Stop blaming your DPS for every loss

Thanks for your advice, anyways I was trying to troll the troll, don’t take my words too seriously.

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DPS is an easy role to blame when you’re not DPS. Tanks appreciate supporting firepower and can tell when they’re alone without turning around. Support? I mean… three people with high damage, and nobody around to peel feels bad.

Then you get your turn playing DPS, and there’s this weird urge to go on a time-consuming adventure to get that perfect angle nowhere near the rest of your team.

This is a fresh take, lol. How bad does DPS have to be to get blamed over supports?!

I understand the DPS are always doing the best they can but sometimes their best isn’t enough because of their hero choice – and then they wait until theres 10 seconds left in the entire game to decide they might need to swap heroes just to counter something the other team is playing.

I can only do so much as a tank or a support player. I can heal you when you get in trouble or shield you from damage. But as far as engaging the other team, their DPS, their supports – your own performance is on the line too. Underperforming on DPS is the same as underperforming on any role. Your team will feel the effects of your performance.

I’m sorry, but if a DPS is sitting at less than 5K per fight, then they are the problem. I’ve easily hit 5k+ damage as a DPSer – and I’m not a particularly good DPSer – when I’ve been matched with poor healers. It really is “DPS diff” if you can’t reach 5K damage a game.

Damage means nothing. You can spam shots into a tank and rack up 10k damage without a single elim.


no, my dps are always literal monkeys

Always? Yeah, I doubt they are the monkeys…

Nobody likes to admit it, but Season 3 of OW1 was so widely loved because Tanks were trash.

Monkeys understand monkeys

Nothing you said makes sense.

Supports have the lowest death rates and DPS the highest across the board.

Your last line also completely contradicts the first. “DPS is the carry role”, but not really, because the tank-supports need to do their job if they want to have an impact, especially on DPS that can’t just one-shot people.

I tried that, and I started having more control over my games.

Look, playing DPS isn’t easy (depending on the hero) but you cannot deny that in low-mid elo, DPS have a much bigger impact on the outcome of games than supports do. Tanks right now obviously have the most significant impact, but DPS still has a larger impact than supports.

As soon as I switched off support and started playing tank/dps I started winning a lot more of my games and actually felt like I carried them. If I win as a support most of the time it had nothing to do with me.

(There is a reason people don’t smurf on support heroes, and that’s because they do not have game winning carry potential like a good Hanzo, Genji, Cassidy, Widow, Sojourn etc does).

Highest eliminations and highest damage correlate nearly all the time. So damage is, in fact, a meaningful metric. Regardless, if you’re sitting at sub 5K damage, your eliminations are quite low as well.

This isn’t true at all. The Widow who pops off likely won’t have as much damage as the Junkrat who spams and prays all game. You clearly don’t understand the DPS role.

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no. its everyones fault who cried for dps nerfs.
including dps themselves, which it likely mostly was.

Sometimes you have to call it like it is. I look at the scoreboard at the end of the round. My tank and supports have better stats than the enemy tank and supports. But our dps stats are far below the enemy dps stats. That’s a definite dps diff.

I hate to break it to you, but your stats don’t mean anything. At all.

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Have you read my other posts ?

I Said I was trying to troll the OP troll and my words were not serious.

Stats can tell you a lot, if you know how to read and interpret them. They can point to issues on your own team that you can adjust for, or identify weaknesses on the enemy team that you can exploit. Ignoring or discounting them is the height of folly.

How about we stop blaming each role individually?