Statistics of the month

Oh and widows pickrate is stupid

That’s not “DPS containing Torb” though.

That’s “Defense Heroes containing Torb”.

As we all know, the Offense vs Defense heroes is an outdated split, one that Overbuff still hasn’t updated itself for. You’re literally only looking at 6 out of the current 16 DPS. Of course Torb is going to have a comparable pickrate, it’s boosted due to ignoring over half appropriate roster.

To be fair, other Goats picks have a significantly better pickrate than her (The lowest being D.Va with over double that of Brig’s).

We all (should) know that higher pickrate = closer to an even 50/50 winrate, since if both teams have the same hero, one has to lose while the other wins.

She’s still only used in 3 healer comps. If people mix a DPS like Sombra into Goats, they’re typically swapping out D.Va it seems. If they’re only running 2 healers, Brig is almost guaranteed to be kicked out.

The pickrates are general what makes comparing the characters of different classes to have 1:1 ratio.

Shes a trollpick outside of Goats and has a solid place in it thats why her winrate is bigger. And because other heroes like Zarya or Lúcio are viable outside of the meta.

The community did it before Brig was an idea. DeleteBrig was the final nail in the coffin.

Im maining Wrecking Ball myself and playing him is hell against Brig Sombra or Mei. But i dont want them to be deleted from the game because of it. The rock paper scissors was a thing before the new heroes. Like in the case of Pharah and Junkrat.

Jeff both plays and watches the game in competetive scene. We dont know which Geoff does. But we know that where he was the lead developer before, the games balance was unpopular and became better when he left.

DPS comps in OWL? The rarest thing seen in Season 2. Sombra Goats and Regular Goats whats dominant.

Factually untrue. Geoff, himself saidnin a thread earlier this week where he worked in Blizzard. It was WoW doing encounter design - henlisted the content he helped make, then he moved to Project Titan and then to Overwatch.

He never worked on that other game. The closest he came was some emails with the other game’s team and seeing them over lunch.

People need to get their facts straight before posting what they think are facts.

Geoff is the lead balance designer of Overwatch. Jefff Kaplan is the lead game designer. He over sees all the teams working on Overwatch.

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A whole 0.03% less win rate than Ana??? MeRcY iS tRaSh!