It is optimal to frag when the opportunity presents itself, but that’s not the point. Had Mercy never existed we wouldn’t be questioning a support’s ability to frag in a game based around 6 combatants per team and focus fire.
Survivability my friend and mobility they dont need dmg to defend themselfs!
We can but then all these “Mercy-emos” will come to cry “The new hero is boring like mercy” cuz she only heal -_-…
That’s the community’s fault. They perceive Mercy as solely pacifist, which is incorrect, especially with Valkyrie. Every match has an opportunity for Mercy to use her gun. It’s up to the player to capitalize on that or not, which falls back into community perception that Mercy shouldn’t. It’s not the hero design at fault - it’s the community.
Yes THESE BOTH ARE THINGS WHAT SUPPORTS SHOULD DO TO GET ULT CHARGE… If you even know what that means (since not that im never gonna rank shame people cause its toxic but no offense I checked your rank after watching your profile cause I was bit intrested soo idk : p)
Bad support you say? Maybe you should stop feeding & stop crying after you didnt got heals or something?
Lmao role que doesnt have nothing to do with this ffs…
Youre points doesnt make any sense at all.
Then people will complain that they’re too mobile and hard to kill, and that it takes no skill because you don’t have to aim and that’s unfair to the DPS that want to kill you.
When you are healing you are getting ult charger no need to be rambo. Battle mercy most of time is so useless instead of dmg boost your team.
Not to mention “supporting” doesn’t only mean healing. Supporting a team is CC, area control, healing, and even getting a kill on an enemy at an optimal time that will help “support” a win fight. Which is why Symmetra was originally classified as a support, Sombra as a support hybrid, and Torb. They all had supportive kits to help teams capitalize on securing kills. Not specifically healing.
You’re the one mentioning them in a bad light and trying to get “Mercy-emos” to defend themselves. Don’t bring drama in places where it doesn’t belong, please.
DPS supports are a community issue, not a game balance issue. Taking damage away from supports is a “solution” that doesn’t only affect the bad support players, but all of the support players.
Not true. In Valkyrie, Mercy has free flight, meaning she has one of the most optimal ultimates to get into the enemy back line to secure a kill on supports/back lined DPS that the team can’t get to without dive.
Mercy killing an enemy Zen or baiting his Trans is much more optimal than holding right-click and waiting for ults to start. I can’t tell you how many times I’ve baited a Trans for my Genji who says, “We need to bait Trans.” I will tell him, “I got it. Just wait a sec,” and I’ll Valk and force Trans for his blade.
I just feel like this guy is actually just trying to troll you guys…
Its too risky its not worth i am using valkyrie pre fight its dps job to kill not my. I dont know how people can think like this for real. You are risking to waste your ultimate and die becouse of 1 kill instead of safer dmg boost and heal.
Because it’s easy to get away with if you have correct key bindings on crouch and positioning. You’re hard to hit when you fly unpredictably and above the enemy’s head. Vertical aim is the hardest to reliably shoot at. My average deaths for Mercy on my alt near GM is 3.66 and I do this all the time.
And if you can actually aim as Mercy, that helps. I average 40% accuracy with her currently.
Hes talking abput not how the playes adapt a playstyle for a hero but their concept.
They dont like the concept of a dps-support hybrid, as it was designed to do damage and heal.
Well i guess really this community is full of dps players what they are touching everything become dps. Its useless to argue anymore have a nice day.
I have 1,032 hours on Mercy, next highest is 168 on Ana. I’m not a DPS player. I just don’t play Mercy like a sally waiting to get carried. I take the DPS into my own hands if I know it’ll help secure a team fight, such as baiting ults with super jump or Valk.
They have primaries as heals because that is what they are supposed to do as main healers. The other two actually attract more dps players, specifically zens who don’t know that you can attach a healing orb to teammates and lucios who only play for boops. These are not support players, these are people who just chose to play support cuz dps slots were taken and just dps with them the whole game. Their ability to shoot and have healing as a secondary is the reason why their heals are low, while main healers prioritize healing which is why their damage output is low. It’s a fair trade. If Zen and Lucio had bigger healing output then they would lose their damage output and their invaluable utility or make the main healers obsolete.
Which is why you put a smaller version of valk on E like torbs overload ability