*Spoilers* massive skin leak from survey

No zen or junk concepts? Lame.


Theyā€™d make 2bil in a day if they ever sell the cat pass

the $200 cat mega shop bundle*

Hopefully Venture gets a skin soon.

Cowboy ones and the formal ones look cool. Everything else looks bland. Still am not going to buy any skins from this detestable company.

3 Kiriko skins
3 Illari skins
3 Ashe skins
4 Lifeweaver skins

Can we get some skins for characters that arenā€™t receiving them every season?



They sent me three surveys in total this week and none of them had skins. They also have a NDAā€¦

p-pj hanzo?

Not for these surveys they donā€™t.

isnt that the whole point of having a skinā€¦ ??
to have something cool and different than the base character ?

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Seems more lie voting for season themes than the skins alone.

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Well, most people here are generally wrong almost on purpose. So overly willingly its kind of sad.

There is being different and then there is being absurd and stupid.

And you are free to equip whatever skin you think is cool and dope and ā€œin characterā€
And Iā€™m free to go and equip all the absurd and stupid skins that I like.
Thereā€™s an option for everyone, itā€™s insane how that work, right ?


The nature-themed ones are great.


Kirikowatch TM, the only OW.

I agree with you on Kiriko and Ashe, but Illari and Lifeweaver have maybe 3-4 legendaries (not counting recolours) with the rest all being low-effort epics. Also, there were 6 seasons between Cleric and Harbinger.

Itā€™s more insane that people like wrong things such as out of character skins, 5v5, RQ, many other aspects of this game that we could do without.

idk, to me it sound like this game could do without people like you.
just shut up and equip the default skin if you are so butthurt about it


Oh yea cause telling people to screw off and shut up when they donā€™t agree with you is always the best answer. This is why OW is dead by the way lol.