[MEGA-THREAD] Sombra's Base Movement Speed Changes 💜

That seems more OP than when Sombra used to get the ult charge from the packs. Now give it to the person who grabs it? LOL OP!

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I suppose.

Free Gravitons lol

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Basically :wink:

Self awareness bump.

She doesn’t need it because she is always Invisible.

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Keep in mind this thread is pretty old as this was before her re-work, but the suggestion still stands as good Sombra players will not always be invisible, as she suffer enough with downtime.

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Blizzard won’t do this because it’s akin to them admitting that reducing invisibility speed was a mistake in the first place, so buffing base movement speed is a way for them to give back some of what they took away while saving face.


Community: Speed up Sombra!
Geoff: Slower infinite invisibility, did i hear that right?
Community: No, we…
Geoff: Good gracious, cant have that with some compensation nerfs. Stealth contest has to go.
Community: No, stop it…
Geoff: Might even have to consider increasing her detection radius.
Community: Nooooo…

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Hahaha, can’t give the community a reason to actually put those TF2 spy checking skills to use, better just leave it to Mei to contest points with no player interaction for 4 seconds because stealth is OP!

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I know … I am Thread Necromancer :sweat_smile:

Saving face as in who lol?

This is so true.

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Yeah I think at this point the “no reverts” policy is making them look worse than just reverting would.

It’s a time sunk fallacy issue, it looks bad to their bosses when they waste a bunch of work. Same reason they kept hold of parts of Garrisons and the Mission Table in WoW even though they were, and are pretty universally derided.


Exactly, like the community is not going have this uproar and negative feedback because the company made an mistake in a rework, but what I don’t understand is when something have been seen as a failure, but instead of reverting it or at least modifying the old version, they are consistent to make the new rework an success.

to be completely honest, all the rework we had so far as been a complete failure. I just wish they admit to it as we all understand because at the end of the day we are humans, and we make mistake.

Plus I just wish they are more communicative with the communicate regarding with new ideas on how to make the re-work more so a success.

Well, they kinda admit the Sombra mini Rework was a failer for ladder, haven’t they?
They wanted to buff her but are slowing down because of contenders right?
(P.s. I also brought a Defiribilator)

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Yes they did so hopefully something change…

Good thread and I agree completely.

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We just need more awareness as well!