STOP adding DPS to the game

I played a 4 stack match once (at the beginning of the season, back when i was plat) with the last 2 players being in the team chat. We ran GOATS and steam rolled the enemy team lol. It’s not as hard as people think…
we then somehow qued with the same 2 players. Again ran GOATS, steamroll win.

Im staying away from comp because if I continue, ill either climb and be forced to play Goats 24/7 cause im reaching a higher elo, or lose sr and drop back to plat, so im sticking to arcade/qp

All im tryna say is if I don’t even want new heroes at all atm. Just a new meta. Or maybe a new hero to shake up the entire meta looks at brig… or maybe not.

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And who talked about the difficulty of playing GOATs in here ?
Off topic.

You are late for the party, we already know the next 2-4 heroes will be Tanks/Supports

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This to me sounds like ur implying that at plat/diamond, it’s not easy to use goats, when in reality all it requires is people in voice chat.

So if I tell you “I live in Arizona and one day it rained, that made a rainbow”. You immediately understand that I think every time it rains there’s a rainbow ?
Because that’s the exact same shortcut you just used.

“Ooooh nooo! I have too many options!” BS, this isn’t happening.

We want certain types of heros, but I’m not gonna complain about DPS getting new heros, especially when this is the first hitscan added to the game, and we’ve had two main healers and an off healer added already. We’ve had two main tanks added. Otherwise we’ve had DPS who are their own subcategory or niche picks added.

Stop your “waaaaahh, DPS get all the attention, supports and tanks have it so hard”. We don’t, we have it the best out of any of the other roles.


I know a Support is coming.

Seriously, we need a bunch of tanks and supports.

If you want more tanks and support, while yes I agree it is nice then don’t complain about GOATs. Also no one wants to play tank and support because they’re boring.

Sure they can be fun but they are ultimately standing back, holding up a shield of some sort and/or keeping your team alive. A lot of the time doing very little.

DPS are fun because they’re active. You’re constantly moving. You’re trying to take out key targets. When someone jumps in QP they’re not looking to win no matter what, or they’d go GOATs. They’re looking to have fun, no matter what.


I actually think tanks and supports are the weakest classes, which is why they need to be stacked quite often. Very rarely can you get by with one healer, or only one tank. It’s possible, but it is hard and another role will have to severely carry the weight. You have to stack their roles to make-up for they’re weakness when they’re alone. That’s why GOATS is so annoying.

Yes, metas are usually dictated by supports and tanks, and who they synergize best with, but to say DPS is weak is a bit of an overstatement.

An amazing Hanzo or Widowmaker can turn the tides of a game with strong picks. Tanks can’t pull that off, and typically need a lot of coordination and teamwork to make multiple picks. Tanks and supports are very reliant on their teammates. DPS have a little more freedom over that.

That… just makes no sense at all lol.
You said you ran into goats once, around plat/diamond elo, and they were doing very bad that they switched. It’s actually you who thinks just because of one bad encounter that no one in plat/diamond can run goats, therefore thinking it’s not an issue there, which is false because i my self have done Goats with mates and randoms pretty easily.

(And btw, this whole sub-discussion is what i call offtopic lol, has nothing to do with the OP)


Yeah, that analogy sucked.

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“I don’t want this group to enjoy themselves” is all I’m getting from this post.

Position : plat/diams – Arizona
Event : GOAT games – it rains
Result : they were bad – a rainbow
Bad conclusion : hard to play GOATs – everytime it rains there’s a rainbow.

In both case : omission of the locative context. Generalisation.

Yup, that was literally a very very bad analogy. :roll_eyes: It’s not because you are not able to think logically as 80% of the basic forum users that what I tell has no sense. Sorry boy. You are way too average. So average it’s not even interesting. Can’t talk with guys like you without facepalming every line.

I’m sorry but I’m afraid I’m going to have to strongly disagree with this. By the notion of your statement of Tanks and Supports needing to be stacked with one another, then how do we explain the constant losses that come with the dreaded 4/5/6 DPS comps?

