STOP adding DPS to the game

Maybe I should just, not read what I’m replying to as well. Gotta be pretty time saving since you’re doing it so much.

About how incredibly powerful they are? Totally would never know even though those are the only two roles I actually play.

So, we should add DPS that have more synergy with them.

Quote in his replies to me where he’s done so when talking with me

I believe many people naturally gravitate towards DPS roles because it seems like the only role that you can solo carry a team without being a god at it. I’ve seen some of the best tanks/supports around but because of the limitations placed on the roles, it’s rare to see those roles carry a whole team. My definition of carry in this context the ability to be able to win games mainly because of your contribution to the team, meanwhile your team could be mediocre at best.

It’s frustrating. Other roles are on average slightly underpowered to the potential that a decent DPS could bring. I personally feel this way because while playing with great fellow supports and tanks in numerous games, in the end, the game’s conclusion is a result of who’s DPS is outkilling the other.

No matter how well I do and how many outstanding plays I make I never feel important to the game because the team’s opposing DPS killed more than ours did. Even though I may have healed more, tanked more, stunned more, shielded more, etc.

We need new heroes in support and tanks roles and need more hybrid heroes. Most of the heroes in these classes are so niche thus you’re forced to play certain heroes more often and it begins to feel like you play the same exact game over and over and over again.

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I’ll admit, I didn’t focus on those and he did state this

Now I know youve said you felt the xp gains being less, but I don’t think they’ve changed anything about it.
But if we wanted to entertain that idea that it was changed without a notice, we could look to the Kellogg boost of xp as a conspiracy theory for why the xp gain was changed.

Think about it, wanting more xp will boost Kellogg sales, but it might lower loot boxes sales, can’t have that so they lower overall xp without saying anything, so you buy Kellogg products AND lootboxes.

I’d argue that it was adding more support that actually created this issue. We have more supports, there’s nothing wrong with adding more DPS that’ll do better with them.

I don’t know why’d you complain about events being lackluster, they did warn us.

Yeah it stinks that they don’t add anything new besides skins really, and even then less. But they did warn us so you cant fault them for not giving a heads up that it would be like that while they work on game balance and new heroes mostly.

I checked what I’ve wrote, and I’ve been consistent. I genuinely think that you’ve misunderstood a lot of what I’ve said.

I wasn’t very clear with the flanker analogy.
Ashe is balanced, I was saying that Sombra isn’t. Sombra is definitely hitscan though, bringing the total of dps hitscan to 5, not including Hanzo.

Should we just not have roles? Or heroes?



Sombra isn’t balanced, though she also isn’t an actual hitscan. You play her as a disruptor, she’s as much a hitscan as tracer. She doesn’t have the range that a hitscan has. Hanzo plays more like one than she does.

I’d argue we should have more roles. Clear definitions other than these guys are bulky, these ones heal, these ones aren’t bulky and don’t focus on healing, because thats basically what we have.

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I agree with all of that completely.

Still 5 hitscan though. If I’m not counting Sombra because she’s not functionally a hitscan, than I’m adding Hanzo because he might as well be.

We have
Main Healers: Primary Focus is on sustain
Off Healers: support characters that have more focus on utility

Hitscan: Mid/long range heros who generally focus just on damage alone

Flankers: Focus on mobility and fast damage, usually in the enemy backline

Brawlers: Heros who do best at close range, usually have lots of damage or CC

Niche: Usually heros that setup and let the enemy come to them (really just bastion torb)

Main Tank: Sets the pace for fights, decides how you will push/defend. They are about keeping space

Off Tank: Synergizes with main tank, offers more damage and utility for them

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Your argument doesn’t really hold weight considering they released many supports and tanks before another Damage hero, that of course being the most recent one.
I love damage, and I was personally getting sick of supports and tanks being introduced, this was a breath of fresh air to me.

That’s fair, but for the record, more dps heroes have been added than new tanks.
You also technically got Sombra, making is 4 to 2, but she’s always kinda been there.

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I bet tanks and supports would have more defined subclasses if there were more of them. “[Insert class/subclass]” enablers, probably more distinctions between healing methods.

Yeah. I think it’d be interesting to get a better dive healer, possibly a main healer who can support them. I think that all classes need more heros, but I don’t think one should be ignored for the other to catch up, especially when tanks and healers can be a lot less niche compared to how most DPS are. I think Moira needs some changes though

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Have a like for understanding both sides of the argument.

The devs already did that: released 2 healers and 1 tank between Fist and Ashe.
It wasn’t the end of the world, I mean, it was, but not because of that.

I also don’t really have “sympathy” if the dps category gets ignored (in this context). They have a lot of heroes already, and I think that gives US (because I play dps too) a fair enough selection to say that we can stave off from new dps for a while.

I also think Moira might need some changes, but that might not be necessary if there were heroes that enabled dps they way she does tanks, they’d balance each other out nicely and probably make Orisa better too.

Eh, as I stated above, I think it’s more than just DPS. I think some of the categories could use a break (cough hitscan cough) but more of the niche categories could get some love. I think Moira needs some type of utility, she has nothing to offer other than healing up lots of health at once in short range. Something that Ana can do better due to her nade and the fact that she stops the eneny from being healed all together

Dont worry, there are 6 supps and tanks in production now.

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Fair enough, but I hold that the overall role of scoring eliminations could gain a lot rather quickly if some dps enabling tanks and supports were added.

I used to think Moira needed, well, something, but she already has it. We forgot that she’s an anti-flanker. That’s another thing btw, too many supports shut down dps compared to those that support them strongly.