Stop Pretending 2 Ults Should Always Wipe

The tragic irony is you have to group up for Trance.


Sleep Dart. Boop. Shield Bash. Hack. Flashbang. Blink. Fade. Rocket Punch. Trap. Concussion Mine. Concussive Blast. Hook.

None of these abilities are ultimates.

DB is strong when compounded by the strength of another ultimate because it is almost useless on it’s own and can be countered by non-ultimate abilities and is generally traded for Transcendence which is not even a guarantee and something you must prove your worth for.

i’m glad that we can all agree that brigitte was a horrible addition to the game because now when people say this they aren’t lying lmao

Sound Barrier

All counter the nano blade. DO u see people crying that one Ult shouldnt counter two? Nah u and Hex keep making these threads instead of using your brains to get better tho. Its EZ sr for everyone in ur elo. Likely, Low plat

boop and flash bang do work, but if you’re bad and dont understand how they work then they’ll obviously not work.


You must be really bad at Genji or watch some crappy Genji players because it’s not useless on its own. A couple slashes bringing down swaths of 200hp heroes (realistically 2/3’s of the team) is not “useless on its own”. You mentioned it can be stopped with abilities, like flashbang or shield bash which requires you to get close to the dangerous Beyblade of a hero. And good luck sleeping the guy if he’s bouncing around pinballing from one hero to the next.

The Brig meta only delayed the inevitable, Genji is going to get nerfed in 2019 and it can’t come fast enough.

Don’t talk about skill when a fly on crack is zipping around instakilling everything with a Rein Hammer.

“Bastion is stationary during tank mode”



Bte just hack/Emp and watch the helpless nanovkaded genji walk around helplessly



Bwah ha hah hah hah! (Oink…)

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OP knows part of the balance behind heroes is ultimate and how they work, right?

Also, most heroes have a way to deal with it that doesn’t even involve ults.

Daily reminder that you can’t physically run away from an ulting Genji, without a Lucio Amping up Speedboost, that implies having it available and no heals from the frog.
Genji gets a 50% speedboost when he ults. More than baseline Lucio. And that’s on top of his Swiftstrike and the resets he gets.
Dragonblade is the issue in Nanoblade. That’s where the nerfs should go. Remove that stupid speedboost.


If you’re telling me you’re somehow assembling teams without CC in 2018 I don’t know what to tell you. You probably deserve to die to it

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This is so horribly incorrect it’s actually kind of sad


Base speed of everyone in the game: 5.5m/s
Genji’s speed in ult: 8m/s
You’re right, my maths was “horribly incorrect”, it’s around 45%. Still more than baseline Lucio.

I know I’m just nit-picking right now, but it bothers me just a little.

Base speed of Genji and Tracer is 6.0m/s.

I’m not making arguments or adding anything to what anyone is saying.

:rofl: bruh you are reaching. you realise that the splash damage can still kill right?

no he cant lol if he doesn’t have dash he cant do anything through trans, even with nano. bubble his first target. bam he cant do anything.

discord exist. cc is a thing. idk man this sounds like you don’t think more than genji is a problem

also you realise your argument points to ana being a problem, not genji right?

the point went over your head.

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lucio, tracer, soldier, pharah, rien, dva, Winston, Hammond, and sombra to name a few.

theres also junkrat who can mine away, widow who can grapple away, doomfist who can RP away, and mercy who can GA away.


they have this thing called range to compensate. they can do their ults from a lot further than genji can. in exchange they can be eaten by abilities like this.

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you mean like the circumstantial situation in which you would have nanoblade?

this is a particularly hilarious statement.

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you gonna give genji the extreme buff that came with that too?

Zaryas grav barely got nerfed but her damage potential got substantially buffed with her ability to hold charge.

I will GLADLY take a nerf to blade as minor as zarya got for more power in his base kit.

but you want to exclude that par right?

how about this. 10 damage off of his blade swipe, but in exchange he gets 75 damage on swift strike instead of 50.


Ok so tell me this. In what universe does a Zenyatta ever get away from a nanoblading Genji? Only with his ult, and that ult won’t even save teammates from the blade, thus leaving Zen all alone to die anyway.