Stop flaming bronze players

Last night I was on my DPS account and was queing up with one of my friends (who happens to be bronze) and another gold player, as soon as we join the game someone starts flaming our bronze player… They ignored the fact that they had a positive win percentage by quite a bit, we’re border silver, and we explained this was their first season ever playing after placements and had climbed 700 SR on their own… Stop flaming someone for being bronze, they are in your game, and they ended up pulling their weight a LOT more than you did …


So you’re diamond smurfing in Silver? K, fair.


Nah, im playing DPS at a high gold low plat level. Play to the best of my ability and that’s where the same thinks I belong

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maybe because you are literately boosting him? and its so obvious that someone calls him out on it?

pick one


She didn’t know you could play after placements so was never able to climb. So she started to play comp finally and has been steadily climbing. And I’m not boosting them, I’m not that good of a DPS, I can’t carry every game. We lost two matches in a row and that’s all we played that night

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Yeah I was going to point out maybe your friend has a positive winrate because you’re boosting him lmao.


But if you’re Diamond. You shouldn’t be in these games. Playing DPS or not. I have no sympathy for you or your friend.


dude I dont have a PHD in mathematics but


Then why does the match maker place me here when I’m playing literally the best I can? I play support at a diamond level, that doesn’t mean I can play DPS there. I am a high gold DPS player, playing with my bronze friend. And this was literally the first time we’ve played comp together because they’ve been climbing on their own


guys stop flaming bronze players, its not their fault im boosting them into a rank they dont belong


Not boosting them though :wink: but nice try, if I wanted to boost them id play something I know I’d win with


I was going to judge you based off this plat iq thread and after checking your exact SR you dont play at a diamond level, its safe to say you probably never played past 3030


3168, but nice try. And if I were boosting them wouldn’t I be able to get past these games myself? You should know that if you throw your support main on DPS with minimal DPS experience, they most likely aren’t going to play at that level. If I really were even a high plat DPS, wouldn’t I be getting there when I solo queue?


I hate the 1000 SR spread allowance and will always complain about it. Your friends winrate has no bearing 1000 above his SR. Your friend is a BIG BRONZE ANCHOR.

That is all.


dude, you are a diamond player. grouping up with a bronze player on an alt and trying to defend your bronze buddy who you grouped with who is getting flamed for some unknown reason…

this cant be a serious post right? hopefully its just banter


Then complain about it, it’s good you voice it. And I didn’t see much difference between her gameplay and there’s tbh.

I can’t play DPS at diamond, literally every time I try to we either don’t kill or anything or the rest of my team carries me. If I genuinely believed I deserved to be diamond on DPS I wouldn’t have made an alt and if so that alt wouldn’t be up here. On the off chance I fall into plat, I take a break and immedialtley climb back up in one session on support. I can’t break 2600 with DPS, I might have the game sense but I don’t know how to position as DPS and I don’t have the mechanical skill. I’m defending my bronze friend because they are getting flamed before the match even starts, yet they do their job and get blamed the whole game even though our other DPS decides to 1v6 or the tanks are ulting alone. If you honestly think a high bronze (1400+) shouldn’t be in low gold games then say something to the devs. If I really were a diamond DPS I’d be crushing everyone, but I’m not. I make mistakes, I get too aggressive and I miss shots I shouldnt. I am NOT a diamond DPS player


SR range is so broken. Most teams tilt as soon as they see the full 1000SR spread being abused… ahem… I mean used. Nothing you say on these forums will change that, so get used to the complaints.


I was just trying to play with a friend who has worked hard this season. And I can somewhat understand it, but if it’s such a problem I think more people should be vocal.


I honestly don’t blame teams with huge ranges. I blame the game that allows it. 1000SR is like night and day in terms of actual skill, particularly at bronze since it is the lowest rank. At sliver, I literally feel like I’m cheating. At diamond I am extremely challenged. I have nothing against bronze players, I just don’t care to have to pick up their slack.


It’s not like they were just pulling the team down though, she was getting her cards and keeping people alive. I’m not gonna pretend like there weren’t mistakes someone wouldnt make at that SR that she made, but she wasn’t a dead weight… It was satisfactory