Stereotypes of every hero's mains (I'm just joking)

Ana: Hates DPS, would want GOATs back + buffed ana
Ashe: Amalgamation of former McCree + Widow players
Baptiste: The flex player’s healer
Bastion: They want the easy way to play OW
Brigitte: Not sure about them tbh
D.Va: Want to play the big heroes but hate the shields as they think they are boring
Doomfist: They like good ol’ hand-to-hand combat and they used to play Street Fighter
Echo: Standard DPS players
Genji: insert weebs here
Hanzo: insert edgy weebs here
Junkrat: They live by the phrase ‘You only live once’
Lucio: Reddit is their natural habitat
McCree: Red Dead Redemption 2 intensifies
Mei: They think she is the cutest and most adorable hero despite the devil memes
Mercy: E-Girls
Moira: Casual players or tilted mercy mains
Orisa: When tanks get nerfed so hard your playstyle becomes masochistic by nature
Reaper: Goths and edgy e-boys
Reinhardt: People who try too hard to be cool
Roadhog: DPS players who hate waiting
Sigma: People who got A* in Physics class
Soldier: Standard FPS players trying OW for a bit
Sombra: Goths but with a feminine touch. And they like being sneaky.
Symmetra: They stan her and a certain music type/artist, be that kpop, rap, etc.
Torbjorn: not sure here
Tracer: People who’ve followed Overwatch since 2016
Widowmaker: ttvs
Winston: They are often stereotyped but are anything but that stereotype (eg Winston - Monkey, nope, Scientist)
Wrecking Ball: They play a completely different game to the rest of us
Zarya: The flex player’s tank
Zenyatta: When they are tilted, they don’t flame. They practice yoga.


I do want GOATS back…

Mercy mains, but your second support chose Mercy before you :grin:


Either the nicest or meanest teammates you will ever have. No in-between lol

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I’d say that for mercy to be honest xd


Ok boomer


Don’t worry nani I’m one of you but I haven’t watched anime once

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HOW. As a genji mega ultra nerdy otaku, you must watch an entire collection of anime titles to your last breath D:.

Jokes aside, thats actually surprising ngl lol.


It just seems kinda ‘out there’ to me lol

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Sadge. But ehh what can i say? Its not for everybody tbh :man_shrugging:

*Die. :slightly_smiling_face:


I’m glad someone knows

Cant even argue with this :man_shrugging:


I would say junkrat players are just looking for cheap sr on anubis defense.


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so, i’m a masochist that tries too hard to be cool, but is not stereotypical and plays a completely different game than the rest.
Yep, that’s about what main tanking feels like.

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Lmao this list is so accurate :rofl:

says the boomer

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Anubis is a perfectly balanced map what do you mean? :innocent:


Got boosted to gm and has no idea what they’re doing now that brig can’t 1v6 and entire team anymore

  1. Reminds me about my roast post.
  2. I love it.
  3. Never before have I been so offended by something I 100% agree with.

Apperently I am:

  • Not shure about myself
  • try to hard to be cool
  • Are a Goth (with a female touch) and an edgy e-boy
  • and a stereotype
  • And practice yoga when I’m tilted

In conclusion… 4 out of 5 are correct.

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If they have the gold gun, you can count on them having “hehuh, you should try my meatballs” equipped and at the ready for the whole game.
source: I do that.

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