Stop ignoring sombra

With that Reinhardt clip, it isn’t the Hammer blocking it but Rein goes through maybe two frames of the shield anim, which seems to be what’s cancelling it.

And how it sounds like?

Except the part where Sombra has always been garbage while Mercy is and have a long history of being one of the most powerful heroes in the game?

Yeah. About the same frustrations in the community…
Hot take. :smirk:


Except in this case our character was never op and has actually been dumpstered.


But still, when in Mercy’s case you can always try to say “she’s still most popular hero”, in Sombra’s case arguments are usually “she’s fine in GM” ;p

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Sombra still has a very low pickrate for a hero who is not a niche hero.

The shield comes up after the hack attempt, it is the enlarged hammer mesh blocking it. The mesh stretches because of OW’s cartoony animation style.

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But rightfully so. Mercy was the most powerful hero in the game, for sombra, it’s the opposite.

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Not talking about when the shield comes up. Rein interrupts the swing animation by lifting his left hand slightly, as if to pull up the shield and that’s when the hack breaks.

Her hack has never been 0.5 seconds, so you can stop spreading that lie right now. That isn’t unusual though. Sombra’s detractors always campaigned on a platform of lies like this one.


I wonder… Would the Hack be too strong if:

  • Hacked enemy has an additional skull icon over his/her head
  • Hacked opponent would be slightly more vulnerable to damage (like 5-10%)
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Very well said. I feel the same way. Sombra is the only hero where they constantly bring up the “unfun” crap against her. They can’t call her unbalanced because she’s always had terrible stats, so they use the unfun reasoning as a flimsy excuse to keep her down, because the pros hate her, and Blizz loves caving to the pros. Maybe they could just ban her from OWL and at least let us have her as a good hero in non-pro play.


Except our hero is actually flawed and not just unfun


Her bugs ruining just her is for sure favourable than her bugs hurting 6 other people in a game. I dont want her to remain bugged, I dont play her but would still like to see it fixed. But I will take a hero with bugs that affect them, than ones that affect others. Im happy to no longer be hacked through walls and abilities.

In that case I want Genji’s super forgiving hitboxes to be nerfed all to hell.

And what super forgiving hitboxes are these?

The huge arc Dragonblade that hits you when he isn’t even looking at you, or maybe the Swift Strike that extends a full meter around him when he uses it? That’s not fair for everyone else since he doesn’t even have to hit you with them to hit you with them.

I mean, many heroes in this game have big hitboxes like that, but its not a bug. Its not comparable to sombra hacking people through walls and invulnerability abilities. We could sit here and complain about many heroes with a big hitbox but they are there for a reason, his blade would be useless if it didnt have range on it, or the big arc.

Given that her bugs ruining things for her, ruins things for 5 other people, that’s not a fair argument.

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There are 26 other heroes to choose from till she is fixed, I still stand by my point that not having her hack be broken and hack though walls and abilities is much better for the game than letting sombra players have a broken OP ability. The hero is still currently playable, even the pros play her in owl. Yes fixing her bugs should happen, and it loots quite annoying for hack to just not work.