Stop Blaming Supports

Why is it that everytime a dps gets nerfed (even if they’ve been over performing for months now), a vocal minority blames the support that the said hero has synergy with?

To you people it does not matter that Ashe has been at the top for 9 months after getting overtly buffed.

It does not matter that since hitscans are running wild, it is natural for the best enabler to be propped up. I mean, its not like all the pervious nerfs to mercy have shoved her into this pocket bot lifestyle due to the hatred people have for any support who does more than just “stand there and be a free kill”.

It is not like even without damage boost and the help of supports, its problematic for Ashe to have that much damage in the first place,

I just ask, what do you want supports to do? if its not the fact that they are able to protect their team then its that they heal too much, then its too much utility etc. Tell me, what CAN supports do?


haha, silly. supports should be able to do every single thing that helps our team and nothing that helps the enemy team. but not to much to help our team that it would make the junkrat main feel bad because he didn’t help as much.


Oh! Silly me! I get it now!


“Ashe being able to eliminate 200 health enemy heroes with one headshot while assisted by 30% damage boost became too dominant, especially when combined with the other improvements to her weapon. We are lowering the maximum damage but also the shot recovery time to keep her overall damage output relatively the same.”

they literally nerfed ashe because of mercy


Idk people have weird ideas of what supports should and shouldn’t do in this game.


Ashe was created just to be pocket boosted by mercy, what did you think would happen?

Devs are trying to break the synenergy they forced upon ashe’s design now, you should be happy you don’t need pocket mercy to play ashe in the future.

Mercy will no doubt indirectly suffer more because she was reliant on this synenergy to even be viable lmao. Otherwise brig is just ten times better at doing her job.

Aka, if you don’t need the damageboost, brig will just eat mercy’s pickrate like she always did.


And now dps mains know how Orisa players felt…

That said, part of the supposed downside for hitscans versus projectile heroes is much lower damage in exchange for reliability. Truthfully, they could just make hitscans unable to be damage boosted and that would go a long way towards both balance and lowering powercreep.

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Remember when they’d nerfed Mercy into the ground with 50 HPS even during Valkyrie and Geoff Goodman was on a stream going: “Well Ashe [who’d just been added to the game] is a buff to Mercy.” with a straight face when faced with concerns from the community? Pepperidge Farm remembers…


supports are literally super overtuned in this game im sorry you are just too biased to see through this.

btw im a support main


BTW, I am the Queen of England.


no i think u are a mercy otp


I have as much evidence that I am the Queen of England, and you have of being a support main.

I have MORE evidence that I am not a Mercy OTP since I am famously a Mei main.

More than that I was a Zen main when I was playing in the open.

I DID play a lot of Mercy, back before moth, so I understand how she works, but mostly these days I Mei / Sombra.

When I am not looking after my subjects :slight_smile:


poor support mains on the forums dont know support is the most busted role with the most busted heroes lol


Because people still have a hard time understanding that OW is not a pure FPS but a hero shooter and balancing the game will take in consideration how heroes from each group work together.


majority of players are dps players. the q times shows it.
and apparently this majority doesnt want supports to be viable and wants them be a pile of garbage like brig is now. ridiculous


no majority wants the game to be balanced :slight_smile:

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I uno reverse card you now:

When Ashe got released one dev specifically stated that Ashe was a buff for Mercy because she was underperforming at this time.
Also Ashe got more of a buff with these experimental changes. Mercy got the nerf by not be able to enable Ashe now.


Because the devs sited that as to why ashe is being nerfed


And Zen. Don’t forget discord orb is also 30%. But changing that for both Zen and Mercy changes possibly 32 character’s breakpoints. Changing it for Ashe changes 1 character’s breakpoint.


blames support