Stop blaming your DPS for every loss

Dps have just as much carry potential as tanks

If DPS would just get behind the tank we wouldn’t blame them for losses.

The stats on the scoreboard don’t tell you much of anything.

Bronze player lol.

Man, you really need to start reading the score board better. Junkrat’s who spam and pray all game are incredibly inefficient, and thus their numbers are low. The Widow popping off will always compete for highest damage and kills.

It’s you that doesn’t understand the DPS role.

Disagree on the widow aspect. The better a widow is, the lower her damage to elimination ratio.

If she’s precise and lands headshots, she does exactly the amount of damage required to delete someone. Other DPS would deal damage that gets healed up by support until they eventually burst down target.

I’ve had games where I have the most elims and final blows by far with roughly half as much damage as the other dps. It really depends on if your widow is spamming body shots or actually getting picks.

In damages, there is effective damages and useless damages.

It’s better to have 3000 effective damages (kill the 2 supports) than 7000 useless damages (aka I shoot the healed tank)

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The most useless ults?
ptsd of hearing ITS GO TIME and 4 of my teammates die 🫠

Most supports or tanks that are bad are DPS mains queued as “all roles” and simply dpsing. So technically, yes DPS are the reason for every loss.

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I very rarely see DPS getting blamed for losses. It is almost ALWAYS the tank or the supports getting blamed. I’m sorry that someone hurt your feelings.

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its even funnier when the Moria with 4k damage and 200 healing says “dps diff” thanks for all that fat healing you did to keep me alive. :roll_eyes:

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This is some crazy mental gymnastics right here. Which DPS hurt you?

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It really depends on the character, and the targets they’re fighting, and if they’re getting peeled/healed at all. When I pop off on tracer and have 5k damage compared to my other dps at 12k, but I have (as an example) 25 elims/20 final blows/15 solo kills, my low damage means I was able to attack and kill a target before they got healed, whereas my other dps might have 4 elims because they’ve been focusing the tank who has been getting healed. I’ve had games like that where my team was adamant I should switch because “low damage”, and all I can do is tell them I’m doing what I’m supposed to, and to look at the replay after if they think I wasn’t pulling my weight.

This doesn’t mean dps diff (though it might) as this example without context could also mean that your supports have been focusing on your tank and leaving the dps to die, or the tank isn’t making space for the dps to get kills. It could just mean that the dps are getting hard focused, or the enemy teams dps gets support when engaging your dps. Not to say that the other dps isn’t better sometimes, but that goes the same for any role.

Their are not a Monkeys!
They are DPS! So below the avrage IQ

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true, tank diff
(5 characters)

Yw. As someone who loves to learn and grow in multiplayer games I like to help others as well.
I learn from others and I take what I learn and incorporate that in my gameplay. :hearts: :sheep:

Supports are hard carried by their passive HP regen.

dude what? I’m not going to speak on others here because I’m not them but I main Mei. you know… damage. so when I play flex and always get healer, I always make sure to do my job because I know how important it is to keep people alive. that’s literally my only job. to heal. that’s it. just heal. that is why I am a healer and can only pick from the healer class. its the same thing in a MMORPG. you’ll never see healers playing dps. ever.

but if you press ahead and over extend and get focused on, that’s on you. I can’t heal stupidity.

but there are so many people in this game that pick healer and refuse to heal. I’ve even had petty people on my team that has straight up told me in chat they refuse to heal a Mei just out of pettiness for them not liking her. there’s some really awful people that play this game.

I’ll be honest with ye. I stopped readin’ after this line mate, cause you can’t sit here and tell me moi tyre is useless!

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Golden. I read that in Junkrat’s voice.

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