Stop sending Better players to my Home (Bronze 5)

So which is it? You say you’re trying to improve but you also want to stay in Bronze.

It sounds like you do actually want to improve (I don’t know anyone in Bronze who doesn’t want out), you just don’t know how and have grown frustrated and said F it.

Correct me if I’m strawmaning again or if I’m misunderstanding you.

I’m not in an echo chamber. I’m somebody who started in Bronze once upon a time, much like yourself, who is now able climb out of Bronze while half asleep.

What have you done to improve? Can you really say you’ve exhausted all of your options? Have you received coaching? Has anyone given you a vod review?

Lol I feel so bad in my games for running circles around the other team with Mei. Stuck Bronze 5 like others, only I am dominating the games.

I have 50% Crit shot, 80% WR, 14-2-1, and my last “Update” was perfect 7-0.

I’ve been making people quit on the other team for steamrolling so hard. I have solo wiped teams more than 5 times with my ult. These players have zero game sense and it’s abusive tbh.

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You know there is such a thing as a skill ceiling. I want to be challenge at my limit. They don’t setup Triple A against MLB why does overwatch?


That’s fine, but everyone who beats you isn’t necessarily a smurf. If I’m wrong then post replay codes of your games.

Some games are simply unwinnable.

it sounds like you want other people to not try as hard in comp games (as long as they’re on the other team) just so you don’t feel bad about being bad, instead of improving yourself


I try very hard to win. I also know that I’m not a plat or masters player who I am right now fighting because the Rank placements are broken.

Losing a fight is normal.

This is not

imgur dot com/a/PeWTQ1U

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you’re not seeing masters players in bronze, you’re seeing plat at the most. yeah it’ll be a bit like this for the next week or so but, seriously, it takes very little time to rank up if you’re that high. I peaked low plat support (so far), usually high gold, and was placed bronze 5 - same day I completed a 7 win set and was silver 3, next day I got another placement update and was gold 5. yes it’s rough right now for legit bronze players, but give it a week or so and most of them will be gone.

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Civility, they want to not be matched against people over a thousand SR higher than them. A one sided curbstomp feels terrible and isn’t the best way to improve. They want to have fun man


Your stats is very worrying, looks like positioning and aim is your main weaknesses, you are not hitting any crits, almost tied DMG with your BRIG against a comp that only has genji who would be close enough to her to be damaged.

I would greatly suggest you work on your gameplay, as it seems very lacking compared to your teammates

Why is the reaction to a bad matchmaker always stat shaming?

Will you shills stop changing the argument.

Im not asking to be gold or higher ranked. Im asking for matchmaker to place similar level players in my games.

Also you cannot use the stats of the right side as that was a last minute switch before the game ended. My profile is open so use that to stat shame instead.

Why did you ignore the first image if you were to stat shame as well. Widow with 80% accuracy.

It also shows the other side were my team curbstomped them. Matchmaker is broken.


People are far too fixated on climbing to see the real issue… The matchmaker is currently garbage in all ranks, not just Bronze, and your complaints are perfectly valid. Getting stomped feels horrible, stomping is boring. Not only are there people who don’t belong in their rank put into matches with people who do, the matchmaker is also shoving people with some 1000SR difference into the same match. Comp is an utter dumpster fire right now and it sucks because comp matches should be in theory the most balanced and fun versions of the game.


I got placed bronze 5 being OW1 diamond player multiple times. When I bought the game I was placed in high silver and I sucked at games back then.

And now GM players being put into bronze. They said that the bug was fixed but I’m skeptical. It’d help if their system had transparency but it doesn’t. At this point no one trusts it. The hide your SR system sucks. The lack of proper matchmaking sucks. The SR reset sucks. Having to carry people who can’t even AD strafe in the open sucks. Having to spawn camp people sucks. I’ve had some close games but most of them feel like it’s cuz two talented ppl on opposite sides rather than everyone is around the same level. Which makes carrying it super stressful and demands consistency that is crazy. Anyway.

I feel sorry for the ppl being forced to endure 20% win rates in bronze cuz they’re actually bronze and put up against ppl that are higher level players.


I didnt know there was multiple images that is my bad, my imgur screen was zoomed and only showed 1. The first pic was the one I was talking about though.
And even in the other ones, nothing amazing.

Shooting tank all the time? There is no critical kills…

It happens for both teams, so in the long run it cancels out, its not just your team getting stomped, but also enemy team.

So many new players and some weird multiple ranks in the same matches problem, no wonder there is an issue

it’s true… they put players on such horrible loss streaks that they start putting them in matches where they dominate and make other player’s games miserable.

All this time we thought there was a massive number of derankers when really it’s the Overwatch match making algorithm just screwing everyone over. :clown_face: :clown_face: :clown_face:

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Yup. I’ve seem the same dps on different sides. First match he destroyed. next match I did. Only difference was the teams we got.

then they’re simply playing the wrong game mode. they should be in arcade or qp if they just want to mess around. comp is to play against people better than you, and improve your own skills in doing so.

tl;dr - they don’t want to compete, they want to win

The problem is even good players cant climb to the rank they personally deserve because now with only 5 people on a team you need to be masters and above level of skill to carry.

And that’s the other caveat, you dont truly climb based on your personal performance because blizz can’t for the life of them code some kind of system to determine how much of a true impact you are having in the match, so your ladder movement still hinges on the skill of the other 4 randos the horrible matchmaker decides to give you.

It will be months if ever before the Matchmaker as it currently stands can rank the people appropriately and that also hinges on players having a good enough experience in the game to play the amount of games needed for the data to sort itself out which in the current state I doubt will be the case.


I’ve begun suspecting that Blizzard was trying to do what CoD did with I think no matchmaking skill matches and just put everyone against everyone. If they don’t do mmr, then smurfing is solved by just completely allowing it by avoiding actually dealing with it, in essence. I do not like it. I’m high silver to mid goldish skill and do not like facing Bronze players any more than facing diamond or higher skill. If matchmaking MMR isn’t fixed, I personally won’t be playing OW much longer. Pub Stomps are NOT fun. I will leave a match if my team starts spawn camping too long just as fast as if my team gets spawn camped too long. edited, but not in Comp tho. Leaving Comp for any reason is bad. Just saying.

you don’t need to be way overskilled for an elo to carry in it, you just need to not overextend which is easy to do when people leave themselves so open to being killed.

So now they’re just keeping hardstuck Bronze players in Bronze, how is that any better?