Stop Pretending 2 Ults Should Always Wipe

Goats is in Master and GM… we’re here to discuss the other 96% of the player base.


Why you botting out into a Genji blade, yo?

Team going to do what team does. There’s lots of available ways of managing blade.

Or are you just mad some Genji smurf dumped on you in QP?


So you’re saying that Graviton shouldn’t have been nerfed just because it combos well with Dragonstrike?

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Why not? Graviton was nerfed based purely on it being combo’d with Dragonstrike.

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Actually, yes. I wanted Zenyatta’s ultimate increased. Plus, when combo’d with Ana’s nade, it was already effective. It’s an unpopular opinion, but hey.

Just responded to the other guy, to answer your question

Swap nano for EMP. Also matrix is a poor reference point, unlike nanoblade it’s actually broken.

It’s not an issue of being too little healing, it’s the fact that if Nano Blade is a part of a comp, then so is the anti-nade. Plus, he can burst through Trance heals before it even has time to start healing, and assuming that other 5 teammates don’t inflict any damage, you’ll be in luck.

Yet you can still use a lot of different things to disrupt his slash and dash chaining. Without his dash he just runs around glowing and swinging his sword in the air.

Step 1: bait dash
Step 2: Hold S
Step 3: Knockback
Step 4: pray that none of your stupid teammates miss all the steps above


I think the key word there is “he can.” It’s very rare that people pull these off, most Genjis simply aren’t good enough. It’s often easy to point out the potential of what he can do, but most people aren’t able to reach it. It’s one reason people love him, you can always get better.

The Ana nade part is a good point, but even then it would then just be good gameplay. If you get a good anti, you can just roll the enemy team with nearly anything- even when excluding ultimates.

Ana Nade should just cut healing in half instead of entirely… That’s still an insane amount of oppression even at 50%.


I’m not going to disagree or anything. I love Ana, but I can see why people hate her. She has a lot going for her right now, a ton of utility.

I personally wouldn’t nerf her, but I can understand if she is. But that’s how I was with Mercy, too.

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They don’t always wipe.

Matrix lasts 2 seconds, only a few team wipes can be stopped by barriers before those break.

She has an insane presence in the meta. I’m fine with Nano where it is, nerfing it would ruin every other nano combo that struggles to rival Blade, but her nade is just a huge hit to Trance.

Her nade is just a huge hit in general. I think it’s balanced by the fact that she has to choose between her enemies, her team, or saving herself.

sound barrier is very effective against nanoblade

Relatively*, still gonna take a few losses, though.

Group up and die quickly to the Genji, spread out and lose the team advantage and die one by one to the Genji and the enemy team now able to focus on the individuals rather than a coordinated group.

It’s a lose lose.

Genji needs a nerf.