Stop wasting resources on FFA

Ikr lol.

Which map are you excited for the most out of all the maps they’ve shown so far for OW2?

For me, it has to be Monte Carlo dude ohhh myyy goodness that map looks absolutely beautiful and fancy, and it’s night time too?? oooff :heart_eyes:

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Toronto, really looking forward to push maps in general, but I like Canada and snow so the maps right up my alley.


I see, pretty good choice!

Toronto, Rio, Gotheburg and my favorite, Monte Carlo are all wonderful pieces of art!

I can’t wait for Blizzcon next month! hopefully they reveal as many maps, if not MORE maps than they revealed last Blizzcon.

36 days to go! :smiley:

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Yeah that has me hyped, can’t wait to see what they say as its been 15ish months since we last heard about OW2, I’m hoping it will be a big reveal.

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15 months of hard work oughta be enough to put some good food on the table.

But, It’ll be kind of weird to see the devs talk about OW2 because like it’s been sooo long since they talked about it lol xD

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Since they’ve been so quite it will be nice to hear them again, really miss seeing blue posts and developer updates.

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You would get to enjoy them more often if the waiting lobby option for Deathmatch actually used more than just the castle and buried ruins maps and actually used these other smaller maps.

Almost all of these maps came out years ago now, definitely not something worth being upset over now. I don’t play FFA and I don’t care, only 1 person designed this entire map and maybe 3 people on the art team did, they said this. That is barely a “waste” of resources.

I see the point you’re making, OP, but honestly… I couldn’t care less lol. I never play Deathmatch (except while waiting), so there are actually still a few maps I’ve not once played on.

As long as the QP/Comp maps are okay, I’m okay.

Their use of reasoning & evidence is extremely faulty, but you’re not combatting it too well yourself either my friend.

Man, I knew I was annoyed with the new FFA map, but knowing that there are so many really irks me. It really is a waste of time/resources to put into a FFA map, we’re supposed to be here to play Overwatch, the TEAM BASED shooter game. That doesn’t really scream Free For All murderparty, to me. It’s decent to hone your 1v1 skills but it’s not really even what I’d call a ‘game mode’. It’s barely a game, really; I mean does anyone actually care if they win or lose in that mode? I don’t. I’d be more bothered if I lost a vs. AI game than if I lost Deathmatch.

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OP included the 4 3v3 maps for some reason. There’s only 3 dedicated FFA maps.

Those games can get intense

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Maybe the arcade gamemode itself, sure.
However I’m pretty sure that way more than 3% of all the players play deathmatch while queuing for other gamemodes.

As one of the 97% who doesn’t play ffa. I didn’t even know there was a new map. In fact of all those ffa maps you mention I’ve never seen any and the only name I recognize is the ecopoint map but only because thats from the Mei short.

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Only Cheateau, Petra and Kanezaka are exclusive to FFA. The others you listed are for Elimination modes.

Also, Kanezaka was a pet project by a new dev, hardly a “waste of resources”. As somebody who almost exclusively plays Ana in FFA, I absolutely LOVE this surprise present for fans of the mode.

That said, it would be nice to get new maps in the co-op modes. But they’re probably hording those for OW2.


I would also argue why we need exclusive modes for elimination. Especially since elimination and FFA/TDD share maps anyway.

100% hard agree to this
where do i sign?? is there a petition

Also don’t forget they have arcade modes specifically for Chateau Guillard and Petra, that hog a spot often… when they could be put with all the other DM maps lol.

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Elimination maps turned into deathmatch

again elimination maps turned into deathmatch

A lot of Competitive players - tanks, supports but mostly DPS - like to train their duelist 1v1 skills and improve mechanics through FFA. It is also a valid game mode that’s there so you can test new things without putting actual Comp games in disadvantage because you’re trying a new hero.

So yeah, I think FFA will always be important.

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