Stereotypes of every hero's mains (I'm just joking)

In my personal opinion he is more of a bodyguard and sight line denier rather then a dps.

He can also create his own offense by existing. DPS are heavily reliant on the tanks for space and supports for sustain. I can simply walk forward with Hog, put the enemy team in uncomfortable positions, and reward myself with an instant kill on a landed hook. Take a breather gives me more freedom than other tanks on engages as well.

You make a good point.

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I just love rocket launchers alright!

Theres no other hero who does so im stuck with this flying egyptian who cant even finish her ult line in every fight!

Baptiste: The flex player’s healer
Zarya: The flex player’s tank

Wow ok. And yes.

Why i never fit to stereotypes of my former mains.

wait rly? Most other marcy mains I play with are guys

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im so proud of my dad for coming out as an e-girl :pleading_face:


Wouldn’t that make him a cool E-dad?


I hate fighter games tbh.


I’m a tank player who likes dps.

I am a monkey.

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