Stuff grey is thinking about

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Can I get uhhhhā€¦


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Interesting changes would be fun to see some of these in ptr

I agree with the hook change. But no on the right click

I have became a Hammond main, the proximity mines need to set up slightly faster, and reactive shields needs some seconds shaved off of its cooldown so it can be timed better with piledriver. Also there is a glitch where sometimes when you exit ballform after piledriving, reactive shileds do not respond and I find myself mashing the button 2-4 times (yes I make sure its not on cooldown)

Iā€™ll take Hanzo off the top.

Hanzo - StormArrow body shot damage reduced 20%, headshot 2.5x damage, cooldown reduced to 8sec

Iā€™ll probably put this somewhere else later, but for now:

You know what this game REALLY needs.

Fix these heroes: Sombra, Reaper, Roadhog, Torbjorn, Bastion
Fix Bugs: (Sombra bugs, Projectile Ults, Mei Cryo, Doomfist bugs etc)
Add new character/maps/skins occasionally
Fix Mystery Heroes
Add some social feature like Clans/Guilds
Make the LFG system more streamlined and desirable to use (Perhaps weekly lootboxes)
Streamer Friendly features. Like recording, and anti-stream-sniping features.

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Junkrat -
revert projectile size nerf
make minimum mine damage 80 (instead of 30)
increase required ult charge to 1875 like pharah (or even 2000)

Iā€™d like to see what would happen if they could revert the projectile size before it bounces, but current size after the bounce.


also - revert font change on forum

Except there was no reason to shrink the projectile in the first place. Junkrat was already in a lower spot than he was prior to the double mine buff, people were just b*****g because they still hadnā€™t adjusted to junkrat being played at an almost acceptable level. I have no issues going up against other junkrat mains because I actually use my eyes and fingers to avoid the slow orbs of death (which are now the size of peas)

its funny though that you want Roadhog to go back to his one hit combo, but still want junkrat to be D-tier

Iā€™d have to say that Meiā€™s ult needs LOS removed or at the very least it should lock movement abilities like Zaryaā€™s grav. Too many players can skip out of her ult long before the freeze takes effect.

I would also add more damage to the ult if the above options are not favorable. If she cant freeze anyone then give the ult a frostbite DOT where it lingers for a while. It can finish off low health targets while adding some extra zoning capabilities.

Idk just some thoughts. But nice thread OP really good suggestions. :smile:

Giving Roadhog and Reaper armor piercing attacks basically negates the entire purpose of armor in the game (which is to give tanks more HP vs. spammy attacks without giving them more HP vs precision attacks). Since the game is increasingly getting away from/forgetting that purpose, Iā€™m totally fine with that. If weā€™re going to do that, letā€™s just implement armor differently or just make it plain old HP with differences just for lore/flavor.

I might put this up top at some point:

Make it so that the grenades are original size before they bounce. And current size, after they bounce.

Ultimate: Supercharger

  • Prevents teammates from experiencing launching attacks, such as Gravitation and Knockback
  • Provides teammates with 50% damage amplification