Stomps nonstop, is there no matchmaking left

so…just like mr? no this isnt a jike

I know that, I’m always trying my best with that - helping others, cheking my positioning, using corners ect. (
But now constantly you are getting stomped by those player, leaving…no opportunities to even try to practice aim or strategies - you’re just dead in 10 seconds, or enemy dps sneaking on you, so you decide to go safer pick and so doudle down on helping team as no one helping you so ur on your own (as a supp)
All this sometims come to two things - enemy has better aim and just better at grouping up (i’m solo but i always try to stay together and also not rush to solo flankers as when i might reach them I’ll be dead) :sob:
Maybe few years ago there were more players of my level and games were more smoother, now i feel that there are 50% of diamond+ players > they click 2 buttons and you just :ghost: :dash:

stop complaining, devs dont care if the game is enjoyable or even playable for that mater, there could be only 20 ow players in the world, if they bought enough skins to keep devs employed they wouldnt care, and there are plenty of ppl who buy thee skins willy nilly, u can see from the forum posts, devs, dont, care

Why because I don’t want to also join their lemming strategy of jumping to their deaths one at a time at the point / objective when the game is about to end? GG time to move onto the next game instead of dragging out another pointless round for them to lose.

Because you’re deliberately throwing. They are just playing poorly.

You’re the plank in that situation.

Have you considered it’s both for them? There’s a difference between them throwing at the very start compared to me not moving to the point with a few seconds left. What part of them standing no chance against the other team do you not understand?


I’ve considered it. I stand by what I said.

u must b new or have not played many seasons to suggest it ONLY broke with THIS patch.

what evidence do u have for this claim?

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Wonder what the correlation is? Maybe both complex team-based shooters with a clueless player base that wants to pretend they’re a certain hero rather than play it as a teamwork game?

The question is, how does matchmaking ever fix that?

Matchmaker quality especially in quickplay has been bad since the launch of OW2 for me. I’ve mostly been playing competitive though, so I don’t know if it has gotten worse compared to earlier seasons.

You can’t really learn good habits that will translate to competitive mode from quickplay because of how chaotic the team-fight tends to be as well as lacking in any coordination.

it is awful. to the point, it feels like there is ZERO MM


1W 1L 1W 1L 9L (loss streak) 9W (win streak) 1W 1L
And it’s always like that, it’s so blatant, and it’s all stomps

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Dude stop. Are you getting paid by Microsoft to troll here? Game is unplayable. Tf are you saying stomps are happening also in perfectly balanced matches. Are you OK? Or you simple dont know whats stomps are

Not just that, it just takes 1 player to stick with a hero being countered or just generally bad into the enemy comp and then that 1 team is at a huge disadvantage.

Not sure why people expect there not to be stomps in a game with this many different heroes where 1 comp can be completely wiped out by another even if the skill of the teams is exactly the same.

The problem is how many stomps there are. Way too many.

I bet the number goes down with bans when Ana isn’t played as much. If you get a tank that is completely stuffed by sleep+nade and they don’t swap then it can easily turn into a stomp. :banana: :banana: :banana:

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Stomps happen at all levels, in all games. Even at pro level matches.

They aren’t a construct of the game. This isn’t an OW thing, this happens in any PvP game. Sometimes, it just goes badly.

And here is one example of players causing the stomp. Not deliberately (hopefully), but you roll out with the wrong comp, things can snowball.

Agree. But there’s very little anyone can do. The only way to get consistent no stomp games is to have 10 pre programmed AI play the game.

But, as it’s 10 humans. Weird stuff happens. Decisions are made. :poop: Hits the fan. Games go south.

Logically, lots of stomps looks really bad for the game. People with a weaker mindset will get very annoyed very quickly about it. So if it was game created, wouldn’t it be financially in their best interests to study this and figure out the problems…(Oh wait they did and said it’s almost never the match maker).

This isnt in every pvp game. I can queue MarvelRivals and get kills even if i loose. Same thing with cs or valorant. in ow if u have a mismatch in tank skill or a gm dps in a plat game its so over that u cant do anything. for me i have to get a better gpu for marvel rivals, kind of laggy atm but u dont get a smurfing genji just shredding everything. the % of totally uneven games is way higher in ow. i know i doesnt make the devs go, yes we have to do something, but going into this forum and seeing that you are not alone is nice.

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I love Rivals but its just being dishonest that matchmaking is any better there. The problem isn’t matchmaking, it’s the people playing the game.

Get a stomp in OW2 because your team doesn’t want to work together and picks the wrong heroes that could’ve worked? Let me jump over to Rivals and get a 5 stack that goes all dps and can’t hit a thing (or The Thing) vs a 5 stack that actually played useful heroes and communicated.

Again, it isn’t the matchmaker - it’s that people aren’t there to play as a team to try to win a game. They’re there to… I don’t know, exist on a hero they find appealing until the clock runs out, apparently.

Playing in groups is the only way matchmaking gets better, because you mitigate the amount of potato player you have to deal with on your end by having people that you know can do what needs to be done.


dishonest? i played like 30hours and my pers exp is pretty good. i never got stomped like in ow. tbh if you are a master or gm player in ow the problem isnt that bad because you can get kills. if you are plat and below and have to play a high masters or gm u can do nothing. high level ball,doom,venuture genji just never die when the skill diff is too large. this isnt about loosing, its about how fast you loose. i dont mind losing against a better team but getting stats like 2-15 with defense torb against a 20-0 genji or doom. that is not supposed to happen. percs are nice but they make good players even better and newer players or lower skill players cant take advantage from percs in the same way.

I agree there’s not a lot they can do. One thing would be to remove hard-counters. They just guarantee a stomp if the countered player doesn’t want to switch.

Excited to see what banning Ana every game does for the stomps. She may not be OP (well, she is with perks) but having a tank that she completely counters makes stomps way more likely. Pretty much more than any hero in the game.

I have a little over 200 hours in Rivals and I’m just saying that the amount of people that have next to zero idea what they’re doing is commonplace. OW2 and Rivals both suffer for that.

If the deal breaker for you is that in Rivals you feel like you can just get more kills by playing better where OW2 you’re still kind of hamstringed by your team, I wouldn’t dispute that.

I’m looking at it more in terms of is one matchmaker giving you better teammates than the other, and in both games that’s not really the case. The matchmaking isn’t any better in Rivals than in OW2, but that doesn’t mean the game experience isn’t better due to the game itself. Know what I mean?