The fact that having one Tank or Support on your team completely upping your chances of victory, just shows how much strength how much both classes are relative to the DPS class.

Hence why 2/2/2 is usually preferred and why GOATS is dominating so hard right now.

It’s not a bit of an overstatement to say that when the meta has absolutely no DPS involved because Tanks can do the same roles a DPS provides while simultaneously doing their own role.

I always hear of the DPS being able to “pop off” and lead their team to victory but it’s always stated in a manner as if DPS heroes have complete independence from their team…which they don’t.

9 times out of 10 if the DPS is popping off it’s because space is being provided for them to operate efficiently, without that space, they’re useless (the other 1% is usually because one player is just miles better than everyone else).

Tanks & Supports don’t get stacked with one another because they’re weak, so much as they get stacked because having more Tanks & Supports increase your chances of success exponentially while more DPS more often than not, decreases your chances of success.

I’m sorry, but as a Support-Main, I know for a fact that we are not the weakest class and that DPS have been struggling since day one to fit into the various metas of Overwatch.


Oh please, you’re so overflowing with bias that you’ve managed to mischaracterize everything I’ve said so far.

I even give specific examples and all I here from you is “I don’t see that”

What a joke.

And btw, more dps have been added to the game than tanks, but go ahead and bury your head in the sand and tell me about how there aren’t enough dps heroes.


People don’t play tanks and supports because dps heroes are found more fun by the majority of the community.

They need to make more interesting heroes, instead of forcing people to play tanks and supports by making them super strong.


Have you even looked at my profile? I only play DPS in QP

All the examples of subcategories and how DPS isn’t actually just one big class? Get over yourself.

And an equal amount of healers have been added. Your point? And DPS isn’t just one big class, stop pretending like it is.


I say that the huge dps roster is causing to much competition between their niches and you told me I was complaining about having too many choices.

I say that new dps heroes (or making troll picks viable like Hanzo) has been causing people to complain that their hero is losing its niche to the newcomer. You call me a liar.

Then you started telling me that I’m saying all dps are alike, and then that I don’t care about the dps role.

I say that dps would be doing better if more supports and tanks were added that actually synergized with them and you tell me again that I simply don’t understand the complexities of the dps role.

2 flankers, one hitscan; neither is niche but both are poorly balanced.
1 new sniper, the second new hitscan dps added. Happens to share the same niche as McCree, Hanzo, 76 and Junkrat. That’s five heroes with the same general job, sure they’re each distinct (well the good ones are, the bad ones are chopped liver).

That’s the point, how many flankers does it take before one is ALWAYS the worst option?

Meanwhile, the other two roles have the opposite problem.

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I don’t think anyone needs to look considering how oblivious you are to the current state of tanks and healers, they probably could’ve guessed.

Tanks and supports synergies are so good higher up metas are just them
While dps is consuming itself with power creep and covering certain jobs too much, people are complaining dvas played too much when she’s the only tank who can do what she does, and she’s not even the best at it, just the jack of all trades for a few jobs no one else can touch.

If the game hadn’t released with so few healers and tanks to start we wouldn’t be in this mess.

Rock has said mutiple times that healers and tanks that work well with existing dps is what we need. It feels like you haven’t been actually reading what you’re replying to.

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But that’s not what you said.

You said people are complaining about there being too many DPS, not new heros being better. I called BS, which it is BS.

You treat it like a single roll, when it really isn’t.

That’s not what you’ve said, you’ve argued that there’s too many, not once have you mentioned support and tanks synergizing them in our discussion.

Sombra is a flanker, but not like genji/tracer. She could be balanced better. Doomfist is his own role, if anything he’s closest to reaper. And Ashe is one of the most balanced heros added to the game, what are you on? Also, all the hitscans have vastly different playstyles.

There are 3 actual flankers. How many main healers until one is always the worst option?