Starting to believe OW comp rigged

You must be losing your touch.

But to agree…

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I’d say, try asking Blizzard about it, but they aren’t helping the people truly asking for answers. The COMP platform is truly broken and is NOT transparent as it should be for this type of competition. And, I absolutely love how much the term Elo is thrown around here, when chess isn’t even involved.


Because you’re literally taking it as black and white which is not a realistic model.


How isn’t it black and white? You either win or you lose… you either get a good team, or you have to try to carry… you gain rank or lose rank… sounds very black and white to me… and algorithms have almost nothing to do with IP. We aren’t asking for their IP, we are asking for info regarding how the algorithms end up making horrible matchmaking and killing potential SR gains.


Well to me the gray are “community issues”:

  • smurfs
  • low population
  • stacks vs solo q
  • leavers
  • comms, no comms, toxic / distracting comms
  • throwers
  • boosters

None community things

  • role avg vs team avg
  • sr range

But at its foundation is this system that tries to make things hard for you. Whose to say at these gateway battles your mmr is such a way that your teammates ping starts to wane… remember ping and region are part of the system.


Smurfs, throwers and leavers I can vouch for heavily in the low ranks.

Wasn’t expecting so many replies on this :rofl:

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Amazing what people will delude themselves into believing these days


I’d argue the bigger problem is how serious (both sides of this argument) take the game. Literally nobody on these forums has any reason to be this emotionally involved.

  • We’re all just sheep

You realize an algorithm is IP, right?

IP = Intellectual Property.

12 players in a lobby. Usually all humans (though there are those occasional BOT deranker games), humans playing against other humans.

Some humans want to win, other humans want to have fun. Winning is fun for some people, other people find fun in making you tilt.

Mistakes made, lead to lost games. Lost games lead to lost SR.

They’re in every rank. I would agree that leavers and throwers are more prevalent in lower ranks because people tend not to care as much about the game when they don’t take it seriously (which is fine).

Those aren’t match making issues though. Those are community issues and you can’t classify them as such.


I still think blizzard needs to charge a $10 monthly subscription to OW.
That will rid so much of alternate accounts and so on . Sure few will want pay pay however it will take a big drop in that area therfore leaving OW too the serious players.

Blizzard please charge a monthly subscription :pray:

That’s the only way they will be able to fund anti-hacking and anti-cheat development and research. It would also allow for greater policing of the community which they have VERY MUCH failed at.

  • So I approve this as well.

I mean… They could also just take some of the more aggressive approaches like hardware assignments.

  • But they do like their alt account sales :sweat_smile:

It would be ideal if you were allowed to have 2 accounts under that subscription. That would allow you your main account and an account to practice on.

Because these accounts are linked, you’d be able to differentiate between smurfing or alt-ing. Or if you have a little brother who want’s to play (or whatever that dumb argument is).


Blah, blah, blah. There is evidence to support my claims. All your side has to say is “get good”. This is not games getting harder. I’ve played in ranks below where I am normally at. The same thing happens down there.

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Ok why don’t you provide your evidence instead of just talking about it? You make ridiculous claims, you provide the proof. Somebody literally disproves exactly what you say, as it is not possible, and your response is “Blah, blah, blah.”

I say this to everyone who talks like you: give a replay of a loss you are describing, preferably as long as possible. Most people don’t even bother to because they can’t even prove their claims in their own games. The rest have shown a million mistakes in the first five minutes. But I’d be happy to be proven wrong!


You are just another one of the people who want to pretend there is nothing happening. I’ve had this argument many times before. There is no use in speaking to you about it. We will not change minds.

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Saying “You’re wrong” is not proving someone wrong.

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Hahahah I wasn’t saying that I proved you wrong, just the dozen other people that have. Somebody states that your argument is stupid and disproves it. As a result you say:

Unfortunately, that doesn’t prove that the other person is wrong either! Weird to a hypocrite about something you did less than 10 minutes ago. Sadly just another person blinded by their own arrogance.


Where is the hypocrisy? Neither side is capable of proving they are correct. None of us have access to the code. I’m in the camp that believes it is rigged against you, whether intentional or unintentional. You are on the other side of the fence. Nothing I say will change your mind. Nothing you say will change mine. Why waste time arguing with one another?

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Lol you don’t get to default to both of us could be right just because it can’t technically be 100% proven. Overwatch uses mmr, just as every other competitive game. Overwatch balances games to be 50/50, as every other game. It is a completely standard system for the industry. That is why when you make stupid claims, the burden of proof is on you. My proof is your lack of proof. That’s why this conversation was over before it started.


I can default to this because neither of us is able to prove anything. Like it or not, that is a fact. It’s clear you are going to need a lot of copium to deal with that fact. By the way, a lack of evidence is not evidence of something.


Actually, I will retract my statement. It is proven that Overwatch uses MMR to balance games. It is proven games are supposed to be 50/50. It is completely false that the game handicaps you in any way.

There you go, straight from the developers. Unbalanced games do not exist. They will not be made. What do you have to say now? Will you admit you are wrong or will you jump through more hoops to justify yourself.