SR Decay in OW 2- Why not?

The level of play is lowered which is what we were talking about

The fact that you never have to come up against a 6 stack team means the game is easier

And so are you, except you’re the one making assumptions about a rank that you’ve never played at

I mean, sure?

Some people improved throughout the years, others fell in rank. Technically even those who are hardstuck are constantly improving.

Not sure what this has to do with the whole conversation but ok


The rule regarding 3+ stack is common knowledge and not an assumption. It was noted in a developer update

No one comes up against 6 stack, while the synergies remain unchanged. That’s the thing.

This means that only players with exceptional in-game lead capabilities will be able to access and make use of the synergies to their fullest extent.

You argument is flawed.


Can you link that?



Exactly no one comes up against high level synergy which means the game is easier

They won’t need to access the synergies as much because they simply won’t be playing against it as much

To give an example if I were to play Doomfist against a coordinated team it’s much harder to get away with the things that I could normally get away with if I were just playing solo against random solos because they would have the teamwork to be able to counter me

Ok? That’s not what we were talking about.

What does this have to do with you disregarding a Top 500 player’s opinion about how the playerbase has increased throughout the years?


That argument is an “appeal to authority”

It’s a logical fallacy

What “authority” are you talking about lmao?


Its not easier, its more fair. Imagine a Pro League 6 stack playing against 6 randoms, not fair or balanced in any way.


It just means that the doom who will get away with it will rise until he reaches an ELO where people are able to communicate appropriately to shut him down.

It also means that the people who are unable to counter the doom due to their lack of communication skills will drop.

Your argument is void. Not being able to rely of the safety of a 6 stack, you are forced to develop communication skills to access the same level of team play. This increases the skill cap of every single individual playing the game. Some people will develop this skill and rise thru the ranks, while other will remain or drop.


It’s a literary style of argumentative writing. Sometimes people have put a lot of value on their high school language arts skills when they run out of legitimate points.


I have noticed he does that a lot, any idea why? :thinking: :face_with_monocle:


Honestly 100% irrelevant to the topic of discussion and should be flagged as trolling for being extraneous.


True, he keeps derailing threads for no reason

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You’re trying to separate individual skill from the skill of playing in a team which you cannot do

An individual’s skill within a team game is his ability to work within a team

He may never reach such an elo on ladder

If you took a high-level organised team they would easily dismantle the top 10 of the top 500 players

Not at all it is a well-known form of fallacious reasoning

This page explains it better:

Imagine quoting wikipedia… :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

I can see why they think millennials are so stupid.


If for some reason you do not trust Wikipedia you can simply Google for list of logical fallacies among which will be listed that fallacy as a " red herring informal fallacy"

An argument from authority (argumentum ab auctoritate), also called an appeal to authority, or argumentum ad verecundiam, is a form of argument in which the opinion of an authority on a topic is used as evidence to support an argument.

Really dude? Lol

Actually, you’ve done the exact thing when you bring up LHCloudy LMAO

“But cloudy plays rein like this”


Exactly and this became harder when you stopped being able to rely on friends in a 6 stack and instead had to rely on your ability to communicate with randos.

Yes, proving my point. It becomes harder to accomplish the same level of play, not easier. When something becomes harder to achieve, it increases the skill cap, because with enough effort, you could possibly still achieve it eventually.