Stomps nonstop, is there no matchmaking left

The last week every game was a stomp. I get matched against gm dps and i am plat. Same thing with gold tanks vs high diamond tanks. QP is unplayable atm for me. i see 20/0 genji players and my team cant get one kill. payloads are pushed in 5min without any resistance. for me it has never been this bad. unplayable tbh


Nope, devs broke it with this patch


Not just you friend, it’s really terrible.


Over the weekend I had quite a lot of good games. But last night and today they have gone back to their old trashy quality. 4 stomps in a row so far today.

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could it be the people avilible to play with?

They did studies on stomps and found the match maker wasn’t the problem.

Stomps will happen, even in perfectly matched games. Just takes a misplay and the game can snowball.

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It’s not just qp. Been that way the entire season in Comp as well. I think Blizzard made some adjustments to the matchmaker to make que times faster, and that is resulting in some unbalanced games.

Also the perks being implemented as a win more mechanic is also leading to more steamrolls. Perks really do power up your team, so the team that gets them first has the advantage. And since you earn perks based on performance, you tend to snowball the other team.

Perks should be given out on a timed basis to all players to keep an even playing field imo


Maybe in a scenario where all accounts are aged and the MM has enough data on them.

In reality, so many people are technically smurfing because many are suspended over petty things. Then take into account boosting accounts, playing with friends, and so on.

I don’t believe for one second that the MM has no faults at all. It ping-pongs people’s MMR too much. That causes unstable win and loss streaks.

Has their “study” even been published or verified by anyone, or is it a typical “trust me bro” from Blizzard.

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I think you’re looking for excuses rather than looking at the obvious root cause.

It easier to blame something else.

I can say the same thing to the “It isn’t the matchmaker’s fault” argument

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It isn’t.

Unless you have no input, no free will and something else is controlling your actions. You’re responsible.

You are the one pressing the buttons and decided where you’re going to position. If you get out played and rolled, it’s on you to do it better next time. Passing the buck on to something not responsible and impartial is just a refusal to take responsibility for your actions.


But hey queue times for groups are as short as they can be!

couldnt have said it better myself.

literally everyone blaming match maker is basically saying. the match was determined from the start. nothing I could do would have changed the out come.


I play quickplay, and the games have been exceptionally 1-sided. I noticed it earlier in the week and thought I just had an unlucky streak, but these lopsided games have been happening all week.

I find in a lot of them there is 1 player in the lobby who obviously doesn’t belong. These players will generally end with 2-3x the deaths of anyone else on the team. It is especially frustrating when that player is you team’s tank and, like the ball I had yesterday that managed to die 3 times in the opening fight, then just continued to roll straight down main into the enemy team and die for the rest of the match.


OW2 characters do scale differently. Some will plateau faster than others at lower ranks, while those with very high skill ceilings will continue to stomp opponents who cannot deal with them. Prime example – Widow on a Widow map but can still snipe divers at point blank ranges. Or Ana’s that always connect with sleep or nade.

When the other 4 on your team are only good at dying there’s no point in trying.

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That’s them misplaying

You “not trying” is you raging throwing because of others mistakes.

Mistakes happen. Throwing is inexcusable. You’re the wrong one in that situation.


i think its like this: blizz decided to have fast queue over balanced matches, blizz thinks there is no cheater problem and they wont implement phone verification to combat unlimited smurfing. they rather have a game with some kind of a hardcore base that enjoys smurfing and destroying lower tier players. u can run this game that way but it will never get realy popular again. if u tried to make the game fair, ban cheaters, prevent smurf and fix matchmaking risking longer queues the players base shrinks before people start to notice that the game is better now. imho they just accepted the current state and will not implement any change that risk losing some player in the short term for long term success.


Last patch my main goal in this game - to have at least 1 win per day… and this is how it is. 1/6 each day ±
Cause his is my reality now > ( 2 left cause one was spawncaming for the whole game, another one flying drones in my city and air siren)

See how many 0-3/2? not even close games, total stomps in both sides. How can you have fun during these?( I’m trying to help teammates, I’m trying to swap to counter - doesnt matter At ALL

Not a good mentality to have - whether matches are rigged or not, even if your teammates are complete garbo, you have to at least do your job, otherwise you’re turning a 10% win chance into a 0% win chance. I’ve seen games where teammates say “gg” in overtime with the payload at 3m away and 7 min on the clock, and we rallied and held the point until the very end just because the rest of us took an opportunity. You don’t have to go sweaty or stress yourself out, just don’t give up. :sparkling_heart: