Mccree Buff, Symmetra Dead

Being the pioneer of Stuns, McCree was already disgusting enough to play against. Now with the added damage to right click, decreased shift CD (8s to 6s), McCree is strong both long range and short range, just like Ashe and Hanzo. A 330 damage right click. I don’t even wanna play Hammond anymore. Every hero seems OP.

Well, that is of course, except for Symmetra and Mercy. The two huge reworks that failed and are never talked about again by the devs. But really what can you do? What can you do if they don’t wanna change Sym or Mercy? They were only reworked because they were causing problems. Mass Rez OP, the one trick problem. But now they are balanced and OK to play. I guess “fun” is never a factor when it comes to balancing.

Doom and Brig’s nerf was necessary. But now other heroes get to be OP, Meta. When is Symmetra’s turn? It seems rather convenient for them to just give Sym tools for her to get some kills, but not too many kills. Just enough to make her not a troll pick. But that’s about it.

I don’t enjoy being so in need of support from my team all the time with no survivability. I don’t enjoy being told “TP me here, TP me there.” Sym is still more of a support. This game is never going to be balanced, but Sym will always be on the weaker side.


Tl;Dr git vid

Wait… You’re actually suggesting that McCree, who is consistently in the bottom 5 heroes in terms of winrate and has the worst winrate out of all heroes in diamond, master and grandmaster is op?


Aren’t you forgetting the Sym buff?


“How To Make Literally Everything About Symmetra or Mercy” - A How To Guide by the Overwatch Forums




Midrange, yeah

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I dont agree with everything, namely the Mcree stuff.

But I’ll say this: you’re right about Symmetra. Mercy, agreed too but she in no where as bad a shape as Symmetra.

Mercy is underpowered a little bit still can work if you were a Mercy main prior to her nerf.

I was a huge Symmetra main many seasons ago. Symmetra 3.0 was when I stopped playing Symmetra altogether. Now she back to troll pick status and not even a support anymore.


That’s actually fine by me, no complaints here.

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McCree just feels frustrating to play against when I’m not on Orisa. And not that right click is buffed, I bet it’s going to be hard to play main tanks into him.
As an Orisa / Sym main, I’ve only played Orisa this season because of how bad Sym is and how she has no way to survive stun or cc abilities.

OMG…he’s been underpowered for years and he gets a small buff to his crappiest ability and you cry nerf?


Did I say a word about nerf?

Not really. Every main tank has a way to mitigate flash + fan the hammer and that combo only really punishes poor play than anything else. Roadhog and Hammond are the only ones that don’t have some form of counter play to it.

Of course, I’m not talking about a 1v1 situation. In an actually 6v6 team fight, McCree already had a way to guarantee a kill on squishies. He doesn’t just punish poor play. He has a way to proactively get kills.
Now he can just keep on right clicking at mid range instead of actually using primary fire. Right click, stun, right click, there goes a tank. How is this good? What is the reason to play Reaper at all after this buff?

I like that because I feel that i’m making a difference other than using TPs to throw turrets.

Mercy mains have entered the chat.

He just got buffed and he’s complaining about that buff. I don’t agree with him either but outdated information doesn’t contradict his point.

It’s still not that outdated though, as this buff only affects McCree’s performance against tanks not the rest of the roster. You might see a jump of about .5% but there’s still no reason to pick McCree over Hanzo, Ashe or Widow.

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Sym buff increases damage but not survivability.
They need to trash TP give her a proper defensive ability and she will be perfect.

Symmetra did not get buffed. It’s placebo.

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Stop spamming every topic about Mccree with how he should be overpowered for a while cause he was struggling. That’s not how game balance works.