Stylosa/Jeff Kaplan Interview Part 2 - Competitive Talk, Role Queue, Game Features, etc

I think 2-2-2 limits which heroes will actually be played.

The community is disrespectful to one another. That’s the biggest issue.


i think its important to point out that the response was not that 2/2/2 specifically would be easier to balance…it was that restricted comps in general are easier to balance…if they knew exactly how many of each role was going to be in every group it would be easier to balance in general…3/3 comps would also be a lot easier to balance…2/2/2 was just the example given…

its a pro of a restricted role system…he also cited many cons…

I know what we must do.


If he says he’s taking that to his grave, then he will never get one.

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Remember last year stage 1? The last days of Moth meta? During that stage, each team had their own unique setups and personality, and the biggest irony of all is that most of that was enabled by Mercy being OPAF. While Mercy was a must pick in every fight, all the other 5 slots were free of burden, and we had a lot of variety because of that.

Mercy nerfs were needed because she was stupidly OP in all levels, but we can’t deny, seeing history in hindsight, that she enabled the most diverse meta we ever had in OW.


Yes wanting play teambased shooter as a team game is very selfish…

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You can play this game as a team and as a team player regardless of the hero you chose.
Or do you think its fine to bully and force people to play what YOU think they should play in order for them to make your playing time in OW to be more enjoyable?

Meta sheep are the worst. :confused:

No you can’t because then you just have to sit through a game that you know you are likely going to lose with some fake positive attitude because 1 or more people don’t care about a core aspect of the game.

Playing the game it’s meant to be played is not being a meta sheep.

Lets say we are in a Diamond game. There are certain heroes I can play at that level.
Lets say we need a tank. Me being a good sport decides to fill on Rein.
What you dont see or realize is that me filling to a hero I play at a lower level than the rank im playing , is basically throwing or soft throwing.
So even though everyone sees a diamond icon next to my name , the Rein i chose to fill, should have a gold or silver icon next to my name because that is probably the level I play that character.

So it seems like im helping the team , but im not. Im basically throwing. and will make our team lose. No matter if im trying my best.
And the solutions isnt “Just learn and play all 30 heroes at a high level 4Head”

That is nonsense.


You don’t need to play all 30 heroes, to be able to flex effectively you just need to be able to play a main tank, a main support and a damage hero.

No matter how bad you are at Rein, being able to hold up a shield to protect your team and give them a safe way of doing value is going to have some value. All you have to do is not charge in and feed your brains out and most people should be able to tell what feeding is whether they only play 1 hero or multipile.


After 1000 hours of playing this game, I agree with Jeff on 2/2/2 it’s just way better to play and watch! Go Jeff! :heart_eyes:

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That’s not true. PTR runs on EUt too

Then the SEA region is properly screwed, since connecting to any of the PTR servers often has us at 90 ms plus latency.

With all the changes on the PTR it’s interesting to note that he specifically talked about a backup patch in case something breaks horribly.

Actually. 90ms is fine. Not good but ok

It’s feels terrible though, and really puts me off.

I have 150ms constantly in main and can play it :sweat_smile: you guys are just used too much to the good drug speeeeed.

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EU best server! Have you seen our forums? No complaints at all, cause no one goes there :zipper_mouth_face:


90ms?! Amateurs. I play with 160ms here in South Africa.

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Hey Jeff, Geoff, and whoever, don’t blame the community for an intentionally overbuffed character.

Your Overwatch suggests for OWL to have hero bans or specific limits to how many types of heros you can have. He says hero bans already are forced due to the current meta , so banning x meta character for x round would promote more diversity.

I think more creative takes on OWL like “you can only do this” would be fun and more creative, but, just like there’s a hero “ban” caused by the current meta, I think if Blizzard worked hard enough they could make blatant “hero ban” maps. Maps designed for only flying or high access players for example; Some expert would still find a way to use an odd character but it’d promote/force the use of more diverse comps without outright bans.

Currently the game tries to give everyone a chance to still play x character on y map but that might not be enough.

Now, for something I want. More intuitive UI.
Not everyone has voice chat or can use voice chat safely. The user interface should be more friendly to these people and provide more options. Below are just a couple wants.

It should be easier to check profiles and see what a person prefers to play/is good at playing without worrying about dying in-game or taking too long to choose and getting locked. If not we should have a way to say which character/role we prefer without voicechat / having to type it out. I know some people flicker a character they think we need; we could have it where if you click an already selected character it shows everyone you prefer it.

I also want a way to say I see an enemy/threat. Blizzard has a lot of (really neat) built-in things for this like spotting turrets, enemy revived, contact, help me, but either it doesn’t work all the time or the voiceline isnt played for me when I need it to be. It doesn’t have to say direction or anything; if my team knows im to the right behind them i just want to say a voiceline like, “Hello!” that lets them know i see someone. Maybe even “Help.” “Group up” has other implications.

As for people that would troll this, mute option and intuition.

Annd as for Brig I love her shield/bash (for stopping enemies coming for your healers like what Ana does or Mccree offensively) and weapon choice. I wouldn’t die if she had her ult changed, though. I dont have too much of an issue when im 2 healers as her; it’s when you have to travel over long distances (sans ult) or are not grouped up she suffers for me, which is just not how shes meant to be played.