Stop claiming genji is underpowered

he’s in almost every single game in plat and combined with nano is an absolute nightmare to play against


I don’t like the current genji and you can’t change my mind abaut that.
I don’t like 9 spread and I also don’t like deflect changes.
I would happily trade those away for something better (:

Also didn’t those changes make him better at lower- and worse in higher ranks?


Combined with nano. He has the nano which is making him a “nightmare to play against”. Genji alone isn’t a nightmare, it’s nanoblade. Genji is still underpowered.


he’s still a nightmare regardless. especially since his ult reaches way further than it should


Okay but here is the thing

in plat people really dont care about winning and they just pick whos fun, because in plat you can make any hero work, as you go up in the ranks people actually get better and punish you for making mistakes, its these better players that dont have an issue with him, hence his pickrate dropping as you go up in rank.

in short, git gud.


He’s a hero that attracts a lot of narcissism. People get mad when I say this - and I said this before - but I don’t think I should be censored for telling the truth.

People who play him often have the mindset of “I picked something harder and I’m entitled to wreck the enemy”. The same mindset Tracer mains have.

If someone plays Genji in Plat or even Diamond, they still have a lot to improve. Should stop crying for buffs to the hero and work on refining their skills.


CC kills the ninja quick. I’m guessing that people just don’t counter pick.


i’ve always hated this argument. like yes obviously the answer is to CC him but when you’ve got him pocketed and jumping around you it’s very difficult to just CC him


I picked genji, tracer and widow because I thought that all of these heroes would be fun to learn and they are!


Please dont use a heros performance in plat if we talk about hero balance. You cannot balance this game around plat. Genji is trash in high ranks, so he needs something


Statistics literally show he isn’t played in every game. Sure picked a lot, but that’s because he has a huge playerbase


balancing the game around the smaller group of higher ranks is just as dumb


If that was true, then when a hero was OP you wouldn’t see a massive rush on them, but you do.


Either way, his pick rate has been dropping in both mid ranks and has been trash in high ranks for a while now.


Genji needs a better mid-fight imo. People complain that a nano-blade, or a mercy pocket, or both are a nightmare. Well, yeah. We dumped two ults, and however many more resources into that play to make it work. Should 2 ults combined not be stronger than one? We spent more resources, but the arguments suggest that it shouldn’t even be worth nanoing the ninja boy.


you really dont, echo during her peak never was a top 3 dps, Zenyatta never hit the best support etc etc

Sigma never got super high pickrate in plat when he was OP, but on the contrast Hog did, its these random inconsistencies that prove this point.


No it’s really not, most cc has an aoe effect and his trajectory is predictable when he uses double jump.


Its the only thing that makes sense. Its a competitive game with its own league. Balancing the game for plat means just chaos


Because they are not crazy strong in the hands of Plats.

Genji is OP in Plat and below, and then he stops being a gatekeeping hero, and a bunch of people who took the easy path to plat get stuck.

Not good enough to Genji out of Plat (since, he now gets hard), not good enough at other heroes to play them out.

The point is, they play what is OP in their rank, and the heroes they pick do change, QUITE a lot at times.

And I am 100% on board with the “make him better in high rank, and worse at low/mid” changes people put out.


he is a popular character. people play him no matter how much he underperforms in the meta. but his popularity in metal ranks doesn’t represent where he is in the games balance.

that is what we want changed. we want his base damage to be useful mid game, and nerf his ult charge. this will make nanoing him inefficient in the ult economy. if the change we want goes through, nano blade will be much less common