Stop defending Shield Bash (VIDEO EVIDENCE)

It has a low cooldown and a broken hitbox. It’s able to ruin everything so commonly to the point where mobility doesn’t exist anymore in a game with Brigitte.

Edit: In the name of conversation, we should keep it civil. The hitbox and/or cooldown needs changing. The fact she can cancel abilities once every 5 seconds is insane. The fact she doesn’t need to aim in order to do it is even more insane.



I just want to link this video so people understand what people mean by Briggy and her hitbox:

I’d take notice of the Reinhardt hitbox towards the end of the video as well.


Doomfist 1.0 again, why Blizz, do you ever learn?

But when you nerf her, please dont do the extreme opposite like before and make her hitbox size of a ant.


AYYY You’re back!

Good to see ya bud.

I’m just sad that this one hero has practically ruined this game. It’s torn the community in 2. The only people that seem to be defending her are DPS mains that don’t have to be close or people that haven’t played against her at all.

It’s sad really.


They say this about all heroes. People were saying Sombra would ruin the game. Brigitte isn’t that strong, you need 2 other healers with her because she can’t heal during the poking phase.


Stop attacking shield bash. This is worse than people screeching about Moira.


It’s important people understand that a lot of us LOVE Briggy, she is an excellent hero. But there needs to be a discussion on these things like her hitbox, and her shield bash ability overall. What discussion exactly? Cooldown? Hitbox? Highly effective against both mobile and low mobile tanks?

I think a discussion on the topic is at least warranted.


This isn’t about her healing.

Read the post.


I want to complain about her one strong ability while neglecting all of her weaknesses!


No. I want to complain about her core ability’s cooldown and hitbox.

It’s nowhere near the same thing.


This is wonderful news, mobility’s had it too good for too long

On topic of the thread, I feel like a lot of people would be appeased if they’d just make it so Shield Bash doesn’t go through Rein’s barrier


So let’s make an analogy. Let’s say Reinhardt’s shield is literally invincible. That’s OP as hell. You can’t shoot through it, the enemy fights you back!

The downside? He has 1% of his normal movement speed at all times. Boy does that OP ability seem like crap now.


That still doesn’t solve the accuracy problem. Brig can still completely miss her target and stun them. It’s absolutely ridiculous.

Your analogy holds no merit. It’s the difference between an orange and a watermellon. Yes, they’re both fruits. Yes, they’re both watery and have thick skin. But no, they have different flavors.

To apply ^ here, Yes, Rein and Brigitte both have shields. Yes, they are both somewhat tanky. But no, they are completely different heroes that fill completely different roles.

You’re acting like being able to heal a little and stun as well as being able to have a big shield the size of shield bash’s hitbox are the same thing. They simply aren’t. Your analogy is overblown and is nowhere near accurate to anything that would actually happen.
End of story. You aren’t even trying to be constructive here.

Also, no. That ability does not seem like crap now. He still has an invincible shield.


Nice to see you, camarade! And now with videos! Posting here it will be glorious again!

Btw, poor tracer and rein


… wow. You managed to pick up on literally the most negligible portion of that analogy. I am actually impressed.

… aaaand I’m done. I was going to break down why the analogy was comparing strong abilities balanced by glaring weaknesses, but you apparently think an immovable brick wall is totally OP.


It probably has to have a huge hitbox for the same reason Swift Strike and Deflect have huge hitboxes, it would suck otherwise

Brigitte was created specifically to stun and counter hyper-mobile, super tiny characters like Genji and Tracer. Until Blizzard finally decides to just nerf mobility in general, abilities with large forgiving hitboxes are the only way to deal with them reliably and consistently


I disagree. Junkrat’s trap has a small hitbox that isn’t very forgiving but it does the same job at a choke point.

Same thing with other abilities like Orisa’s Orb or Sombra’s hack. Both have a pretty small area they can affect heroes to either put them out of commission or group them for easy pickings.

I don’t know too much, but I don’t think it’s fair to look at one aspect of a character without lookin at the rest of that character.

Now, maybe her CD for shield bash could be brought up, maybe not, but her shield bash IS incredibly powerful.

Sadly, a shield bash is worthless if she can’t even get near her priority targets to be effective.


It’s not like the rest of her character doesn’t make her. She is supposed to be able to heal.

The only thing that actually synnergizes with the rest of her oversized hitbox is her flail. Everything else is somewhat precise.

It’s simply not necessary to look at the rest of a kit for a short ranged ability that isn’t supposed to be the bread and butter of her kit. Right now, it’s the thing that makes Brigitte stand out, and I don’t think that’s what the developers intended. The rest of her kit makes sense, but her shield bash hitbox stands out like a sore thumb. Her whip, passive, and even the shield make sense. It’s just her hitbox on her shield bash as well as it’s cooldown. The combination of those 2 things make Brigitte incredibly unfun to play against. It feels as if there is no counterplay to it at all.

If they nerfed just her cooldown, I’d be okay to either increase the damage by maybe 5 (so she can’t 1 shot anyone with 200 HP) or to increase her healing on her passive.

Her entire kit is overloaded and deviously strong. But everyone on these forums is afraid to say anything because “quickplay isn’t a competitive setting”, regardless of what is happening or how people are playing in a match.

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That’s where the “reliable” part comes in, Junk’s trap is easily destroyed and is completely dependent on the other team’s lack of awareness to do anything at all (not to mention someone other than your mobile target might end up stuck in it, tanks make Junk’s trap & mine combo useless)

Sombra’s Hack is plenty reliable outside of teamfights where there isn’t stray damage flying all over the place, but hacking small hard-to-shoot targets at full health when they’re on the way back to the point with their team isn’t going to do anything but either get you killed or have you Translocating away without having actually done anything

And Orisa’s Halt is absolutely useless against flankers, even if you do manage to grab them with it they’ll just instantly Blink/Swift Strike/Translocate away

But Shield Bash? It’s very easy to connect so it’s very good for punishing flankers. Unfortunately that makes it good at punishing almost everyone else too, which is why making it so that it can’t go through Rein’s shield is a good start towards making sure she’s only hard-countering the specific group of heroes she was created to