SR Decay in OW 2- Why not?

It just means that the doom who will get away with it will rise until he reaches an ELO where people are able to communicate appropriately to shut him down.

It also means that the people who are unable to counter the doom due to their lack of communication skills will drop.

Your argument is void. Not being able to rely of the safety of a 6 stack, you are forced to develop communication skills to access the same level of team play. This increases the skill cap of every single individual playing the game. Some people will develop this skill and rise thru the ranks, while other will remain or drop.


It’s a literary style of argumentative writing. Sometimes people have put a lot of value on their high school language arts skills when they run out of legitimate points.


I have noticed he does that a lot, any idea why? :thinking: :face_with_monocle:


Honestly 100% irrelevant to the topic of discussion and should be flagged as trolling for being extraneous.


True, he keeps derailing threads for no reason

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You’re trying to separate individual skill from the skill of playing in a team which you cannot do

An individual’s skill within a team game is his ability to work within a team

He may never reach such an elo on ladder

If you took a high-level organised team they would easily dismantle the top 10 of the top 500 players

Not at all it is a well-known form of fallacious reasoning

This page explains it better:

Imagine quoting wikipedia… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I can see why they think millennials are so stupid.


If for some reason you do not trust Wikipedia you can simply Google for list of logical fallacies among which will be listed that fallacy as a " red herring informal fallacy"

An argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority on a topic is used as evidence to support an argument.

Really dude? Lol

Actually, you’ve done the exact thing when you bring up LHCloudy LMAO

“But cloudy plays rein like this”


Exactly and this became harder when you stopped being able to rely on friends in a 6 stack and instead had to rely on your ability to communicate with randos.

Yes, proving my point. It becomes harder to accomplish the same level of play, not easier. When something becomes harder to achieve, it increases the skill cap, because with enough effort, you could possibly still achieve it eventually.


I would choose to take his advice regarding his Reinhardt playstyle because it has proven to be effective for him and the same thing worked for me

At the same time no one should be considered an authority on all things overwatch related including LHCloudy

It’s also more relevant in that case as we are talking about viability of a particular playstyle as opposed to talking overall population skill level

I personally believe that every player has their own optimal playstyle

It does not become harder because you don’t have to face that higher level of teamwork so it’s no longer needed as much

Precisely. in other words the level of play is lowered

By random chance which is contradictory to skill

You might eventually be lucky to get a team that you synergise well with but that’s not skill - that’s luck

I can’t stop laughing whenever he brings this up. Just because LHCloudy plays like this in Top 500, doesn’t mean a Diamond player can replicate the same, with the difference is that the diamond player has nowhere near the same amount of skill and also doesn’t communicate with his team and just ends up feeding :rofl:


That’s cool. But you’re still committing the same fallacious reasoning and choosing/cherry-picking/skewing perspective to fit your individual narrative.


Not at all. Appeal to authority isn’t a fallacy if it’s used in the correct context

The authority in this case is the fact that he was able to reach the rank he did with that playstyle and it supports the viability of a given playstyle

KarQ isn’t an authority on all things overwatch related just because he’s a top 500/content creator

It’s much better to form your own opinions on things with logical deduction and sound reasoning

Everyone is subject to the no 6 stack rule and everyone still has access to the same strats and synergies.

This means that GM will only be full of people who have the ability to communicate with randoms and make use of these synsergies.

Therefore the skill required to reach GM will be higher since you need a competence (i.e. exceptional in-game lead capabilities) that you previously did not necessarily need due to being able to rely on your 6 stack friends.

ANYWAY, as i previously said, you are too arrogant to be reasoned with. I will be withdrawing myself from the conversation.


You’re choosing your context while ignoring others.

Not really that logical.


I would choose to take KarQ’s advice on how the playerbase has gotten better throughout the years, especially since he provided video footage and an analysis on his own gameplay, both from 2017 and current.

Instead of taking the word of someone who simply “believes” GM is easier now than before, especially when such individual has never been GM before

I mean I don’t look at Top 500 streamers as “the sole authority” or anything lol, but when it comes to certain things ESPECIALLY GM gameplay, I’ll take their word over someone who’s never been GM before

I mean, we’re both quoting Top 500 players, but you’re the one who brought up the “authority” argument out of nowhere lol.

Sure, but not every play style could work in every rank


This is where you made the logical error

KarQ being good at the game doesn’t mean he is capable of assessing the validity of the above statement in regards to playerbase overall skill level

The competence you reference is that of working with randomness. It replaces the competence of working in a team. One simply replaces the other. This does not mean that greater skill is now required

The overall level of play however will be lower. this is indisputable.

Having the option to group up and synergize always increases the skill cap

Which is why obviously OWL level of play is drastically higher than even the very highest ladder games

This is where you logic is flawed. It doesn’t replace it.

Being able to communicate with randos is a subset of the competence of working in a team.

Playing with randos makes playing in a team harder not easier.


It does to a large extent because you are much less likely to encounter/come up against a high level of teamwork

Not at all. It just makes it more luck based rather than skill based

Do you think your GM random team can beat an OWL/contenders team or even top level open division team?

If the answer is no, then that’s because the level of play would be lower with randoms