Stereotypes of every hero's mains (I'm just joking)

I’m not that Zen lol. I get more accurate when I’m tilted, ( usually with teams that won’t push) then become an angel of death. If we’re going to lose, I’m taking every medal and potg.

Ana: Gamer boys who are going to get out healed by me.
Ashe: Comes paired with a Mercy main who’s going to have to play Moira because I’ve already taken Mercy.
Baptiste: My hot healer buddy.
Bastion: Electro.
Brigitte: Get off Brig. We need a real second healer.
D.Va: Either really bad or really good.
Doomfist: Is going to be toxic.
Echo: Dies a lot.
Genji: Weeb.
Hanzo: Other weeb.
Junkrat: A Mercy main who has been forced to play DPS.
Lucio: Going for them mad boops.
McCree: Has never watched any of the dollar trilogy movies.
Mei: A Mercy main who has been forced to play DPS.
Mercy: Me.
Moira: A Mercy main who’s going to have to play Moira because I’ve already taken Mercy.
Orisa: A Mercy main who has been forced to play Tank.
Pharah: My best friend.
Reaper: Male.
Reinhardt: ǶLĸ.
Roadhog: A tank player who has little faith in my ability to support him.
Sigma: Tend to be good guys and know their stuff. Will end up carrying bad teams.
Soldier: Tend to be good guys and know their stuff. Will end up carrying bad teams.
Sombra: Think they’re “helping” but they’re not “helping”.
Symmetra: Wants everyone to go into their teleporter but it goes wrong. Is toxic for the rest of the match.
Torbjorn: A Mercy main who has been forced to play DPS.
Tracer: Spends the match failing to kill me.
Widowmaker: Probably cheating.
Winston: Spends the match failing to kill me.
Wrecking Ball: They play a completely different game to the rest of us.
Zarya: Reinhardts little helper.
Zenyatta: Needs protecting from pesky flankers.


I definitely agree with D.VA standing behind a shield is boring.:rofl:
I’m NOT E-girl :unamused:

How are the still in GM? The SR system is so confusing.

Also lots of black cats :heart::cat:

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Oh, I had faith in you. I just had more faith in myself.


all of the three echo mains are just the npc meme

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This is so true, lmao. “Can I have Mercy?”, you kindly ask the thief. No response…You look at the timer and there’s only 10 seconds before the game starts, so you roll your eyes and begrudgingly pick Moira… :v: :expressionless:


Which are the four, though…? :point_up: :no_mouth:

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Me: five years playing, 3000 hours on D.Va, 700 Mercy, less than 70 (each) for every other hero.

I do pretty much dislike every other tank for that very reason. I think most DPS are too squishy and my experience with their play style is too much of a “been there, done that UT/CoD clone gameplay.” I like half of the support roster though; they’re cool (been picking up Ana and Bap more as of late).

Now that is a scarily accurate description of me.

Guess I’m not a Mercy main after all. Bummer.

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Nty lol.

But I failed all my physics tests when I was in school :flushed:

The “easy” way, huh? Hm… lol

Actually their people who like explosives and the joker.

How dare you calling me out like that? >:C

I always hope for something pleasantly unique and surprising, but get the same thing every time :confused:

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I really don’t understand why dps players decide it’s a good idea just to play hog just learn tank or don’t play tank at all. I main hog but also play a lot of sig rein and zarya.

(Sorry just had a little rant)

Hey this is actually really accurate! Lol

Because we’re basically playing a self reliant DPS with a ton of hp.