Stubborn Mercy players

I wonder if he’ll look at the book I wrote him over there. :stuck_out_tongue: I hope I didn’t go overboard with everything

There’s playing Weaver like an oversized Mercy, and then there’s what we witnessed there

I’m not sure why the individual above claims I’m "showing off"my LW - this is completely false - I’m well aware that I’m still learning the ropes as I’m new to the character and I already made that clear in the thread!

More to the point however - I’m not sure why they felt the need to come here and link my thread?

Just to make it clear this is absolutely unwanted, unnecessary and inappropriate - in no way did I at any point suggest to them that they should link my thread - this was done entirely without my say-so (and a link to a completely separate region forum as well!)

Had I desired it I would’ve created my own thread here…

I kindly and respectfully request that this behaviour not be repeated nor my threads shared against my will in the future - thank you!

Respectfully I couldn’t help notice the winrate isn’t the best either - and it was really a request for a review from LW players who demonstrate a high level of competency themselves or have some established expertise with the game that I can verify in some way - it’s my fault though I should have made that more clear in the thread!

Also I did get some feedback already from someone else - but I respect the honesty and thank you for your transparency however!

Your replays could be interesting - I will definitely give them a glance if they’re on YouTube?

Replay codes can definitely be helpful to me so thank you!

I do share my replay codes on my Discord in case you were interested and there’s also a place that you could share your replay codes there as well - let me know and I’ll hook you up with an invite!

I’m still learning the character by the way - haven’t even played ten games of him yet heh…


Keep in mind I just started, and am placing on support in RQ for the first time ever. I also had some really unfortunate matches early on, and ended up tilt-queuing one night which DEFINITELY didn’t help. That won’t happen again, and I would have a positive WR if not for that one night alone. Keep an eye on my winrate in the coming days. I’m very confident that it’s going to go up as my number of games increases and I refrain from tilt-queuing

Apologies, I generally don’t do Discord. Anyway, I actually do have a bunch of replays available in video form, since I uploaded them to OWReplays. I linked a few of the videos in some of my earlier posts on this thread just a little ways up, but I can put together a little list here for better organization (and maybe add an extra)–

  • EFMZ65 (Numbani, one of my very first comp matches on the hero so probably some nerves at play)
  • CGE37E (Blizzard World; vid linked earlier)
  • V4VB0W (Eichenwalde; vid linked earlier)
  • DH912V (Esperança, my most recent one; vid linked earlier)

You may want to keep an eye on the OWReplays site, too, as it’s safe to assume I’ll be contributing more replays there in the future

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half the forums: Mercy is a throw pick in comp plz swap to Kiriko or Ana

other half of the forums: rez is OP, dmg boost is OP, GA is OP, delete Mercy pls

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I found a person who’s pretty good at lifeweaver and thought that the feedback would be helpful for you.

Posting a replay code is showing a match. And you complained that you can’t win, so as i said before. I thought the feedback would be helpful.

You and i both know that on the eu forum you’ll likely get feedback from 3 people at most. The more people there are giving feedback, the more data you have of how different people play lifeweaver and you’ll find things that several people do. Those things tend to work, so this all will help you.

You wanted feedback on your play, i found someone who could give you some.

I can refrain from it, but it’s impossible to stop that from happening completely. Once it’s on the internet, it’s out of your hands.

Maybe he’ll look at it, maybe he won’t.

I just think he needs pointers if he intends to keep playing lifeweaver.
He’s a very difficult character to master as he needs immense amounts of awareness and gamesense to get the most value out of him.
I struggle on him, even with all the awareness practice that i’ve gotten on mercy.

Mercy is the most situational hero of the support lineup. She needs the proper DPS on her team (and for those DPS to do a good job), and for the enemy team to not counter her to get any value out of the hero. She’s great (assuming the player is fine) when those scenarios line up. But if they don’t -therefore, she is not within her ideal situation-, she is terrible.

Unfortunately, she’s also a really one-tricked hero with almost no laterally translatable skills to other supports. I think Moira being pretty strong the past two seasons has been helpful here, but I wish more players could look at the team compositions and make that judgement call themselves…but as a GM support who coaches down through gold…I notice that a lot of players below, certainly say mid diamond, simply don’t understand that concept of the game well.

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