Stop defending Shield Bash (VIDEO EVIDENCE)

Shield Bash Hitbox reduction is the only thing that needs to be done to Brigitte, and in my mind is actually a buff.


People have been ok with the Genji hitbox for a year but Brigitte’s hitbox is a problem now?


on one hand, i feel it should probably be tweaked [idk how tho]
on the other hand tho

honestly, highly mobile characters have been meta for way too long, so i really couldn’t care less about them seeing less playtime for a while, no offense.


They didn’t learn after Doomfist did they?
Even then it probably wouldn’t change much since most hits I’ve seen in game landed head-on with the Shield.


They’re fixing Genji’s hitbox to match with the animation.

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after over a year. i think that was kinda their point. the “for over a year” part.


Genji’s deflect is countered by not shooting at it. It’s entirely dependent on the person attacking Genji. Shield bash is not dependent on the attackers input and is deceptively large.

www . dailymotion . com/video/x6cg70s

more like by not existing on the same map as him, but ok. i’ll stop derailing now, i apologize.


I don’t feel like the cooldown is a problem. It’s part of her anti-dive kit and forces flankers to disengage. The hit-box is problematic.

She also shouldn’t be able to stop Reinhardt’s charge. Reinhardt also needs something to stop Brigitte from stunning through his barrier. The Rein/Brigitte interaction is what frustrates me the most and I don’t even main Rein.


I knew they were bad, but not this bad.

There you go buddy

Anyway, Brig’s shield bash could use a mild hitbox reduction, not a sledgehammer nerf.


I did testing on this a while ago but it got written of as “completely intentional” by other forum users.

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People tend to request fixes to things that are broken.
Funny how that works.


Put “Video Evidence Provided” in the title. People need to see this.

The whole point of the hero is to break the pattern of sticking to one hero. If youre playing a DPS hero that has to get close and she is countering you, then pick a new hero.



It’s ridiculous how people are defending this.

But another point many here have made is what does a support main swap to? What about a tank main? Right now, theres only one hero in both of those classes that aren’t completely countered by Brigitte (Moira and Orisa).

The only option they’ve got is to pick someone else. And what other hero requires their enemies to do this? The game isn’t rock-paper-scissors. If you pick a certain hero, you shouldn’t be able to lock almost everyone else out of their pick. It doesn’t work that way for anyone but Brigitte.


Yah well her healing sucks and if you nerf the stun you need to buff the heals. I don’t think you realize how unimpactful her heals really are.


Read my other post. I said something needs to be buffed. I said it’s not about the heals to a comment that disregarded her shield bash cooldown and hitbox to start a completely different conversation about her healing.

hey i dont want to be rude but if hitboxes like genjis deflect are considered fine…then this one should too…

just beeing honest here

i think this was on propose due to genji/tracer small hitboxes and making her more reliable towards attacking them…

Lets not pull a Doomfist again please


Not every scenario is the fault of the person getting beat. If Brigitte is able to get into your backline to harass YOUR supports then that’s a problem with your whole team’s coordination. Briggite’s shield only has a certain amount fo health, so I would argue that if your tanks were being impacted, your DPS is not applying enough pressure to either push her away or force out and break a 600hp shield. The only tank I can think of that’s also direly affected by a stun is rein who drops his shield, and maybe roadhog if he was mid-heal. Both are solved by swapping to a different tank. Orisa has fortify and her shield is persistent even while stunned.