The short of this seems to be, you get to diamond when you figure out how countering genji works, because the genji can no longer win your games.
balancing the game for the BIGGEST playerbase should be the default. esports ruins every game it touches because developers bow to every complaint a big streamer makes
“let me have what shes having doc it seems to be making her how can i say this go dumb”
Actually people who keep saying that are more self-righteous than Genji players being narcissists.
“Oh he’s a narcissist for picking Genji, while I see everyone equally…well except for some that I don’t like (Genji), those I discriminate.”
And then Genji haters have this mindset of “this is a casual game for everybody! Where’s my one button counter to Genji???!!!”
At least the last part of your post is correct, but you’re probably unaware of the irony.
it is dumb balancing to people that have no idea how to play the game and how the game works is dumb
So you want to balance around people who don’t know the concept of grouping up?
He’s currently the best flank dps in the game and is the only hero that can consistently 1v6 the entire enemy team. The people who claim he’s underperforming are Genji mains.
Yep, that is EXACTLY it. The each path to Diamond as a DPS is kinda Torb, weirdly enough.
If you were to try to cheese your way all the way up.
Personally. I am 100% behind the changes to make him less cheesy in low ranks, and better in higher ones.
It shouldnt and thats why no one does this.
Not really, most high ranked tank and support players think he’s bad as well.
this doesnt make much sense considering Genji is one of the most skill demanding heroes in the game
then why isnt Bastion/Moira perma picked in bronze? or Brigitte in plat?
dont balance the game around the smallest % of them. it’s not a wild concept
thankfully they will never balance around lower ranks or else genji bastion will be nerfed all really bad in higher ranks lol
so balance around the people that re trash at the video game ok buddy
I guess balance is done then because everything other than Sombra is viable at lower ranks.
He’s very easily countered. The game shouldn’t be balanced around someone’s stubbornness.
Not in ranks where people can’t hit him.
Because they are actually awful there kinda (well Moira is) - and Bastion does have his highest pick rate in Bronze.
this is completely false. games like league, cs, and even fortnite strive off of esports viewership. esports is what brings many people to shooters and mobas
that is a lie bastion is not awfull in bronze
Hey Egryn I main support and I know that Genji is not good right now. Somehow you are just completely biased if you talk about a hero who kills you 24/7, because you lack the aim and gamesense to succeed against him