Stop wasting resources on FFA

Why not? The content is still being used.

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I mean, a one off measurement from several months ago is not really all that credible. With modes changing weekly, you’d need a data sample over several weeks to have any meaningful data.
The devs have that data and rotate the arcade modes accordingly, leaving the most popular in or making them available more often.
They know where resources are wasted and where to put more work into.


Because they changed their minds and now want it more individual focused. A mistake imo but they did change their philosophy regardless

This is feels like a very petty complain.


All the maps they did this for are infinitely inferior to chateau guillard, which was designed for the mode.

Not to mention you’re putting misinformation out there, Castillo, necropolis and black forest are made for 3v3 and can’t be played in FFA.
There’s 3 for 3v3, and now there’s 3 for ffa.

I don’t count the ones where they cut off a part of a map, they know these are inferior, hence why they still have a day of every original FFA map in the rotation, then one for every map and one for mystery heroes.

Just because you don’t like a mode doesn’t mean it should get no content.


Yes, I’ll bet more people play ffa on a chateau guillard only day vs a petra day, and even fewer would play on mystery ffa day from the usual FFA population


I’m not arguing against statistics. You’re using a faulty statistic based on limited data from nearly a year ago, and you tell me that evidence is dead? You’ve already been shown how your statistic is anything but reliable, but you stand by it and attack me for arguing against it?

You’re joking right? Do you even have any training in stats?

Your data set has been shown to be completely inadequate and outdated, so sorry you can’t use that to justify your arrogant selfishness.

I’m not a data scientist, but I know enough math to know that you are grasping at straws. Just admit you are self centered. It’ll be easier.

Maybe one day you’ll learn how to argue instead of name calling. In case you didn’t know saying someone is a dumb dumb doesn’t make you sound smart nor help your argument.

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I have learned how to argue. You just refuse to accept that your argument and data are flawed. Instead of accepting the facts in front of you, you decide to double down. That’s textbook arrogance. If you don’t like it, then don’t wear it.

I didn’t call you a dumb dumb. I accurately called you arrogant and selfish. If you find those terms offensive I’d change your behaviors and positions.

I don’t need to help my argument. Yours is literally fallacious from the ground up. It destroys itself with any scrutiny to any person who is honestly looking at it, so not you.

It’s actually… upsetting how willing you are to continue this charade long after you’ve been shown to be laughably wrong.

I asked Blizzard to make better use of their resources and you attacked my character and insulted me with your very first breathe. If you had an ounce of self reflection you could see the blackness of your own heart.

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What do you mean “half-finished”? Is the map not finished to you?

i have to agree since everyone just ends up playing roadhog and reaper for an easy win. i mean why even pick mercy or anyone who has a lower chance for kills. unless of course you just like to run around the map and be silly. im just talking about deathmatch since i usually never play workshop or wierd offshoot ruleset games. i kind of wish somehow they could be made to be team objective or something

Its FFA exclusive as opposed to being a map that’s available for more than just FFA, take eichenwald or hollywood.

That’s not half-finished? If the map was some buggy unplayable mess than yeah, but it’s clearly finished and functioning.

It’s one guy they hired from possibly many others. There’s probably a couple more new people working on the OW2 stuff.

Black Forest, Castillo, Ecopoint and Necropolis are all elimination maps. they just double up as deathmatch maps.

Chateu, Petra and Kanezaka are the deathmatch maps.

Even if it is 3%, that’s a lot. Not to mention those statistics don’t include custom games or waiting in queue. Deathmatch is probably one of the more popular queues too…

And then when it comes to quality, yes, there are other maps we can use such as Paris, Havana, Hollywood, etc. But you can hardly say they deliver a good deathmatch experience as much as other maps, because they aren’t built for it. Capture the Flag is a perfect example. Ayuthaya is the best map by far compared to control maps that are repurposed. It just delivers a better experience because that’s what it was meant to do for that mode. So why shouldn’t we get deathmatch maps? Why not?

Should all resources only go into the main mode and nothing else? Are you going to tell me the very creation of all these arcade modes, the workshop and custom games are a waste of resources because a lesser amount of the playerbase uses them? No? It’s almost as if developers want to provide a quality experience across all their modes and for all their kinds of players.

just because this map doesn’t appeal to you, does not mean it is a waste. Personally I love deathmatch and custom games. So I’ll be using this map a lot.

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Not that you shouldn’t get the maps, its just the main purpose should be for what the majority of the population plays.

They arent wasting recourses. They are just bundling the new maps for comp into OW2. FFA content is new stuff they can provide for us so we dont get bored waiting without taking away from the meat and potatoes which will make up the bulk of what is OW2.

So 8 smaller maps between a bunch of arcade games modes. Compares to the 3x as large about 8 maps we’ve gotten since launch?

They have plenty of maps coming with OW2, don’t worry about it. Push will probably get like 5 or 6 maps, and every other existing game mode will get 2 to 3 maps.

That’s a looooott of new maps for ya there brother.

I’m super excited for it as well. This content drought really blows. Would take any map right now except FFA lol.