I hope they do more open interviews like this! I find it super encouraging to know how on top of everything the devs are! Thanks WyomingMyst for bringing this to the forums!

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There are a lot of DPS 1-tricks in this thread that are unintentionally revealing that they are either way toxic or never try to play in groups.

Overwatch is a team-based game with powerful integrated social functions. If they want to play DPS and not wait in a role-queue, they can simply get together with their tank and support friends in a group and search for a match. No role-queue shenanigans to worry about. If they can’t manage that because they are either lazy or super toxic, then they’ll just have to deal with the role-queue.

No real loss to the game when they leave either way.

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TBF, there are also a lot of flexers that want nothing to do with role queue either.

I think you may have misinterpreted what was said.

Well I like to flex and I would still love a 2/2/2 lock!

If only there was some incentive or something to force people to run decent comps that make sense, so heroes could actually be balanced based on natural comps that they’ll be played in. Unfortunately, PUGs and scrims are the only reliable ways, and that’s a very small % of players. The rest just pick dps if they don’t get the new hero, or another hero that was changed.

No it doesn’t. It absolutely entitles them to stay on Genji while the rest of their team is being flattened by Pharah.

Pro-2-2-2 is just anti-switching. Not like DPS or Support are overwhelmed with options to switch anyway.

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And I flex and I would hate it. What about when I want to do? I’m a good team player, why should I be punished for a relative handful of bad OTPs?

What if neither of our DPS can counter someone but I could, but stuck in a different role? 222 won’t force anyone to git gud.

It will do more harm than good. Jerks will still be jerks and good players can’t switch to help out anymore.

The tools are already available if you want to play 222, use the LFG.


Jerks will always be jerks, does not matter what rules there are in online games!

You’re kind of right, but at the same time people who main a hero for a long time (but still flex when they need to) try to maximize their skills with that hero, and i can respect that. If you play each hero for like 50hr, you’re flexing but you’re also kind of mediocre at each hero. Whereas a really good Ana for example (or anyone really) can make a huge impact to the team. Let’s not forget that a team comp can be as good as it gets but it’s still useless if the players playing it aren’t good at their roles/heroes. It’s experience on each hero that really flushes out those mistakes, etc. General knowledge only goes so far.