Still waiting on the D.Va buff v2

So Winston doesn’t need buffs? I don’t get what you’re trying to say here.

All you were talking about was spinning the argument on buffing winston and not dva because he’s statistically doing worse…

Despite the fact that he isn’t doing worse statistically. And then you suddenly claim both need buffs.

Whatever, I’m done.

I didn’t say this!!!

Stop making up things!

I haven’t said once dva didn’t need buffs

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:smirk: Can’t wait for it to turn V6 or V8, at least we could turbo charge her and have more nuclear power or something under the hood.

D.Va is unloved by dev currently, wait for all the hate towards her to die out just like for Mercy and she will get a buff.


I want hero micro missiles to be fat and powerful lul

Kill a termite with a nuke :joy:

I know that’s not rly what she needs but man would it be satisfying to shoot missiles that explode like Bap’s nades…

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As someone who plays a lot of soldier, who dva apparently ‘counters’ pretty hard, i think dva needs a damage buff desperately. Literally all a dva dive forces me to do is move a bit, sometimes i dont even have to move if the dva player isnt a god. But take my opinions with a grain of salt because i havent actually played dva myself. This is all the opinion of a player who, despite playing a hero, who, on paper, should be hard countered by dva, has literally no issue playing against a dva.


D.Va counters soldier because she can make his F-tier ultimate slightly more F-tier :stuck_out_tongue:


I would personally give dva more armour, increase her damage a bit, tighten her spread and yeah she should be good


I feel this too much. What a lot of the time you can do though, is that if you have highground, just kind if ignore the dva and run around her because the matrix is so short snd dvas waste all of it flying at you


I play both, you’re pretty right imo.
Thing is D.Va can deal a good burst of damage, but she needs Micro-missiles to be up at ALL costs in order to engage and a near perfect tracking so you don’t miss any damage, otherwise you never deal enough damage to kill.


That’s never going to happen. The devs fanned it by capitulating to non-stat-based griping on D.Va. Her damage deletion is not passively holding a shield up, it is actively making use of the ability and diving towards the damage source or teammate to protect with DM up.

Using sound queues to predict the location and do a 180 and fly towards the source to end up in the right place to delete it in one second is skillful. And yet the myth grew that there’s a difference between damage deletion on a timer before having to cooldown and damage deletion at the cost of a crack texture and then having to cooldown. Neither matters. What matters is the tens of thousands of damage blocked at the end. Are they similar? Done. That’s it. That’s balance. Simple as that.

The gimmick that they use to achieve the deletion is irrelevant. By capitulating to this hysteria about DM being the most OP ability in the game, we ended up in the Double Barrier meta, proving that the most powerful ability in the game, despite the whining, has always been barriers.


Yeah her spread needs to be way tighter or damage buffed a lot, personally id go with damage buffed because that adds some interesting anti tank capabilities.

The most powerful ability started with Widow/hanzo clapping people across the map and spamming in chokes

”oh just position better”

Yeah well unfortunately most objectives aren’t the safest positions…

This wasn’t an issue when I could dive widow with DVa. But that’s not her job now. She has no job.

I know what you are saying here but defense matrix was way too op back in the day to the point where the only job for dva was to bsically matrix on cooldown. Im not saying that sheilds are any better but it didnt fit with dvas character design as a dive hero

Oh I just meant barriers…

Yeah dva needs serious buffs

More damage would help her as a tank who can hold space

More mobility helps her peel and contest high ground flexibly

More tankability makes her better at not being a total ult battery and claim space

Just gotta find a route…possibly multiple


I’m not arguing to bring back old DM. But they went and cut her matrix down when she seemed balanced, and have refused to compensate ever since. Like if you sand one part down, you need to pad her somewhere else. A year later, and stubbornness is the only virtue in their balancing of her. And that’s not a virtue.


Any buff DVA gets would be very minor. The act of changing her thrusters from 4 seconds to 3 made her meta so that is the ceiling on her buffs.


It changed her from 5 seconds to 3. And I’d be perfectly fine going back to 5 seconds if I could actually be a tank instead of literally melting faster than tracer because I’m the largest tank with the least tankiness and a x2 crit multiplier the size of Texas that a blind two fingered cowboy could hit.


They gave her micro missiles in the rework and recently lowered the booster cooldown a full second. You gotta understand she was a monster in the meta for a LONG time, dva was pretty much meta in every meta before grav dragon and is still very strong with some team coordination. At the time her matrix was nerfed she was more than powerful enough where she didnt need any micro buffs. Even now, whatever buffs she may or may not need are very small, and should not be anywhere near her matrix.