Stop Blaming Supports

“why cant i make clips because supports and a tank ult made me lose contorl of my hero for 0.1431342134 seconds”


It’s simple - DPS one-tricks want supports to die in one melee, but same supoorts to pocket them 24/7 and heal/protect all the damage they take.


Oh lord, now you have to land a second shot for a kill. PUHLEASE let me get my violin out for ya.


Basically, blue team supports are bad players that cannot be trusted to support their DPS carries, red team supports however are OP and need to be nerfed.


This part. I have always felt it odd…that someone would cry when they have to do more than take one shot at something to play a game that is not designed to “be like reality.”

Reaper got nerfed multiple times as did Sombra, I didn’t blame support characters. I blamed the annoying people in the community. I never heard of DPS blaming roles though for their downfalls, unless they are newbies to the game or really young.

As should you when you see the posts blaming healers for things. I learned to stay away from rant posts about my favorite characters though. Might help you to do the same, but I get what you mean.

Because the unspoken truth is that Support Characters are usually what power creep Heroes to IMBA levels.

Mercy-Pocketed Ashe, Widowmaker, and McCree? Nano Blade? Nano Hog? Pre-Rework Brig Armor? Armor Packs and Harmony Orb on Tracers and Genjis? Nade? Window?

A big issue is that a lot of support skills increase damage and survivability beyond what the design of the DPS heroes factored in. This throws things out of balance, and is countered with nerfs to the DPS Heroes when the problem is actually the support that is boosting them.

The OW team has done a ton of this type of “round about balancing” in the game. They ignore the root of the problem and give the game Ibuprofen to avoid massive amounts of crying/bad PR for the game.

The reason why this feels “fair” is because support and tank players always whine that there are 100 DPS but hardly any supports or tanks. And it’s true. Proportionally speaking, more people cry when you nerf a support than a DPS.

I’d even say more people, period… because so many casuals tend to play the heroes with lower skill floors, which includes a lot of supports that get tons of value at very low mechanical skill levels… so Mercy or Moira nerfs draw considerable rage.

support as a role just needs to be balanced and support mains need to accept that both dying and losing games is fine and not be boosted by heroes that are too strong and can heal, 1v1 most DPS, and have some of the strongest ults in the game.

Support in general should be the weakest role for the reason that it’s also the easiest, currently it’s the strongest unfortunately, surpassing even tank for the first time in OW history which is sad.

Why is it “stop blaming supports” instead of “stop blaming, period”?

DPS bad.
No, Support bad.
No, Tanks evil.

Tribal forums be tribal.

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When has this happened before? Like maybe zen with tracer but I don’t recall much

because we totally don’t have double the dps heroes than we have tanks and supports


The issue comes when then, you compare her ADS damage to Mcree for example.
Same fire rate, 2x bullets, but moves slower and doesnt really reach that much further nor she does that much damage (70vs80)… dunno if Ashe is gonna be worth the pick over Mcree after those changes.

its barely even a 1v2, mercy just has to hold left click for one second

who else can I play then? if I play widow im going to get 1 tapped

Perhaps McCree needs a nerf too then. I personally never liked the extra health on him.

See… Proving my point.

The predictable go-to retort :stuck_out_tongue:

A Zen has to press E one time to Discord someone from 40m away for a 30% for all 6 members of his team

Welcome to OW :heart_eyes: A team game where two people are generally better than one!

If one Rein has no Zarya or Lucio and the other does, that Rein will probs lose every engagement

If one Tracer has Zen pocket and the other doesn’t, that Tracer will almost always lose the Tracer duel

That’s how the game works

Also if you don’t have a Mercy that means you have a different support and are getting value elsewhere. Capitalize on whatever it is THAT support provides, be it speedboost, discord, anti, etc, and swap if you need to. Not like you don’t have 17 DPS to choose from.


No. They nerfed Ashe because of Ashe.

Mercy’s damage boost values have been the same since launch, and every other hero in the game has been balanced with both their base damage and boosted damage in mind. The devs made a deliberate choice to make Ashe do oneshots while damageboosted–as in, they literally pointed it out as a feature when they released her–and, not too surprisingly, it turned out to be a bad idea. Don’t blame Mercy for Ashe being a failed balance experiment.


Personally the main reason I do not play Overwatch more is Mercy. Never liked this character design, never will.