Stage 2 = Goats. When a balance team tries to nerf a meta

Winston GOATs is going to be the new thing and it isn’t as dependent on speed boost as Rein GOATS.

While speed boost was important, lucio’s boop was equally important at high levels.

People should keep complaining about Brig until something is done to her to actually make a difference, which will likely be a reworked hero or a 2-2-2 lock where she could actually be buffed. In 3/3 her impact is what allows the comp to function and removing her would remove the comp without any other balance changes

You can’t because it is so reliant on her stuns and her burst heal. She can heal 150HP instantly every 6 seconds. Nano heals for 200 HP and it’s an ult. She is bad outside of 3/3, they did a good job with that, but she still is mainly what is enabling the comp because she keeps flankers from actually countering healers.

Sure you can run 3/3 without her but you are losing out on a huge source of burst healing, CC, and damage.

Please tell me how may bronze players are winning with goats?

Balancing around the top 1% hurts the game.

then why do people complain about meta heroes constantly?
Sombra got played for a bunch of matches in OWL and suddenly the forums were full of “nerf sombra” threads.
People cry about nerfing tanks, especially rein and zarya (anyone with a passing understanding of goats knows that nerfing rein would do NOTHING to goats), yet we are also supposed to believe goats is an everyday problems and we NEED to nerf tanks into the ground. Despite goats being a triple support first and triple tank second.

Also, they really don’t balance around owl alone.
Otherwise reaper would have kept 50% lifesteal and bastion would get more substantial buffs.
And brigitte would have been nerfed even more (despite her mains claiming she’s unplayable, she’s still the second most picked hero in pro play).

So no, they don’t balance just around the 1%.

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First you need at least a team willing to do it lol

Anybody can play GOATS, if you do’t function as a team or understand the meta, well that’s on them? In Bronze, who actually works as a team?

All these teams have been pretty much practicing nothing but GOATS, they aren’t all of a sudden going to change the strat.

Pro’s are very similar to one-tricks. Even if there is a more ideal comp out there, they really don’t have the machanix/practice to just swap to something different.

If anyone could do it it’s them but not vs another team who ALSO has been playing GOATS.

Your going to need to hold out till next season to allow the meta to form and Pro’s to discover and refine it.

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Part of the issue here is that the devs live in a different reality that we do where Overwatch is concerned.

We see what is going on the live servers, and we see what’s happening in the OWL meta.

The devs are thinking about what they game will be next year. They’re thinking six heroes ahead with internal playtests, design meetings, etc.

They’re not trying to nerf GOATS with only the nerf to GOATS in mind. That’s how we think.

If they try to nerf goats, it’s more of an afterthought because they don’t just need to try and handle goats. They need to move the game in a specific direction for heroes they’ve got in the queue who don’t even have names yet.

…and they need to try and blunt GOATS while they’re at it, without killing whatever is coming up in the meantime. Just imagine what would happen if they nerfed GOATS into the ground, only to break the new tank that’s obviously next in line.

Wouldn’t go over too well. Would it?

That is an interesting point. Lots of people (me included) see a Hammond Meta forming. If you pay attention to the changes they have made, all of them benefit him.

Armor nerf, Adaptive shield, Boop changes.

It would make sense that Bliz has been grooming him (letting people get better at him so he sees game time) then steadily buffing him.

He is super fun to watch so I can see them trying to make this happen (Baptist is a great healer for him too, IF+large aoe splash healing).

Really any comp that isn’t 2/2/2 makes the game worse.

Tank heavy comps are slow, too forgiving to mechanical error, and nothing ever dies.

Dps heavy comps every one is running around doing their own thing like it’s team death match… no frontline/back line.

Triple support is still cancer with standard rein/Zarya and a flex dps.

I don’t care if it’s owl, high elo play, or some golds trying to get an easy win… goats should not be in overwatch.

