Stubborn Mercy players

Oh no someone is playing the hero they enjoy. In a game.

How dare they.


funny enough, i see more trashy doom otps in my games not switching, then mercys

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Because it works
if you have someone worth pocketing.

When my DPS friend is playing Baptiste and I mercy-pocket him, he ends with more kills and damage than the two regular DPS. THIS is how powerful a Mercy can be for your team. Damage is everything since OW2-Season 9.

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That also shows Mercy’s problem.

She’s only as good as her teammates are. She’s entirely dependent on someone else on the team bringing out her value.

No other support, not even Lifeweaver, has so little agency in bringing value to a lobby. Not. Even. Close.


This is true for EVERY SUPPORT since Season 9. DPS now are the stars, and no support can carry the team anymore. But they still can make the difference by supporting the DPS. And Mercy is really good supporting a good DPS.

Disagree. Everyone besides Mercy and Weaver can, tho some supports are map dependent.

Edit: Want to watch my 0 death Ana match, and see what carrying on support looks like? I am not amazing at this game, but supports can carry.

Everyone else in the lobby died at least 4 times.

Replay code: EW5RKB

Edit #2: totally unrelated note, attacking 3rd point havannah is the worst cap point in the game :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:

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Mercy is only as good as her team is though. She absolutely can work but if the team isn’t getting kills then she’s nothing More than a ball and chain at that point.

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This!!! is so true!!!


choice of character is never throwing


if the selection of character x was throwing, and throwing is a violation of the rules of the game, OW would not allow said character to be selected


They’re being lumped together again

What makes you say that Weaver can’t carry games? Just out of curiosity

I mean, if you played better Mercy could get some more value. Its just maths.

Not that she’s even good right now, but she is heavily reliant on your team. So don;t suck and most Mercy’s will do alright.

Lack of agency. In a nut shell.

His kit is designed to put out high sustain and survivablility. Thats all well and good, but that puts the onus on other teammates to get elims. Yeah his thorns can help break shields and the occasional chunks of damage. His switching between heals/dmg is so clunky tho. Weaving (hehe) dmg in with heals is never optimal.

Grip is its own headache. Its useful for feeding teammates, but if you have competent ones, grip’s value plummets. Suzu and lamp are so much better its laughable.

His tree is by far the best thing about his kit. I really don’t have anything too great to say about the rest of his tools. Its bad hero design imo.

I have 70 hours on Weaver, btw. Sigh :face_exhaling:

Are you saying if you got mercy pocket you still cant do anything ? Sheesh

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72 hours on Weaver in QP alone here. For all modes, it’s 150

This isn’t exactly my experience, putting it humbly. I have no trouble getting thorns in. I regularly chop down enemy health bars to make them easier to take down, or just straight-up finish some people off on my own. Not to mention thorns are also just really good for spamming and laying down pressure in lanes and sightlines

My favorite grips are what I like to call “hybrid” grips. A “hybrid” grip is part save, part offensive repositioning. An example was in one particular match I had in Numbani. When we were attacking 1st, our Cassidy’s HP was low on the ground, and I had snuck my way up onto the high ground to our right, where their Widow and Kiri were standing. I pulled Cass up with me, healed him up, and he helped take them down. Actually, that very moment was captured in his POTG

There are plenty of defensive AND offensive uses for grip that don’t involve feeding, too. Stuff happens to people. They get pulse bombed, sunstruck, rip-tired, dragonbladed, and various other things. Grip can save them from such things with quick reaction, good positioning, and proper timing. Grip can also help escort people from spawn, or safely whisk them to a more advantageous position

Tree is very versatile, yes. But Petal should not be overlooked either. It can completely ruin a grav or terra surge, be used to rescue teammates from all kinds of situations (stuck in a trap, frozen, slept, shattered, etc; even just in GENERAL, but it’s tricky to pull off without people slipping off the unexpected platform). You can use it to give your teammates more flexibility moving between highground and low ground. It gives you crazy flexibility with your own positioning, too. And you can use it to avoid all kinds of dangers, ult or otherwise. You can even lift Winston’s bubble into the air and immediately leave him defenseless

My turn to share a replay: CGE37E

Not my flashiest replay in terms of lethality, but I think managed to use his kit in some fairly interesting ways in this match. I also broke 22k healing, got 23 elims, 23 saves, and only died twice

If you’d like an example of me being more lethal, however, I can go fetch another replay no problem

EDIT: Actually, I’m sharing one NOW because this one is too good- DH912V

From just yesterday. It’s also comp, but shorter than the last one if you’d like something a bit less lengthy. Actually, feel free to skip the replay I posted before this one entirely, because I think this one illustrates my point about carry potential much better

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Me either. I love thorning people.

But it also depends on my co-support. Sometimes you just have to healbot from max Grip range. lol

There’s this guy on the eu forum showing off weaver replays and sort of asking for feedback.
You seem to know how weaver is to be played to get proper value out of him.

Could you give this guy some feedback?
He ignored mine on his last review request.


I’m currently at silver 1, which was where I initially placed and is still my peak, so I’m not sure if I’m really qualified to be giving anyone feedback. However, I might have not reached my true rank yet, since I just started properly playing comp less than a week ago and had some pretty unfortunate placements

(Edit: I take it back, the replay’s just started and I’m going to have a FIELD DAY pointing out all the issues I’m finding)

That being said, I’m not sure if that particular player would listen to me either regardless of rank. He posts on this forum, too, and I’ve seen some of his Weaver takes. Let’s just say we have verrrry different opinions on the hero

I’ll still give that replay in the OP a look though. In the meantime, feel free to show him the replays I shared in my last post here, plus maybe this one too: V4VB0W (It’s that one Eichenwalde game that I won’t stop talking about :joy:)

Shall I respond with any feedback here or on the thread you linked to? I’ve never gone to the EU forum before, so I’m not sure how it works. Do I just log in there exactly like I would here?

get better and rank up some then you will have better mercys

Are you acontinously playing zen into a sombra tracer comp or something? Supports can carry the team. Only two/three dps characters are performing to the level you are touting (Sojourn, tracer, maybe sombra depending on rank). Nearly every support has play making abilities. I play all roles and support is by far the most relaxing to play of the three

Log in normally. The place is very quiet, with maybe 5 threads updated in a day if we get lucky XD