This is not good for the community. Bad players just dps and almost dont heal they have more dmg than heal…
So you’re saying people weren’t doing this with Zen and Mercy? Battle Mercy wasn’t a thing?
Lol, people have doing this since the game came out.
Giving a DPS style brings in more people to play support.
Stop complaining.
Ah yes let’s make every supp mercy and give all the fun to the elite dps society.
Nah, they need to make them right. Primary fire should be good. Their abilities should be supportive. The issue is that the healing is for some God forsaken reason tied to primary or secondary fire and you need to choose which one to do. Horrible design.
Zen and Lucio are much better than Ana or Baptiste because they can heal and shoot. The only issue is that more DPS players would rather play the latter two, myself included. And in the case of the former two, they made their kits revolve around discord and speed respectively instead of just keeping a heal focus.
Why do people keep referring to Zen as a “support”.
He’s a DPS. I mean c’mon, his ult is a speed boost to get him back to the point and into the action as quickly as possible. It’s pretty obvious stuff.
This game is builded too much for the dps players … Create support with dps aspect so dps player can play this role such a bs…
I didn’t realize how much I use Valkyrie to frag enemies until I tested a “Mass Res” Workshop on PTR and realized just how plain Mercy is without Valk to go easily finish off low targets retreating or Nano Valk or to just help save your life.
wtf are you on about dps are the first to be eclipsed by the meta.
Of all the dps the 9nly one that actually does dps is zen.
baptiste literally only has a hitscan gun and all his abilities are support focused.
The only healer actually played as a dos thos is brig and she plays more like an off tank right now
Lets just get rid of all self-healing on DPS and tanks then lol
Posts like these are why adding Mercy in the game at all was a mistake.
Reminds me of a thread i made a few days ago:
Also stop giving tanks DPS and stop giving DPS survival abilities.
It’s pretty obvious that every role should rely on the other two roles for everything except their own primary role.
So you just want supports to only pocket you & play like AI…
And then let them die when they cant dps if theyre in danger when someone like genji/tracer are harrassing backline?
Sometimes I wonder people in this forum…
Support job is to support not to deal dmg. This game dont have role q and people are forced to play support even if they are awful. Most of times ending with more dmg than heal i am talking for bad Moira and Baptiste. Atleast bad support healer will heal more with mercy than Moira and Baptiste. This community i dont know want to support but want to deal dmg too absurd!
I disagree. You can CHOOSE to play her that way, but it isn’t optimal. Any support can be played that way. If you’re in Valk and see low targets, you better bet your butt I’m flying in and fragging them down. Or if my team doesn’t need healing, I’ll go in the back line and kill the enemy supports myself.
This exact statement can be said about any support. One of my friends made a comment saying, “I don’t even know why Bap has a gun. You almost never have an opportunity to actually use it.” But we’re also high MMR and harder damage and focus is made on the team.
I completely disagree. They should stop making dps with support aspects instead.
I assumed they did this so that people would be more likely to pick support. I think it’s a good thing.
So uh, how are those supports supposed to defend themselves if they have no way to deal damage?
And if they have a way to deal damage, some will use them as DPS when they feel forced to choose a support to conform but don’t want to actually play as one.
“I don’t want Supports to contribute damage to a team fight or have some way to defend themselves! All Supports should be walking target practice dummies!”
~ PyroPanda
Wait… so Supports are bad when they have a DPS aspect but also when they absolutely don’t have it like Mercy?
I guess Supports are never allowed to not be blamed for everything bad happening.