I admit to minor mistakes here and there but by and large it is my team’s fault when I lose games. I kill the enemy team’s main healer 3 times in a row and distract their main tank? My team still lose the fight. We lose the first round in a 100% winnable game? Someone decides to leave. About to cap first point? Nope, Roadhog hooks me straight through a wall. What more can I do? I regularly live-stream on Twitch so if you don’t believe me, just watch my games.
Well your first problem is picking Doomfist instead of Forum Doomfist.
It looks like you aren’t in voice comms.
Feel like a part of it is your fault when you one trick. Zero flexibility to play whats needed, especially if youre being countered all game.
Diamond is a poopy rank. People just give up when they get there and insta lock dps, then say “oh quad dps is the meta you just need to tank/heal better”
To one trick and climb you have to be pretty dang good since any counters are just gonna poo all over your match.
Also who links their twitch to their own team before the game even starts.
20 seconds in i can already tell why you’re mid diamond
i can go on but i don’t think its your teammates when you’re not even playing doomfist correctly
You are the only consistent factor in your games. You are always on your own team. The only thing you can control is your own improvement.
Complaining about factors beyond your control or putting them at fault serves only to stunt your own growth and cripple your ability.
In the first 20 seconds he opened two Loot Boxes. I guess you are correct about him not playing Doomfist correctly as he is not playing Doomfist.
This is a joke
Plugging ur own twitch with 2 views in match chat. I hate those people lmfao that’s a yikes from me my dude
so from what I can see, you are spending way too much time in their back lines.
Yes you kill Ana a lot, but it is worthless when you don’t take advantage of the 5v6 after. It’s basically a 5v5 on point cause neither of you are there.
Your comms are… well wrong a lot of the time, you can kill a healer or distract a tank, but that doesn’t mean you are doing the thing that will win the fight. So getting a kill is great dont get me wrong, but if the fights are still being lost after losing a support, your target should change to the enemy that is stopping your pushes.
Getting a kill then sitting back is basically throwing at your rank, you need to be killing the support then immediately moving on the next target.
People desperate for views on their garbage twitch stream
LMAO, thanks for making me laugh lol.
I think its stupid to link it to people playing the game in general, but before is starts? Yea lemme just start watching and leave the game that is about to start.
Hi, gm here.
Your gameplay is far from a casual diamond player.
I would suggest Master.
It look like your team is far less skilled and coordinated than the enemy one and that you’re the only one using your brain in it.
I think it’s again a matchmaking problems. The game put you with bad player against medium skilled player and hope you can carry them.
It’s called handicapping MMR.
it’s not because you’re a Doomfist ot.
One tricking is not a problem bellow T500’s rank because you’ll always be able to play versus your counter. For example a lot of people can achieve high T500 in SoloQ by one tricking Doomfist without any problem.
Of course it can be a problem sometime but this is not the topic.
Your gameplay seem master for me. i recommand you to just try to improve and have fun, maybe another day you’ll be able to carry your team. But for now you’re not able to.
Isn’t anything above diamond more to do with understanding the field.
Meaning you know the players in those ranks, you know how to personally counter them, and you are capable of properly communicating with a team.
I think a lot of things holding people back aren’t to do with gameplay but relate to small things which synergise the gameplay. In other words the team element becomes more important after plat.
There are some talented players in diamond, there is just a lot of team work issues to get through. It’s a grind and a climb that’s for sure.
I am stuck in mid/high plat and I absolutely emphasize. People on these forums will pretend that it’s all fair but it’s a team game for a reason. Unless you are playing at a significantly higher level than the rest of the people in your elo, you are going to be stuck there. I mean I have horror stories just from today, like a Hanzo and a soldier 76 that are being pocketed by me that do not understand the simple command of shoot the turret. It wasn’t even behind shields, the enemy were not using a shield tank.
Or just 10 minutes ago. I bite the bullet, I am solo tanking as Orisa, everybody goes off to 5 corners of the map, I have a max charge zarya and brig hitting me with everything they got and meanwhile this Ana is whining that monkey keeps killing her. I tell her 10 times, switch to moira, switch to Mercy, switch to sombody who can avoid dying to monkey but nope, so I’m a solo Orisa with no dps backup and a healer who can’t stay alive for more than 10 seconds. What am I supposed to do?
And you know what? You can tell me all you want that I belong in the SR bracket I have and I might even agree with you but I will never EVER agree that a soldier 76 instalocker who is pocketed by Mercy being unable to shoot a shieldless torb turret belongs in the same rank as me.
Hey bud I’m gonna throw a curveball at you and suggest that maybe it is your fault. :ooo
I think people tend to get too tied up on a fixed number that represents their skill, when in reality it’s a bit more complex, and most people fall within a range. SR is also distributed on a bell curve, so people closer to the average are typically operating at a larger range variance than those on the ends.
For example, someone in gold or plat may very easily compare to those within a +/-200SR range and realistically still be playing against enemies that are roughly as good as them. People like to look at their season highs as indications of “their rank” but I think if people start thinking about it more in terms of a range, they’ll see that when they are near their season high they’re really operating near the peak of their skill, and small improvements over time will increase that peak, but for the most part it’s not that big of a deal to be playing matches that are 100 or even 200SR below that.
Over time if you take the opportunity to improve you should slowly see that peak go up. While it’s true that someone who is GM/T500/etc can very easily climb through the ranks because they can be so effective at carrying, but if your real peak SR is say, 3000, then it’s really not that unreasonable to be at 2900 and have it take time to progress.