Stop sending Better players to my Home (Bronze 5)

I’m a forever bronze. I play at a bronze level. I know what fellow bronze players can and cannot do on a regular basis. Stop deranking all these plats and GM to Bronze 5. My house is already burning trying to deal with the normal smurfs and throwers.


Reasons Im stuck in Bronze OW1 - throwers and smurfs. Reasons I can’t do anything now? Moira’s who yell at me (Ana) not out damaging the team LOL

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I’m not complaining I’m a bronze. I’m complaining that Blizzard is forcing better players to Bronze. Stop this forced Smurfing so I can enjoy the matches and not get curbed stomped every match.


I understand your frustration, but it makes sense to start the majority of players in the lowest rank. Because everyone is forced to prove they can climb in the new 5v5 environment.

There are a lot of boosted players from OW1 who should drop down, and people who aren’t boosted but haven’t found their groove yet in 5v5. Like returning players.

Give it some time and those better players will climb out of Bronze. Trust me, no legit Plat is going to stay there for very long, let alone a GM.


No it makes sense to dump everyone is GOLD like always and see if they can stay at that rank. Forcing Bronze players to constantly get grief and dumped on is toxic and horrible.


Does feel bad, but the best way to learn is by watching better players. If you take this game seriously, you will not stay bronze for more than a month.
Practice range/custom match to warm-up and aim train each day, watch videos/replays to improve. Etc…

Also, they used to dump new players in Gold. That was an issue because that kept many hard stuck Gold players there.
It’s hard to climb when you are pinned against decent players and have to carry newbies.

In bronze, you can literally go Moira and kill their backline every fight and win. Purple ball, right click until death then fade away and heal any damage your team ever had. :slight_smile:


There are some players no matter how much we watch videos or try to improve out aim it’s our limit for our skill. I accept I’m bronze. I want to win at least 50% of my games. 20% win rate is stupid in a tiered system. And bronze is like Gold(I was gold tank)


I agree, this makes no sense.

(sorry for the wall of text)
I understand.
I used to be a spectator gamer.
I would play and try hard but never kept in mind why I’d die.

Example : one thing every bronze player do (I know, I’ve done it for YEARS) is walk in a straight line. Or move towards my enemies at the same speed and direction.

Makes you super easy to kill and predictable.

Also, if you play a hitscan hero get to a upper platform and close to a wall or column. Shoot, cover while you reload,Profit.

Just doing these 2 things will make you climb to silver in a week.

Do just these 2 things + aim train every day (practice range : try to get a quadruple kill 10 times in a row then go play) and you will be gold within a month.

If you are a healer, just learn to let overextending players (if non smurf) die instead of following and dying yourself. Spam “group up” and go with at least 3 other teammates or don’t go. Boom silver. Cover instead of out in the open healing + let poor players die. Gold in a month.

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It’s all good advice but your missing the point. Bronze has to deal with smurfs for years. We know all this and still are bronze. The skill game in this game is smaller than what most people think. I’ve been a Gold tank before I quit and Gold players act and move the same as the good Bronze players. The issue is that Bronze has the larger SR range so we get lumped together with the players who can barely leave spawn so we always have to Carry to get a win. If your not a Plat player that’s just impossible. The point is I don’t want to have to be a plat to win games in Bronze. I want a 50% winrate if Matchmaker was actually working.


Won ~20 games in a row, was still bronze 5. Had to promo 3 times to get to b3…

This is def bugged. MMR shouldn’t be this bad, especially when my main character has a 75% win rate…

I was around the masters area went 7-1 queen and orisa only and got placed silver 4 it just doesnt make sense


Theres a million ideas of better ways to implement placements… But in my experience, blizzard seems to struggle at this, much worse than other game companies.

What about 30 placements? What about allowing placing into bronze through diamond and making the first 20 games double sr to climb / fall faster? Im no developer, but i have been gaming hardcore for 20 years, and I can say this… starcraft didnt have this issue… HOTS did, ow1 did, ow2 is a horror show. Something went wrong. I can list non blizz games that don’t have such a “gap” feel. there are always games where one team gets stomped, but it should never be a majority, even during placements… the one thing that is obvious is that there IS an issue, and it is discouraging a lot of ppl, which will shrink the community. R.I.P. Heroes of the Storm.

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This is how most competitive games work. They start everyone in the lowest tier.

How does it make sense to start players in Gold during a soft MMR reset? All that does is ruin the games of people who are actually trying to improve.

Nobody who spent the time and effort to grind out of Bronze to Gold/Plat should be inundated with new accounts who belong in bottom 500, who drop like rocks ruining the games of three ranks worth of players along their way down.

Bronze does suck, there’s no denying that. But a solution is available to you: climb out. Smurfs populate every rank but you’ll see less the higher you go. They are not the real reason you have been stuck in Bronze for years.

You are stuck in Bronze because you keep making the same mistakes over and over again. Bronze players just make more mistakes than everyone else. Many of these mistakes are easily fixable, though. Take trickling in, for example. Every Bronze player can stop doing that today, zero effort required on your part.

Don’t “accept” that you are a Bronze player. You’re not. You have the potential to climb. The first step is changing your mentality. You will never climb if you don’t first believe that it’s possible.

Your strawman arguing. I’m not complaining I’m bronze. I know my place. I’m tired of it being Generals vs Globetrotters right now. I want to play with my fellow rejects. I want the games to feel balanced. Losing happens. Getting Curb stomped so other feel good is Toxic.


So your issues is with Smurfs then? Like I said, the only solution available to you right now is to climb a bit higher.

Their are less Smurfs in Silver compared to Bronze.

Bronze was always filled with plat and GM players :joy:

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So your solution is after 6 years of trying to improve. Not leaving Bronze after 6 years. Is to leave bronze so I can stop getting curb stomped by non bronze players?

Are you in an echo chamber. Bronze player suck. I suck. I want to play games that match my skill level.


If you don’t want to take the game too seriously wouldn’t QP be better than bronze?

I play to win. I play to rank. I don’t play to be meat for someone else’s Ranked “Progression” system.