Stop flaming bronze players

Im saying that if you think it’s wrong then you shouldn’t be flaming the bronze player, you should be saying something to the devs. Talking down to the person on your team isn’t going to solve it, it’s just going to cause toxicity. And I don’t care about gaining karma when people post on a daily basis that the match maker is forcing them to not get better … They are a mercy main, that’s what they like to play and mechanically it isn’t that challenging. After our 2 games they admitted it felt a bit much and we stopped, but they overall did well. And I don’t much like QP unless I’m messing around. It can be fun to try strategies that won’t work in comp or to warm up in for comp, but I don’t like it a majority of the time. It isn’t the same atmosphere and my friend has really started liking competitive too

What would you like the devs to do?

From one side - “WTF I can’t play with my friends THANKS BLIZZARDO!??!?!?!111”
From the other side - “People shouldn’t be allowed to group up if they are in different SR tiers, it’s unfair THANKS BLIZZARDO!?!?!?!?!!?!!one”

Seriously, how would you honestly feel dealing with the community who is coming at you from different viewpoints on the same exact problem?

I’d say, let your friend get to an area where they are W/L’ing 50-50. So you at least have an idea of where they are. Right now you’re essentially assuming she is Gold level and that may not be the case. You’re trying to defend her saying she’s pulling in 1k/1min healing but what if that’s all she’s doing? Never Damage Boosting. That’s your definition of a heal-bot player.

Let them get to a place where they feel more comfortable and actually help them out from there. If a friend of mine invited me to play 2 tiers higher than what I normally play, I wouldn’t be thinking Sweet I’m going to get carried. I’m going to think Oh F*** I’m going to be the newb.


Leave the guy alone. He said he isn’t good at dps. Just because he plays ana and zen at a diamond level doesn’t mean he can carry at dps.

A diamond player who doesn’t main dps can’t carry in gold mechanically. You see gm players smurfing dps in diamond. They can’t perform on dps better than the players around them. That’s why they didn’t skyrocket straight to masters.

Enjoy playing with your friend. That’s the best part about the game anyway.


Ana and Zen are both reliant on great aim, positioning and awareness and will translate over to dps better than say a diamond Mercy or Lucio. Any smurfing at all is out of order if you want to practice heroes play qp

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Why would you put your friends through such torture? If a master player asked me to play with him I’d be shutting myself and think yeah nah I don’t wanna get stomped. I’d be yelling at the bronze player to play with people their own rank and also mainly yell at you for dragging them in the mess. Nothing worse then seeing a bronze in a place they don’t belong just because their friend is the same level as me.

Also how in the world did your friend think they can only do placements of competitive and that’s it? When you click play, it literally says play comp. Definitely deserving of Bronze with that kind of thinking.

Ana’s allied hitbox isn’t the same as an enemies hitbox, I can reliably shoot my own team but not the enemy. And my Zen accuracy is 27%, a majority of the time I miss shots on squishes unless they are up in my face or I get lucky spamming the choke. This also doesn’t change the fact that DPS has a totally different mindset than playing support. Also QP is a total mess and you know it. I play it every day to warm up a bit and almost always play Genji before Ana. I have 21 hours on him in QP and STILL can’t break 2600 on my alt, it’s not the same so don’t act like it. QP is a joke


i hate it when i queue up for comp and I get to play against a guy with two silvers in his stack and i go to check the profile and he is high plat and was in diamond earlier in the season

the guy just destroys my team and i’m the only one who can hold a flame to him but i’m outmatched the entire time. no one listens to me when i tell them they have to kill him if they want to win

and then it sucks when you get these people on your team because the diamond player won’t even play DPS but their bronze friend will instalock tracer or mccree :roll_eyes:


Firstly, that last sentence is just rude, you’re the kind of person this post is aimed at. And once again, they didn’t struggle. If you have a problem with the huge gap, then complain to blizzard.