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That’s probably part of it. My guess is that it’s not a matter of “we want Hammond to become meta in stage-x of season-y”, and more like a game of chess (not 3d or 7d or whatever. same 2d that we play).

The board is the live game that we are playing. One move behind us is the game the pros are playing in OWL.

The devs are thinking seven moves ahead while we only think about the next move.

The devs run into problems when either we or the pros randomly swap pieces around on the board (organic metas form) that the devs didn’t see coming. In the case of GOATS, someone basically reached onto the board and swapped out a bishop for a rook and now the devs are staring at the board going “WTF did they just do?”

lol yes. They also have now been burned because when people said ‘we are sick of dive!’ we got brig, who…obliterated the balance of the game.

Now they have ruined Brig, but its STILL not enough, and they add in yet another Support hero, and there are no limits on role slots.

Until they cap Tanks/Supports and implement role queue this games stuck.

Lol that made me laugh hella hard. I can def see them just being blown away from the turn of events. But I believe it was the team GOATS that took the bishop no?

soooo basically blizzard doesnt understand how their game is played and in trying to ‘stop’ goats from being the only thing pros play in OWL, Contenders etc, they instead made it ‘stronger’…


back to watching the more recent news of birds flying, sun shining, and grass growing…

oh and then the followup news of water being wet!

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Everyone keeps saying there needs to be either a 2-2-2+role queue or big reworks for things to “change.”

The simple answer is to just put in hero bans. Give each team 1 hero to ban and you just fixed all the issues.

“yah, but I can’t play a certain hero I like if it gets banned!” Yah, you can’t play a BUNCH of heroes if we put in role queue, too.


False, completely. So…

I appreciate what you are saying, but heroes are introduced so slowly I find it hard to believe they plan more than one ahead beyond some crude concept art.

The YourOverwatch youtube channel covered an interview they did for a video yesterday and they brought up two main points about Goats that makes it so unstoppable, both about equally.

The first is Lucio’s ult Sound Barrier because it basically nullifies any dps ult, so anything short of a grav/dva bomb combo is pointless to try to run consistently, and even gravbomb can still be countered by barriers the speed boost nerf made Rein goats weaker but the CC changes just made Wisnton Goats far stronger. Some even say the Lucio actually came out stronger from the last patch due to it.

The second is Brigitte who can fill any slot simultaneously, particularly the dps slot at pro level. She has both passive AoE healing and one of the best healing abilities in the game in her Armor pack which is itself on a very short cooldown. She has the tankiness in her 500 shield on right click with two forms of CC and the shield is too small to focus down like a winston bubble. And then you have just her basic attack which can hit through shields, in an area that makes it not miss, and provides additional sustain healing. And all of this comes with no drawbacks, she may lack range and mobility but she doesn’t need it when she has a dps size hitbox with 750 health and self sustain heals.

In the video they talked about ideas to push brig either back firmly into support or just making her a full on defensive dps that counters dive and flankers but less offensive capability. She probably does just need a full rework as the nerfs needed to make her balanced at pro level would destroy her character anyway.

How is this false? If I queue up for a game and I want to switch from Zarya to Mei because the situation calls for it, but Role Queue is in affect, how am I supposed to switch to Mei?

It’s become THE valid composition because damage creep has made anything else too risky to run.

The game has a lot more instant/near instant kills than it did when it was first released, especially at the pro level where they utilize characters who can do so to their fullest potential.

Before GOATS, the pros were dealing with Widowmaker and Hanzo killing everything in one shot. So, they started running more tanks, the only class that snipers can’t kill in one shot.

As GOATS continues to dominate, it’s clear that the pros have come to value characters with high team synergy over anything else… And the dps class has far less synergy than tanks and healers.

We’re stuck between a rock and a hard place: either nothing ever dies and so nothing gets done, or everything dies too quickly for anything to get done.

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If you chose to queue as Tank, why would you try and leave your team hanging with Mei?

You are looking at role queue backwards and seeing it as a limitation. Comparing it to hero ban’s is disingenuous at best.