Stop demanding sym reworks

In what world is she “great overall” when both her orbs and her tp have been mega nerfed? I really don’t think they changed her orbs because they were OP, but because of how slow they were to the point of posing no threat at longer ranges. If you played her enough in the 1st beta there were times when you couldn’t get close for beam due to no tank protecting you and you sure weren’t going to hit anybody from far away with your slow orbs.

And the way you’re trying to compare Zen to Sym is just hilarious… Zen is amazing while Sym is genuinely horrible. You literally tried to claim that she’s more flexible now, when nothing but the opposite is true. I’ve come to expect goofball takes from you but come on girl…

It’s not really worth engaging with someone with your attitude. We’re just talking about video games here. Maybe rethink how you engage with people if you want to have a real discussion.

Right. You have no real arguments, I take it? Like you straight up said she was more flexible… how does your brain come to that conclusion? Makes absolutely no sense.

and the devs are clearly incapable of making her current kit worth using.

if it means we get a hero worth using out of it then yes, she does.

outside of early tp on control maps, she is kind of a throw pick.
ive seen people one trick moira, bastion, sym, reaper in t500 games to great success. that doesnt mean they are good hero’s, it means a good player is using them. they would be just as if not more effective on literally any other hero.

also, your evidence literally wasn’t evidence. you said something was wrong because time has passed. not only did you not provide evidence, you barely refuted the argument being made. you essentially said its wrong because you don’t agree with statistics provided by a former lead.

this piece of data has been discussed many times, and provides little or no support to the point attempted to be made here

this data is from about two years ago, at a time when role-less queue competitive was a temporary mode opened only days before and buried a menu level down, after most of the folks who preferred role-less queue had left the same due to the loss of role-less queue mode some 6 months prior

also – it is usage data, not preference/popularity data. preference <> usage. Its two different kinds of data, obtained and evaluated in entirely different manners

except…it doesnt

yes, it is real data

no, it really doesnt prove the point that it is claimed to prove

Why would anything have changed in the last two years?

Please feel free to provide me something more recent.

And again, even if comp isn’t the most popuar mode (it is), it’s still the tightest regimented matchmaker, and thus the best place to determine hero viability.

If blizzard cannot rework Sym, just lock her (cannot be chosen) until they can have a perfect answer to rework her.

Also, Torb needs rework too.

people have changed

the world has changed

the game has changed

roleless queue comp moved to the main menu

etc etc etc etc

it is very, very old data, and as I pointed out doesnt support (much less prove) the point that was allegedly proven for several other reasons as well

The burden of proof for a claim is on the individual making said claim

this is an opinion stated as if it were fact.

an unsupported opinion, to boot…essentially, a guess

I know of no valid data to support this claim

Not really since April, outside of number tweaks.

Why would that make quickplay more popular than ranked? How? I don’t understand it.

Once again, you’re here only to bust chops for people who don’t agree with you. You have legitimate problems accepting opinions that don’t align with your own. Where’s the burden of proof from the original poster, who is the one to originally make the claim that Sym doesn’t need a rework? Why aren’t they required to prove anything? Oh right they have nameless, sourceless “polls” and that’s enough I guess.

Oh right because you shamelessly push agendas and refuse to acknowledge anything outside of that.

So, you truly think that quickplay or arcade modes have just as tight of matchmaking than comp? You’re reaching for things.

And I know you’re going to start with “I ask personal attacks to cease” but they’re not, they’re pointing out the truth in that you shamelessly try to push any idea you like and suppress anything you don’t like.

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I wont be responding to the many items in need of correction above due to the inclusion of a personal attack in the post quoted here

Instead, I simply ask that the personal attacks cease

Yeah yeah, disregard anything that disagrees with you as a personal attack, that’s the MO.

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I ask once again that the personal attacks cease

Hmm…… :joy::joy::joy::joy::joy:    


yeah you really are ACTUALLY dumb LOL

theres proof in many places, maybe try asking r/cow the hero they see the most in KOTH, 2CP?

yeah cuz we all know how your mercy “forums criticism raid” worked out fueled by that mercy main weirdo.
devs totally listened y’all.

I was on here arguing against them so idk what to tell you

What I DID spearhead on here was a 55 HPS buff and it happened about a month into my crusade so :hugs:

thats not a full rework though. thats a balance change. like the ones syms been having rn :0

Yes because Mercy didn’t need a rework, she had a great pickrate and winrate after her rework even after the nerfs.

Sym has a sub 1% pickrate LOL. The Devs themselves said in a stream last month they consider reworking heroes when they aren’t getting played and no one likes playing against them

yeah, on an outdated site that doesnt even reflect what ppl are picking accurately due to private profiles lol.

they didnt change bastion from being a dps either, or sombra.