Still no fix for QP leavers. Guess I'll do it too

Nothing annoys me more than when this happens. Everyone’s time was wasted. Everyone leaves unhappy. well done blizzard. :clap: :clap: :clap: :clap:


I was in a game where we fought hard and long for the whole round for dailies. Then at the last 20 seconds of the match,
The entire TEAM LEFT so we got no quest credit despite playing 98% of the match FOR IT.

We rematch and they kept doing the same thing. a entire 5 stack of people who kept leaving right before. And the worst part is it’s like a hostage situation.

They don’t enjoy losing, so they fricking lock your game so you can’t enjoy winning, advance, or get any progress at all.

So all those quests you’re trying to spend several hrs a week advancing just get deadlocked, and blizzard’s dumb system gives NO credit for a match that was 98% completed, wtf?

It’d be a lot better if you had quests at least complete for the parts done, or at the very least 1 game credit for a draw (but it really should be a victory for forfeit.)

But no, they just hold you hostage and quit every time you might leave, super annoying, absolutely toxic experience. Why would anyone design a toxic LOSE LOSE like this?

Really bad/purely negative gameplay experience. (And i don’t use that lightly.)

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You’ll eventually get your endorsement level down (so like you’ll lose 1000XP LOL), it’s so sad. Anyway…

Hence why I’m posting about it?

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Do you have any suggestions that don’t include penalties?

I would quit to if i had played with bad players in solo queue, I have zero inclination to placate randoms…

Absolutely. Two ideas of many ideas I have:

  • If 3 teammates leave, immediately end the game. There’s just no point in continuing.

  • If someone does want to leave, offer a “graceful leave” option. This option will find another player. In the meantime, the current player that wants to leave will continue playing until the new player joins the game. And the player will be swapped out in place so the new player doesn’t have to walk from spawn. And to prevent leaving in the middle of a firefight, I imagine the new player is spectating the hero they’re taking over and a 3 second countdown will swap out the player. This will also not count as a penalty for leaving too many games.


What of you had a series of bad games and then once you get on a good team, the opponents leave? That seems like it would be very frustrating.

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You automatically win. 5 vs 2 is a stomp. It’s not like it’s fun stomping on the 2 remaining players.

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I dont know how people stand Quickplay these days.
So many leavers, its a revolving door that almost always snow balls due to the constant leavers. Quickplay is the worst gamemode by a mile.

Its why i pretty much exclusively play ranked now. Match quality is a billion times better in ranked. Its not even close.

Do you think the player waiting to leave will give 100%?

The people who choose a graceful leave absolutely will. If the player really wanted to leave, they wouldn’t choose the graceful leave. They would simply leave the game immediately. And it’s better than playing with 4v5 even if the leaving player is only giving 50%.

It’s not a bad idea. My concern is that matches would rarely finish, as many matches would simply devolve into who gives up first.

That is a concern yes, but the problem right now is growing. I am now leaving QP matches more than before because I simply can’t be bothered with leavers anymore. I don’t have any data in front of me, but I’m making an educated guess that the average number of leavers per QP game is much higher than OW1.

At the very least, game ending when players leave means you’re immediately queueing for the next game instead of sticking around in hopes of finding 3 extra players to fill while the clock runs out.

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Interesting idea. Can you give me an example of why a player would choose the graceful route over the instant leave? People leave because they have something going on IRL or because they are upset. I can’t think of another reason. Maybe if they are just kinda upset but not sure yet or something?

For me personally, I’d probably gracefully leave, say, a Control map after the 1st round if I feel that the 2 DPS isn’t switching off to take care of the Pharah. Perhaps they are practicing their Genji/Tracer but that’s not fun for me. They want to practice their hero while I want to win some QP games, so I’ll choose the graceful leave option.

That makes sense. But would you really want to subject someone else (backfill) to that by leaving, graceful or not?

Sure considering backfill wouldn’t be as bad because the team didn’t lose a support for 1-2 minutes and backfill gets all the extra XP/challenges done.

Also to add to this: in this scenario, I generally switch off to a support I never play like Brig since I have a feeling we’re going to lose so might as well not give it my 100%

I’m not staying in a game again where (and this is 100% true) a Genji did exactly 27 dps the entire game and a Moira had 800hps and 900 dps the entire game. That is called a flaming garbage dumpster fire.

I am so fed up with people in QP just not doing anything or spamming hellos or whatever the Genji or Dva’s annoying voicelines are over and over and over, throwing the game, afk’ing, feeding, etc.

If the game even looks like it is going to be a dumpster fire, I leave, period. If you think a penalty should be for those who leave rather than disconnect – easily fixed. I’ll put a RJ45 coupler on my network cable and “disconnect” - problem solved.

Exactly - They added it not because players wanted it, they added it as a desperate move to get more money out of this dumpster fire game.