I’m not a diamond DPS player. It was a high gold DPS, bringing their bronze friend to a 2k game.

hes not allowed to play with friends? gosh you’re dense

like holy sh*t its a freaking OW ranked. Not your life LOL.

tfw ppl are not allowed to play a videogame how they like


I assume you’re joking?

But if not, that’s what QP is for. Not comp. In Comp, that is called smurfing.

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I’m not saying you are but at 2.1-2.2 thats usually how it goes. lose streaking against mid-diamond level players playing in plat. its so frickin stupid :roll_eyes:

Assuming youre not boosting the person, I get both side tbh. The problem here really is that ow match making allows these huge sr gaps in grouping for comp.

The thing is, would your friend ever be in a match with mid to high gold if they played alone? As a Bronze? Hell no. Thats why people get annoyed, when they get to high silver or low gold no one will complain about them playing with you.

Ofc people wont be happy to get teammates 2 ranks below them.

But I also understand your frustration because the game devs are apparenlty fine with this and the game allows high golds to q with bronzies.


Lucio is much a higher skilled support than zen in every way. Not that zen doesn’t take all the things you mentioned. So he can maybe play mcree and soldier at a high level plat level at best.

Quickplay is never a good place to practice. The game believes he’s a gold dps if he was that skilled at dps he would be in diamond.


QP = boring as heck with no rewards.

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To be fair comp doesnt really have any rewards either… gold weapons lost their luster oh like a year or so ago.

As for SR gaps I think it’s absolutely hilarious that blizzard allows a 1000 SR gap between players. 1500-2500 is about 60 percent of the ladder…

So basically they allow a top 35 percent player to play with about a bottom 10 percent player… that is some food for thought.

A few days ago they allowed some silver and a plat to que together except we didnt have a plat to off balance. Blizzard apparently thinks 2 golds and 4 silvers against 3 golds 2 silvers and a plat is fair matchmaking…

Needless to say we lost and I was pissed.


Normally not a great idea to play comp with people way lower sr than you. The enemy team will just farm them and win.

That’s your opinion. But in Comp, if you are Diamond and your friend is Bronze you are not allowed to play with them. There are plenty of other gamemodes out there for you to group with your friends. Comp isn’t one of them. Why should you be allowed to ruin other people’s games just because you wan’t to play with your friend who is significantly worse/better than you? It’s unfair on your team, and unfair on the enemy team.

He can play with friends, that’s why there is QP and Arcade. What’s the point of calling it competitive if you’re going to have Diamond players playing in Bronze?

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The honest answer to this is if you have a team game and people want to assemble teams to play, they should. It’s true people may have vastly different skills, but in any competitive sport, it’s still allowed.

Why it doesn’t make sense to not allow this is for winning, you still want to put the best team forward. The weak player keeps the strong player down. So let people play together. That’s what a team sport is supposed to do.

Overwatch really doesn’t make sense trying to pair pugs with other pugs and giving them one minute to talk before the match starts. If you want a team game, let people form teams if they’d like of their friends and either suffer the loss together or win together.

The only people who should be worried about this are lone players. But its a team game so…oh well? Find yourself a team?

Seriously, if people foresee problems these can be handled. If you want, require that all teams of friends be 6 so that a pug doesn’t get stuck with people off their own skill mark. I don’t know but it can be figured out, since nearly every sport I know of already deals with this

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They might translate “better” but it’s not like if you play ana and zen at diamond level that you’ll suddenly play diamond level dps. That’s why hes dps play is in gold.
At this point I have enough game awareness to know who should do what and be where but executing it on a role and abilities youre not accustomed to is a completely different ball game.
I can’t see any issues with having an alt account like that, especially with all the “omg just play your main and dont try anything else or youre throwing” rage posts going around.


I play support at a diamond level, my DPS is gold. There is no comparison, I’m not ruining anyone’s games on my alt account, it’s a gd DPS player queing with their borderline silver bronze friend