Stop talking about Hanzo

Hanzo is fine as is, getting random kills isn’t a problem because it ISNT RELIABLE it’s not a noteworthy thing if you get a random headshot those don’t happen as often as some people make it out to be and storm arrow, although powerful, isn’t strong enough to be considered broken or nerfable, many dps have abilities that do a TON of damage, consider Sojourn or Cassidy who both have ways they can quickly take out targets, to me storm arrow is EXACTLY like Zen’s secondary fire if not Zen’s secondary is even more broken since it doesn’t have a CD, but no one’s complaining about that

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The thing is you can combo Storm Arrow with a normal arrow.
That’s 475 damage in a 1.1sec timeframe.
Along with a 22% faster projectile speed.

Tell ya what. Make it so Hanzo only gets 3 Storm Arrows if he doesn’t have an arrow loaded into the Bow.

Yeah but that’s if he lands ALL of his shots which isn’t impossible for higher tier players but what’s the problem with rewarding mechanical skill? I get it’s frustrating but you can’t just say nerf it because it’s powerful it doesn’t break the game

Those are bodyshots, on a hitbox the size of a small car.

To call that “skill” is kinda pathetic.


So tire of people spreading this false message.

Hanzo is fine, he takes more skill than majority of the dps roster. I dare someone to consistently land headshots back to back every single game. Not even the best hanzo players can pull that off, everyone is refusing to adapt to not having barriers. Use the map people! Use natural cover and focus a hanzo the same way you would focus a bastion. Hanzo has a rather big hitbox and he slows down as he charges an arrow. Hanzo’s projectiles are actually the smallest in the game even though you all feel like he shoots logs. Just focus the guy, trust me, he’s not hard to deal with.

I mean but in an actual game where people are moving and dodging and healing how much is that actually worth? Most characters have escape abilities and hanzo rarely has a chance to actually get that kind of value in a real match, theoretical damage is different than actual in-game damage

Oh, I thought this thread was going to be about “stop talking about how hot he is in his OW2 Classic II skin”.

I wasn’t going to say “No.”

I’m not talking about most characters, I’m talking about Tanks.

If you can’t land all bodyshots on a Tank, assuming there isn’t a barrier/matrix in the way, then that’s some Bronze level logic going on.

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Yeah but even still the only tank that’ll kill is junker queen, unless Zarya is bad at managing her bubbles, and even still if your positioning is that bad to where you can’t back out when you get too low then that’s even more bronze level magic

Got it, so the idea is “Hey Tanks, you shouldn’t be standing on objectives, because the enemy team has a Hanzo”.


when they blind fire into a group and one shot someone

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Yeah his primary has never been the issue in my opinion. I remember the good old days of being flamed constantly because I was playing “The troll hero”, and his primary was more or less the same as it is now, barring some speed changes.

Storm arrow feels absolutely disgusting to use though.

That choke point? Mine.
That poor support? Peppered with arrows.
A tank in my sight line? Not on my god damn watch.

I mean playing differently because the enemy team has certain characters is kind how the game is played anyways, kind of like how you can’t just stand on the objective if they have a junk or you can’t just stand in LoS if they have a widow yk?

Because it’s laughably easy to dodge a Junk. He’s got the slowest projectile in the game.

Widow, probably needs nerfs too. But even then, atleast she needs to land a headshot.

But bodyshots on Tank with 110m/s projectiles?

You want people to dodge those?


Yeah but my point is still valid, if junk is damage spamming onto the point then you don’t just stand on the point and take it same logic works for Hanzo, don’t just stand there and take it, take measures to counter him, have your dps focus him if you can’t kill him yourself use a shield if he’s a problem it’s not that hard to counter him

You do though… you just look at the incoming projectiles and sidestep it.

Tanks basically can’t sidestep Hanzo bodyshots at medium range.

So 175hp Hanzo is your suggestion?

Since if ya wanna use “Glass Cannon” logic, he’s gonna need more “Glass”.

Maybe give him a strong movement penalty when using Storm Arrows? Say -40% movement speed?


I mean maybe stop him from being able to use his dash in storm arrow but other than that I think hanzo is good

No Dash AND a -40% movement penalty, and then maybe you got something.

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